Sunday, May 08, 2011

Kyle Petty Annual Charity Ride Rolls Through Corning

Kyle Petty

Kyle Petty, the famous NASCAR driver and announcer was in my hometown, Corning NY,  today, along with about close to 175 other bikers making their way down the east coast in the annual Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America that kicked off yesterday.  Kyle Petty is leading the pack of bikers down the East Coast to a destination of Amelia Island, Florida. This makes the charity ride by motorcycle  a total of about 2,500 miles from the beginning to end.

As I strolled up Market Street to take a look at what was going on and wondered what the attraction was, I spotted the Radisson Inn parking lot jammed packed with motorcycles as I watched the bikers leaving the inn, getting ready to head out, and it was then  I discovered what the big occasion was.  The woman standing next to me was all excited, telling me she got a picture of Kyle Petty.  Not being a NASCAR racing fan, I matter of factly said to her "I don't know who Kyle Petty is, but I know Jesus Christ".  She just looked at me in a strange sort of way.

I found out that Kyle Petty started the annual   charity cause back in 1993 which kicked off this year  at Lake Placid, NY on May 7, 2011, to raise funds  for chronically ill children in honor of his late son Adam.  Last year's charity ride raised enough money to send 180 children to Victory Junction, a children's charity for chronically ill children  free of charge for five days, which Kyle and his wife started free of charge for  chronically ill children.

There is something very special about Kyle Petty and the bikers that join in the ride with him, who obviously have a passion for helping others.   Minutes before they headed out of the Radisson Inn parking lot on their motorcycles, in single file,  onto their next "pit stop", a prayer was said by some one in the pack of close to 175 bikers,  thanking our heavenly Father for  blessing the day, for the blessings bestowed upon us, and for a safe journey, in Jesus name, to the listening crowd whose hearts are  known only to God  standing there to see them off.  Now that's my kind of a person.  And what a great charity helping chronically sick kids. 

I can't help but think that this must put a smile of our Lord's face, who has a special place in his heart for the children.  Mark 10:14

Kyle Petty Annual Charity Ride Rolls Down Market Street, Corning, NY

Kyle Petty-Corning, NY May 7, 2011

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