Sunday, May 11, 2008


Not enough can be said about the false healing revival taking place in Lakeland at the moment.Following is yet another communication from a Lakeland resident with his reactions to the "revival". I urge everyone who visits here to read this and share with others, as alarms are being sounded from the Christian community around America from discerning Christians regarding Bentley's background of mysticism, New Age, and occult influences being mixed together with Christianity:


I live in Lakeland and I have a few observations........

I was appalled that a pastor would send a 5 page long document as an email, about a “revival” without the mention of JESUS or the BIBLE, and with only mentioning God five times. But to make up for it, he mentions the name of TODD 23 times. Please, check it out for yourself.

I was immediately tempted to reply to that friend to not send me any more garbage emails like that, when I had the wisdom to share my response with my wife, and she said he wouldn’t understand, as he and several from his church were excited about this “revival.”

So what do I do, when people I know are engrossed with a “revival” that’s all about Todd, and what Todd is doing, how Todd’s seen angels, how Todd’s anointing is so wonderful, and how God is supposedly healing?

I decided to watch the revival services, as broadcasted by Ignited Church, and check it out for myself.

The worship was typical charismatic Pentecostal contemporary worship. And then Todd took over.

What was notable was the “angels” references throughout the “ministry” time of Todd. He did read from the pulpit, not from the Word of God, but from a letter of supposed prophecy about what God was doing, about the “healing angel” that supposedly accompanied Todd, as was supposedly the case with other historical figures in “healing revivals.” continued here

Related Stories: False Healing Revival in Lakeland, Florida
Update on the False Healing Revival in Lakeland
The Latter Rain Revival

Technorati Tags: Todd Bentlely, Lakeland Revival, charismatic, New Age, occult, mysticism

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