Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October's Northern Lights!

North America sky watchers got a front row seat of the breathtaking Northern Lights,  against the beautiful background of the autumn foilage,  that were visible across North America and Canada, and other northern areas October 24, 2011. A massive sun storm on Saturday contributed to this spectacular Northern Light display. 

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.Psalm 19:1

Jasper, N.Y. —
The Aurora Borealis was spotted in the night sky Monday and put on quite the show for Southern Tier residents. This shot of the northern lights was taken at the top of the Auger Hole in Jasper (State Route 36) using a tripod and a 20-second camera exposure.  From The Hornell Evening Tribune.
The Aurora Borealis was spotted in the night sky Monday and put on quite the show for Southern Tier residents. This shot of the northern lights was taken at the top of the Auger Hole in Jasper (State Route 36) using a tripod and a 20-second camera exposure. From The Hornell Evening Tribune

The pictures following are from

Photographer Shawn Malone of Marquette, Mich., took this dazzling photo of the spectacular Oct. 24, 2011 northern lights display.
CREDIT: Shawn Malone

Canadian skywatcher Colin Chatfield caught this view of a stunning aurora display over his home in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on Oct. 24, 2011.
CREDIT: Colin Chatfield

This spectacular photo of red, pink and green auroras on Oct. 24, 2011 was taken by photographer Shawn Malone of Marquette, Michigan, from the shore of Lake Superior
CREDIT: Shawn Malone

Astrophotographer Jeff Berkes took this photo of a dazzling aurora display from West Chester, Pa., on Oct. 24, 2011.
CREDIT: Jeff Berkes

Astrophotographer Jeff Berkes took this photo of a dazzling aurora display from West Chester, Pa., on Oct. 24, 2011.
CREDIT: Jeff Berkes

Also, here's a link from a reader with more on these magnificent Northern lights.

Related Story: Northern Lights In Wisconsin, Minnesota And Michigan

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  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    On a different blogsite yesterday, I also read that having the color red show up is extremely rare and does not happen very often - and I also read that in Georgia up through South and North Carolina and then some places in the US Mideastern states, there was also a very bright and large fireball that streaked through the skies too.

  2. It's actually quite rare that the Northern Lights are being seen in these areas of the United States of America. I was aware that some of the southern states got a view also, including Mississippi and Tennessee, but didn't know about the large fireball streaking through the sky.

    Thanks for the information.

    -Toni- October 26. 2011

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Here is the link that says there was also a fireball.

    It says:

    "Reports of some sort of meteor event in North and South Carolina as well as Georgia are lighting up the internet as large parts of central and eastern United States witnessed red and green lights across the sky from what was an apparent CME hit."


    "At the same time widespread reports have came in that indicate a large fireball/meteor was seen in both South and North Carolina as well as Georgia."
