Saturday, March 26, 2011

Praise Ye The Lord

As I opened up my Bible today, seeking the Lord for peace and comfort in a world where there is neither, the first passage the Lord led me to was a message of  praise to the Lord.  How fitting that  no matter how bad things appear to be in a  world that is in turmoil everywhere you look with  wars, earthquakes with warnimgs of more to come, tsunamis, brother fighting  against brother, massive  protests in the Middle East and Northern Africa and elsewhere around the world, the murdering of innocent people in Israel and  all over the world, the Lord told me to praise Him through it all.  To give it all to Him.   "Praise Ye The Lord."

Praise ye the Lord.  Praise, O ye servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD.

Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and forever more.

From the rising of the sun until the going  down of the same the LORD's name is to be praised.

The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.

Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high,

Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;

That he may set him with princes, even the princes of his people.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks Toni!
    Yes we do need to praise Him. Some how when I praise Him, all of my troubles and worries seem so tiny and insignificant and I'm filled with peace and joy.
    What a great Reminder!
