Monday, July 25, 2011

CNN Labels Utoya Suspect Anders Behring Breivik As 'Christian Fundamentalist'

Anders Behring Breivik

Now that the dust is settling somewhat in Norway and things are beginning to return to some normality, I have to wonder  how many people believed the lies and propaganda  that the far left media CNN began spinning, labeling the shooting suspect as a 'Christian Fundamentalist'?

  Notice the Knights Templar red cross on the suspect's uniform chest  and skull on the suspect's arm.  The skull is a similar equivalent representation to the 'Skull and Bones' Organization.

 As I was going through a few videos, the one below caught my attention where CNN couldn't wait to get the story and run with it, misrepresenting Biblical Christianity by  reporting that the massacre suspect, Anders Behring Breivik was a 'Christian Fundamentalist', when in fact Anders Behring Breivik is from the Freemasonry-Knights Templar sect, which has nothing to do with Biblical Christianity and the teachings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His faithful chosen Jewish followers, who taught to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you-Matthew 5:44; but whose main purpose is to destroy Biblical Christianity and make a mockery out of Biblical Christianity,  much like the Roman Catholic Church  of the Middle Ages right up to today, and the far left media complex  who knows nothing about what Jesus taught us.

Another fact most are unaware of is that Norweigian PM and Crown Prince Haakon of Norway belong to the elitist group that want to run the world, the Bilderbergs.  Check all the links and then connect the dots to the suspect.

More History On Knights Templar

Related Story: Norway Shooter Anders Behring Breivik Denies True Faith In Jesus Christ

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