Sunday, June 22, 2008

ISRAEL:Persecution Against Israeli Believers Turns Lethal

Persecution Against Messianic Jews of Israel turns lethal.... Yad L’achim out to destroy Messianics of Israel

After reading the June 2008 Moaz Israel factual account of the ongoing persecution of the Messianic Jews of Israel by the orthodox, I found it difficult to say the least to believe these orthodox establishment Jews serve or believe in the God of the Torah, or Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In fact, no where in the Torah does the God of Israel, whom Christians, Jews and Gentiles alike, know and believe to be Jesus Christ, advocate these sinful actions against those who do believe. These actions on the part of the orthodox Jewish establishment is pure evil, and cannot be supported anywhere in the Hebrew Bible. I am at a loss for words that the Jewish orthodox establishment in Israel condone these actions before the entire world while at the same time the government of Israel calls itself a democracy, and has not apprehended these guilty orthodox who terrorize innocent Messianic Jews in Israel. Likewise, I am more stunned that those who call themselves "Christian Zionists" continue to support this orthodox establishment financially,(Facts You May Not Know) thereby enabling and fostering this criminal activity toward innocent Jewish victims to continue in Israel. No where in all of the New Testament, or the Old Testament are Christians encourged to support this type of evil, either financially or otherwise.

I am all for helping those who need help, but I honestly believe that those Christians who call themselves Zionists and who blindly support the secular state of Israel would do well to re-evaluate their financial donations to the secular state of Israel, which ends up in the hands of the orthodox establishment who persecute our Messianic brethren. The Bible tells us to Bless those who persecute you. Bless them, and don't curse them. Romans 12:14. The biblical way to bless Israel is by giving them the Gospel of Christ. It does not say to financially donate to a tyrannical government that terrorizes its own citizens. Would these same so-called "Christian Zionists" make a financial donation to Saddam Hussein, or Hitler or Ahmandinejad so they can harm or kill Jews? Of course not. Financial giving to a tyrannical government who wants to rid its land of Messianic Jews, as has been proclaimed by the orthodox establishment of Israel, cannot be supported biblically and cannot be pleasing to the Lord.

The Bible tells us in Leviticus Chapter 19 "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart; thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor, and not suffer sin upon him." vs. 17. The Christian community as well as those Jewish people around the world who are against these outrageous criminal acts on the part of the orthodox of Israel needs to speak out louder and condemn these heinous crimes and demand the guilty perpetrators be brought to justice for their sins against our Messianic brethren in Israel or we become just as guilty, and will incur or partake in their guilt.

I encourage all those who are troubled about the deliberate persecution and government sanctioned discrimination and persecution of Messianic Jews in Israel to let the Israeli government know about it with an email here

Moaz Israel, June edition, reports here and continues at link:

  • Persecution in ariel began two years ago
  • It started two years ago when posters began appearing around Ariel with the faces of David and other Messianic believers and with the warning of “Beware! These people are Christian missionaries who are impersonating Jews and who belong to the cult of Messianic Jews.”
    There is an organization in Israel called “Yad L’achim” which has one purpose for its existence - to persecute and destroy the Messianic movement and Christian organizations in Israel. It has deep connections within all governmental institutions. When Gaon from Maariv asked the head of Yad L’achim, Rabbi Shalom Dov Lipsheitz, why they persecute the Messianic Jews, he answered, “Ortiz and his friends are soul-murderers. Destroyers of Jews. Offspring of Crusaders. Continued

Story Also Appeared in Ynetnews

Technorati tags: Messianic Jews of Israel, Orthodox Jews of Israel, Yad L’achim

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