Thursday, February 02, 2012

George Beverly Shea Still Serving The Lord At 103

A Recent Picture Of  Bev Shea

George Beverly Shea, also known as ‘Bev’ is still serving the Lord at age 103.

I can’t imagine anyone not knowing or hearing of this humble servant of Jesus, but for those who don’t know him, he is the man with the grand bass baritone voice who sang at the Billy Graham Evangelistic crusades in America and around the world.  And although he is known as “America’s Beloved Gospel Singer,” he was actually born in Canada!

Bev Shea Singing

I was so blessed by this man when I heard him sing at two of Billy Graham’s crusades; one at the magnificent then known as the Sky Dome in Toronto, Canada, where there was standing room only; and one at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia back when, so I am always excited when I come across a recent story about him, and even more so now to hear that Bev is doing well.

This saintly man of God is one you won’t forget after you hear him sing.

Back in February, 2009, when George Bev celebrated his 100th birthday, I put up this article and people from all over the world still visit my blog to read about this ageless saint. So, here’s the most recent story to update you on our Christian brother, George Beverly Shea,  from ANS

George Beverly Shea at 103 Sings "How Great Thou Art" and a medley of his songs.  The first video was uploaded by Randy Alcorn on December 1, 2011 when Bev Shea was nearing his 103rd birthday, who said :
"When I was speaking at the Cove on Heaven, they wheeled in George Beverly Shea. He came to the platform, sang a few songs including "How Great Thou Art," and stayed to hear the message on Heaven".

George Beverly Shea Sings "I'd Rather Have Jesus" - 1965 and a medley of his songs.

Related Story: George Beverly Shea Celebrates 100th Birthday With Billy Graham

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  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Really great man of God,An inspiration to all Christians he is blessed with talent and tenderness.Thank you lord for blessing us by giving him to us for so long,
    Hugh from Ireland

  2. Hello Hugh from Ireland!

    Blessings to you. Amen to what you wrote about Bev Shea. A true saint from God!

