Wednesday, May 07, 2008

False Healing Revival In Lakeland, Florida

In case you haven't heard, there is another charismatic spiritual healing revival going on in Lakeland, Florida as I write this; and according to various reports, people from all over the world are flocking to Lakeland or turning into their television sets to watch the performances; but one this is for sure and I can say with confidence, this revival lead by Todd Bently is not of the Holy Spirit.

In fact, this type of false prophet signs and wonders is mentioned in the Scriptures by Jesus to take place in the last days, and the Bible never mentions any "healing revival in the last days", but explicitly tells Christians that just before the Day of the Lord, there will be a falling away or apostasy in the last days in II Thessalonians 2:3.  

Jesus himself warned that just before His return, there shall arise false hrists, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect in Matthew  24:24.

To my utter dismay, today,  CBN is reporting on this so-called revival and promoting this false revival without so much as questioning or investigating the background information of Todd Bentley.
From CBN Lakeland Revival Miracle Healings

May 7, 2008
LAKELAND, FLORIDA -- Since April 2, what appears to be a powerful move of God is shaking Lakeland, Florida.
And maybe the most interesting thing about what's happening in Lakeland is that it isn't just happening here, but all over the earth simultaneously. Revivalist Todd Bentley, 32, of Canada has been the leading figure when it comes to the thousands of healings. continued at link

The quote from CBN above names Bentley as the leading figure when it comes to the "thousands of healings," but my Bible tells me that Jesus Christ is the Great Physician.  This statement from CBN raises a big red flag for me, as it should for any discerning Christian.

And what about this Bentley fellow?  From his own website, any discerning Christian should be able to pick up on his fake teachings from a few words here:

Date: June 19, 2006
This is the conclusion of a two-part series by Revivalist and Founder of Fresh Fire Ministries, Todd Bentley, entitled, The Glory Cloud of Revelation & Prophetic Mantles. In a vision, Todd saw the Glory Cloud of Revelation—the cloud of Isaiah 11:1, 2, and Revelation 4:5 come upon the Church body—that is, the cloud that is the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the seven Spirits of God. The Lord also showed Todd in the vision, an old Punjabi sadhu (holy man), by the name of Sundar Singh, who lived in India and evangelized throughout the world over a hundred years ago. CONTINUED

NOTE TO ALL READERS: I have today, May 15, 2008, observed that "The Glory Cloud of Revelation" by Todd Bentley from Bentley's link and website that I provided that exposes Todd Bentley's involvement in mysticism has been removed.

Bentley's teachings are right out of New Age-Occult and are heavily influenced by his vision he claims to have had of a person called Sundar Singh, an Indian who was involved in mysticism, and of which the Bible warns to stay away from.  See Leviticus 19:31,.  Bentley has also been influenced heavily by what he claims to be visitations from an angel called Emma. 

In light of the overwhelming scriptural evidence that Todd Bentley's "revival" is not of the Holy Spirit, one needs to stay clear of such dangerous teachings and warn others, as the Apostle Paul has written and warned:

2 Corinth, 11:13-15, For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their work.

Related stories: Meditation, Contemplative Prayer, Occult

Update False Healing Revival in Lakeland Here, AN ANGEL CALLED EMMA


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I just noticed that CBN News was promoting this also..

    Like you, it really bothered me that they do not appear to have checked out any of the teachings of this false prophet.

    So much for 'good research'huh?

  2. Absolutely, pj...Christians everywhere need to do their own research today and investigate everything themselves and compare what is written in the Scriptues. You cannot even trust the media today that goes by the name of "Christian", as "Christian" comes packaged in many flavors.


  3. Anonymous12:34 AM

    just curious as to where you guys found your stats on who the Sadhu Sundar a quick Google search showed that she was a believer. Don't know if the stats are wrong. But they seem to be pretty detailed in the facts they have.

    Also, what do you think is the proof that God is actually moving? I am just curious.

    I have not gone to lakeland, but I will. As the bible says to test the spirits.

    The question then is, how do you properly test the spirits?

    My definition of testing the spirits is to see fruit. I kind of liken it to the job of a fruit inspector. Sometime you have to squeeze a cantaloupe to see if its ripe.
    Just my thoughts and opinion.

  4. First and foremost, does the person acknowledge that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh; do they admit that Jesus did not become the Son of God, but he has always existed as the Son, or was "incarnate." Will the person confess Jesus as Lord? If one is led by the "Spirit of God", the person will always confess Jesus. Jesus is not lifted up in this fake revival if you notice, all the focus is on Todd Bentley, and not Jesus. Repentence and forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus is not preached, or Christ crucified and died for sinners. The actions and teachings of Todd Bentley are completely out of harmony with the Word of God. Thy Word is Truth.


  5. Anonymous9:43 AM

    From what I've seen televised, Jesus Christ is preached. Every night I've watched, Mr. Bentley has given his testimony followed by a call for repentance and a turning back to Jesus. I've been brought to tears several times watching men, women and children give their lives to Jesus right there on stage after being healed in their bodies. Jesus is incredible! He's alive and moving in His people.

    Mark 16:17
    These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

  6. Hi brett:

    If we paid him enough, we could call someone off the street and get him to make any confession or testimony we wanted here in front of the whole world, and it would be no evidence at all of his belonging to God. And Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 7:21). In other words, merely saying right things about Jesus is no sign of the Holy Spirit's presence.

    Just curious... has Bentley called Jesus his Lord? and Incarnate?

    Though he is really the prince of darkness, Satan successfully presents himself as "an angel of light" (2Corinthians 11:14). ...

    Check out and investigate Bentley's background, his roots are in mysticism and satanic visions, which is of the occult, and not the Gospel of Christ. He is a fake and is merchandising the true Gospel.
    Paul says of those who preach a different Gospel (see the link I provided)
    Galatians 1:6-8

    I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.


  7. Anonymous2:39 PM


    Amen! I have watched this revival almost every night now. As a believer in Jesus Christ, the one and only Savior of the world and God's only unique Son, I believe that what I am seeing, hearing, and experiencing myself is Good News, the gospel! I see people coming to Jesus Christ almost every night giving their lives to Him in repentance, and asking Him to be their Savior and Lord, acknowledging that it is by His shed blood and faith and belief in Him that saves them. We see people who come to Jesus every night for healing and deliverance. Jesus doesn't turn anyone away! The changes in people's spirits, souls and bodies is because Jesus, the Word, touched them, not Todd Bentley! I guess the fruit will yet to be seen whether people continue after Jesus, serving and loving Him, giving all glory to Him alone, and live lives of obedience to His word! I can't judge this revival but only respond to The Lord and thank Him for what He is doing in this world to help us turn to Him to really LIVE. Isn't that what revival is? TO see lives transformed, communities and cities on fire for God? I can't give any credit to the devil here although with every move of God there will be resistance and he will for sure see to that. I agree that each of us will give an account to God one day, and my prayer is that each one that The Lord touches will thank Him and walk out their salvation in obedience to God's Word.


  8. Hi Paul and brett

    I have been walking with the Lord for 25 years and I believe in healing, myself being healed by Jesus Christ more than once through prayer. I believe in miracles... salvation is the greatest miracle of all to happen to anyone. I have seen more than one fake healer during my walk with Messiah Jesus. Todd Bentley's visions that he basis his entire ministry foundation on is completely out of harmony with the Word of God. I invite you both to look at what pj miller has posted at Sola Dei Gloria concerning Todd Bentley. He has done his research. Here is the link:

