Thursday, June 19, 2008

Egypt Church With Footprint of Jesus Damaged in Fire?

Egypt Church with Jesus Footprint Damaged in Fire

Can you believe this?! A footprint of Jesus?! This has got to be one of the most absurd stories I have ever read. If any one knows how it was determined that this is an actual footprint of Jesus, please let us know.
A historic church in Egypt housing a display of Jesus' footprint has been damaged by a fire.
The fire, set off by an electrical fault, caused structural damage to the church and destroyed its altar, according to the Agence France-Presse reported, but did not damage the preserved stone.

Jesus and his family are believed to have stopped at the Sanctuary of the Church of the Virgin Mary, located in Sakha, during their flight from Bethlehem to Egypt to escape King Herod's attacks on children. They reportedly left an imprint of Jesus' foot on a rock that was put on display at the church.

The Coptic name of the Sakha is "Pekha -Issous" which means "the foot of Jesus." It is one of several locations in the Middle East that are said to have imprints of Jesus' footprints.
The Chapel of the Ascension in Jerusalem, the site believed to mark the place where Jesus ascended into heaven, also has a stone imprint of a footprint purportedly belonging to Jesus on display. Source

Technorati Tag: Egypt church with Footprint of Jesus Damaged in Fire


  1. Jesus, as a baby, left his footprint in a rock? Wow, how much did he weigh, anyway? To leave a footprint in a rock, I would think you would have to be pretty heavy!

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I do believe in Todd because God who lives in me saved me and now he is telling me what to do, i do not rely on my pastor for visiting heavens, i can go there because it exist and because God said we can come to Him spiritual, not in flesh. nono

  3. To anonymous:

    Thank you for stopping by. I must ask you to back up what you say with scriptural verses, that is, where does it say in the Bible that Christians can "go to heaven while they are alive and return to earth again?"

    What you are referring to is extrabiblical and unbiblical, and it's called astroprojection. Astro projection is the science of separating your body into two parts, the astro body, from the physical body. Proponents claim that your body has seven energy sources called “chakas,” located at the spine, spleen, naval, heart, throat, head and crown. These release what is called “kundalini force,” the power to develop para-normal qualities. In other words, using this method, you can separate your astro body from your physical body, and the astro body can then travel to other places, rooms, buildings, even planets. Todd Bentley boasts of these powers, known as serpent power and it is not from God.
