Sunday, June 08, 2008

Lakeland Revival, Todd Bentley and Assembly of God Superintendent

George O. Wood, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God has come forth with a general statement concerning 'revival', but conspicuously omits Todd Bentley and Lakeland 'Revival'.

 He avoids mentioning and denouncing what is going on in Lakeland with Todd Bentley and rebuking or confronting those leaders involved in this counterfeit revival, and thousands are still being lead in the wrong direction, and seeking unbiblical, extrabiblicall and New Age occult counsel through partaking in this 'revival'. The Apostle Paul did not hesitate to openly confront Peter and rebuke him for Peter's hypocrisy as shown in Acts 15:7-11 and in Galatians 2:11, 14-19, and Mr Wood needs to do likewise.

Thus far, Mr. Wood has only compromised the Gospel of Christ by doing too little to late and not taking a stand to openly confront the guilty Assembly of God leaders involved in this circus' and the show goes on, making a mockery out of the Gospel of Christ before the entire world. Mr. Wood's statement can be read at the above link.

The Apostle Paul wrote and taught in his writings to Timothy:

"Preach the word; be instant in season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." II Timothy 4:2-4

The time is now, Mr Wood!


  1. Rev. Wood did exactly what he should have done- point people to the standard of faith and conduct, God's Holy Word. Instead of attacking the specific events at Lakeland or any other event called a "move of god (small g intentional), he directs people to be Bereans and examine the scriptures and see if these things are so.
    I'm also a firefighter, and the best way to combat a fire is prevention. Once a fire has started, we are already in loosing battle to save lives and property. The best thing to do is to show people how to prevent the conditions that would promote ignition of dangerous fire.
    That is precisely what Rev. Wood did here, and he should be commended for it.

    Pastor John Oscar

  2. Once a fire has started it is TOO LATE for "prevention"! The fire MUST be put out, or more and more damage will occur and more and more fires will be started! (Think Chicago 1871) Prevention is nice but it is too late for Lakeland and Dr. Wood missed his chance to prevent some damage. The fire is burning and it is not any sort of positive "revival fire". It is a fire of destruction and will only burn those who come in contact with it! Keep up the great blog, Toni! Jon Sharp "Living in The Way"

  3. Thank you for stopping by Pastor John Oscar:

    I strongly disagree with your comments, as I have already noted in my post. A true leader would be publically rebuking this demonic thing taking place in Lakeland and save as many souls from the fire that they are headed for. Mr. Wood is the head of the all Assembly of God denominations and it is an Assembly of God denomination sponsoring Todd Bentley before the entire world. If this is not his job to take charge then, then what is he there for? I hardly think the Apostle Paul would tolerate this type of blasphemy in one of the churches he started and visited in NT Christianity and neither should Mr. Wood.

  4. It is very sad seeing christians running to Lakeland. Christians need
    to test these movements against God's
    word. I live in Canada and have been to the former Toronto blessing and pennsacola. Both these movements were not of God. Lots of worship with very
    little word. People can be healed and still go to hell if they don't repent of their sin and put their faith in Christ and in Him alone.
    We need to get back to the bible and preach Christ; repentance, sin and the penalty for sin. We have lost our first love and the church like sheep have wandered away.
    We need to blow the trumpet and sound the alarm to all believers for deception is in the land and the enemy is using whatever he can to entice the christians into false
    revivals. For satan will come as angel of light.
    We need to redeem the time for the days are evil. Stand firm my brothers and sisters on God's Holy word and he will guide you and see
    you through this great deception.

    Read jeremiah 23 as I believe it is fitting for such a time as this for these false teachers and false prophets. Let us contend for the faith and not be weary in well doing for the Lord.
    In the love of Christ for His glory

  5. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Thank you for stopping by, Dean. I agree w/you. Preach it brother!
