Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Visit to Lakeland Revival by Evangelist Justin Peters

Following is Justin Peters personal experience and summary of what he observed from Todd Bentley and others while at Lakeland in May.  This is in addition to Justin's interview witn Todd Friel rado host of The Way Of The Master that I have posted  here.

Thank you Justin for making this very importand first hand eye-witness informational concerning Todd Bentley and the Lakeland 'Revival' available to Bible believing Christians.

Hello All:

Well, I went to Lakeland, FL to attend the revival services. I was in attendance Monday morning and evening, Tues evening, and Wed. morning. I really did try to go to these services with an open mind, but once there it did not take very long for my mind to begin closing. Todd Bentley does not preach in the morning services. Monday morning the preacher was a 28 year-old lady named Kira Mitchell who is one of Todd's interns (for lack of a better word). He is apparently mentoring her. She told a great deal of dramatic stories and spoke often about how God speaks to her in dreams, visions, and, on occassion, in an audible voice. Peppered throughout her message were references to the upcoming time where the anointing would begin flowing (to which she referred as "walking in the sauce" which struck me as rather irreverant to say the least) and people would be healed. She called for those with tumors and cysts to come forward because God was telling her that an anointing was there for people such as these. So, many did come forward - particularly women with breast cancer it seemed. She would go person to person down the line and prophesy over him or her (she said to numerous women "You are a daughter of destiny" though she never seemed to elaborate on exactly what that meant) and attempt to slay them in the Spirit. Some went down, some did not. There were people who claimed to be healed of their tumors. Noticeably lacking from those who claimed to be healed, however, were people such as the man who was blind, the woman who was on crutches suffering from crippling arthritis, and the mother with her seven year old little boy who was born without a brain - only a brain stem. None of these poor people were healed
Continues here

Related Story: Todd Friel and Justin Peters on Todd Bentley -Audio Interview

1 comment:

  1. Deception. Hypnotism. Peer pressure to conform and follow. False doctrine. Emotionalism. Attraction to extreme, dramatic, physical manifestations. Possible demonic influence or even possession. Following a man instead of following Christ.

    These are the things that come to my mind. The Catholics have bleeding and crying statues as well as images of Mary on walls and on crackers, all of which tend to attract huge crowds. We have Todd Bentley and his like.

    Next they'll have dollar bills appearing on Bibles and in people's hands, and then the crowds will quadruple.
