Wednesday, May 14, 2008


There is a genuine Latter Rain Revival occurring , a true genuine revival, that God's prophet Joel prophesizes in Joel 2:38-32 will happen at the end of this age during the time of the end that will bring souls to salvation through Jesus Christ. This is a genuine revival and is known as Joel's or Hosea's Revival, but what we see happening today with Todd Bentley and Lakeland, the Toronto Blessing Wave and The Pensacola Blessing Wave, coming from charismatic circles, often referred to as 'Joel's Army' are all counterfeit or false latter rain revivals based upon the heretical Kingdom Now and Dominionism Movement that has its roots in the Jesuits and Roman Catholicism that has been taking place and will lead those participating in these counterfeit movements right into antichrist's kingdom spoken about in Revelation 13 "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast; and they worshipped the beast, saying, 'Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him."
Dr. Gavin Finley of the gives us an excellent description of the final Biblical Latter Day Rain Revival with its timeline, separating the counterfeit from the genuine with scriptural references and explanations. Joel saw the peak of the Holy Spirit outpouring at the sixth seal in the days of a darkened sun and a bloody moon so we can know with certainty that the really big moves of the Holy Spirit are yet future, and what we have been seeing with Todd Bentley and Lakeland is a counterfeit. This great Latter Rain revival may be closer than we think. continued
Latter Rain Revival, Todd Bentley, Lakeland Healing Revival, Toronto Blessing , Penescola Blessing , Blood RedMoon

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