Sunday, June 08, 2008

TODD BENTLEY: Jesus To Make Appearance in Lakeland

You can see and hear this outrageous claim here by Todd Bentley. A big thank you goes to endtimespropheticwords for this heads up.

"Last night, Todd Bentley read out a prophecy from Wendy Alec of GOD TV. It was done to hype the Sunday night show (8th June - tonight) for the kingly anointing to fall. Jesus apparantly said via Wendy Alec (you can hear it word for word on the video) that ‘I am coming in person to Lakeland. I am coming in the clouds, surrounded by chariots and a host of angels. I will set foot on stage in a divine personal one on one visitation to the revival.’
Those in the charismatic circles need to wake up. For those who are not aware, this is the same scam that Benny Hinn used to keep his followers and viewers tuned in to keep the money coming in back in the year 2,000.

From Deception in the Church we have documentation concerning Benny Hinn's false claims that Jesus was to show up at Hinn's crusades following, prophesied by Ruth Heflin, famous for the gold teeth and gold dust scam used by Bentley. Go to Deception in the Church's link above and read the documentation.

Jesus Christ Slated To Star With Benny Hinn ... IN PERSON! by Sandy Simpson, 4/2/00 UPDATED - 6/20/00!

I received the following e-mails confirming that Benny Hinn has announced that Jesus Christ will appear bodily in Hinn's crusades. This was "prophesied" by Ruth Heflin, now famous for serving up gold teeth and gold dust all over Christendumb (and I am not misspelling that word!).
Since this cannot possibly be the Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only Son of God, I have to assume it will be an antichrist if not The Antichrist. Lord Maitreya is a good candidate for this deception, as he has already been appearing and disappearing to groups around the world. Maitreya has long promised to make an appearance on worldwide TV, speaking to those who wish to be deceived telepathically.
Benny Hinn's followers, as well as practically everyone else connected with the Third Wave, have been softened up to the paranormal realm long enough to be receptive to this kind of occult phenomenon. Read the following e-mails for proof of this predicted event. See the DITC Newsletter Volume 4, Issue 9 for more commentary on this issue.
Is this likely to happen? As with all false prophesies, it is hard to tell what shape this will take if any. I think the chances are pretty good that nothing will happen, in which case we all need to get back to Ruth Heflin and remind her that she heard an "audible voice". If Maitreya or some other impostor shows up, this may signal the beginning of end time events. In either case, keep your ears to the ground on this one.

Technoati Tag: Todd Bentley, Lakeland Revival

1 comment:

  1. The Preaching Today blog is doing a very good job following the Todd Bentley story. You can check it out at:
