Sunday, June 22, 2008

Christian Broadcasting Network Presents 'Soaking Prayer' Seminar

Kundalini effects of 'soaking prayer'..... CBN promotes Lakeland 'Revival' now 'soaking prayer...

The Lighthouse is telling us that Christian Broadcasting Network is presenting a "soaking prayer" seminar. This is something that Christians need to steer far away from; however, I am not at all surprised that CBN is promoting this unbiblical and extabiblical form of spiritual prayer. If you read my article here, I reported I was utterly dismayed that CBN was promoting the Lakeland 'Revival' without even so much as investigating the background of Todd Bentley. Friends, just because something has a label on it that says "Christian" doesn't mean it is. Christianity is being attacked on all fronts today, so we need to be rooted and grounded in the Word of God as never before so as not to be swept away in the flood waters all around us.

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 1 Timothy 4:1

But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. 1 Timothy 4:7From The Lighthouse
  • The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) is promoting a practice called Soaking Prayer. On June 24th, they will present the Spiritual Gifts Seminar with Marguerite Evans of Catch the Fire Ministries. In addition, CBN posted an article about Evans who is the USA Coordinator for Soaking Centres. The article, titled "Soaking in the Spirit," explains that "the aim of soaking prayer is to put oneself in an attitude of stillness, focusing on Jesus without an agenda." Continues
Related Stories: Todd Bentley Video Shows Kundalini Effects in Full Force , Todd Bentley, Fires of Kundalini and the Demon Samuel , Dr. Confirms Meditation Explosion

1 comment:

  1. Hey Toni!

    I had friends who were into "contemplative/soaking" prayer... I live in Los Angeles and it REEKS of new age... but they would not hear... :(

    Lighthouse is such a great site... as is Slice... This was on Slice this morning:

    *Crosstalk Alert* Wednesday
    I recently posted a message from Justin Peters on the Word of Faith movement and its heretical teachings. This is the movement that has produced so many false teachers, including Todd Bentley and his Lakeland "revival". ...
    Slice of Laodicea -
