Saturday, August 06, 2011


To all of my regular visitors and new visitors, I will be taking some vacation time off through the month of August, 2011.  Now is a good time to catch up on reading those older  entries that you have not had a chance to read because of on-going newer entries.  We'll see you again in  early September, 2011. 

God bless you all.

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  1. Enjoy your vacation Toni :) May God grant your the rest and relaxation you need. Looking fowrard to September!

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM

    While you are away, a lot of major events have been happening. When you get back you may have your hands full trying to recap the events of the last few weeks. A weekly recap of events might even be a good way to kick things off upon your return. Hope the vacation is peaceful and restful.

  3. Anonymous3:14 PM

    News just out, a big earthquake just struck the nation's capital, felt as far north as NYC, Toronto and MA where Obama is on yet another vacation. Meantime, last night, the largest earthquake to hit CO just struck as well. So that makes two, in unexpected places, all within two days.
