Saturday, May 10, 2008

Franklin Graham Against Proselytizing In China Because It's Against The Law

"While some Christian groups have said they plan to proselytize during the August games, Graham said he was against that because Chinese law does not permit such actions."

From  The Christian Post, this is very distressing news from the American evangelist Franklin Graham.  Where would Christianity be today if the early church refused to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth because it was against most governments at that time? 

 While I am not one to criticize the Rev. Franklin Graham, I do believe this is a compromising,  politically correct stand for him to take, especially when our brothers and sisters in China, No. Korea, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Iran   and muslim countries are severely persecuted and even executed  for giving the Gospel of Christ to the unsaved.  Christians are to  obey the law so long as it does not go against God's laws or interfer with the Will of God clearly outlined in His Word. .
  • Franklin Graham, also an evangelist, was speaking to reporters Friday during a visit to Beijing for meetings with the Communist Party-controlled Protestant church movement.
    He said he wanted to encourage authorities to resolve conflicts with the church, but would not criticize policies that critics say limit the church's independence and religious rights.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians in Chapter 1 that:
"For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." 10
It is believed that the persecuted  underground church of China grows by 35,000 converts to Christianity a day, meeting in the woods, store fronts, caves, and wherever they can find a place to gather together.  Please keep our persecuted brothers and sisters in China in your prayers, and also the Rev. Franklin Graham that God would give him the boldness to take a more biblical stand when dealing with the communist Chinese authorities.

We should obey God rather than please men.  Acts 5:29

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