Monday, June 09, 2008

CANADIAN NEWS: The Bible Becomming A Dangerous Book In Canada

Here's an interesting story coming out of Canada--The Bible-Fast Becomming a Dangerous Book in Canada....Priest Investigated For Quoting the Bible. It wasn't too long we had two American pastors accused of a hate crime for preaching the gospel to muslims in the U.K. Perilous times indeed are here and soon the Bible will be outlawed completely in western, "supposedly" civilized nations. God is shaking the world and those who are on the Lord's side will be tried and persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. The New Testament Church message of Christ crucified to save sinners and His resurrection shook the world upside down in the face of persecution in the early Christian church.

  • A priest is being investigated as a potential criminal under a federal "hate crimes" law for quoting from the Bible, and he's being targeted using a Canadian provision under which no defendant ever has been acquitted, according to a new report.... More here

Related Story: Canadian Pastor Persecuted For His Faith

Technorati Tag: Priest Investigated For Quoting the Bible, Canadian News


  1. Hello Toni,
    You do quote the gospel of Matthew in your post in my blog.

    It says in our website – Netzarim:
    "The earliest extant Church historian, Eusebius further documented (EH III.xxvii.4-6) that the original Nәtzarim accepted only the Jewish Tana"kh as Bible and only The Netzarim ("their own") Hebrew Matityahu (NHM) as an authentic account of the life and teachings of Ribi Yәhoshua, never accepting the the 2nd-4th century, heavily gentile-redacted (Greek), NT."

    So why do you quote the gospel of Matthew which Ribi Yehoshuas followers didn’t accept?

    Anders Branderud
    Follower of Ribi Yehoshua - Mashiakh (some translate it Mashiakh) - in Orthodox Judaism
    If you want to learn more about my life and religion; then click at our website -- than click at the link "Christians" – then click at my photo.

  2. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Good afternoon, anders:

    Did you not come into my blog to promote your unbelieving ribi here in another post: Turning Up The Heat On Messianic Jews?

    You now question...

    So why do you quote the gospel of Matthew which Ribi Yehoshuas followers didn’t accept?
    Why did you not mention Jeremiah 31:31 from the OT that I also quoted in response to your comments on my blog?

    You must understand that:

    "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect( that is, complete), throughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

    I believe what the Bible claims to be, namely the inspired Word of God. By definition therefore it is a revelation direct from the creator and sustainer of all things and as such should be treated with the utmost respect. The Apostle Peter explains how it came to be written as follows:

    "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." (2Peter 1:21)

    The word inspired means "divinely breathed". Using the passage quoted above from Peter's second Epistle we have the idea of men being moved by God's breath just like a sailing ship is moved through the water by the wind to write the direct revelation from God.

    Because you do not accept the truth in the Bible does not make it any less truthful.

  3. Good afternoon Tony,
    If I have posted the same message twice in your blog, than I am sorry for that. I like to spread information about Ribi Yehoshua, but I don’t want to spam.

    We do accept our reconstruction of Hebrew Matityahu.

    We don’t accept Paul, as Netzarim – Ribi Yehoshuas - Mashiakhs followers didn’t 2000 years ago either.

    The earliest extant Church historian, Eusebius also documented that the Nәtzarim excised Saul, thereafter referred to exclusively as Paul, judging him an apostate (EH III.xxvii.4; see also NT corroboration in Ma•avar 15.41 with note 15.41.0 of Appendix V in Atonement In the Biblical 'New Covenant' (ABNC).

    Yirmeyahu 31 is about a Covenant with Israel – not with gentiles. It’s about Torah. Read it in Hebrew and you will see.

    Warm regards,
    Anders Branderud

  4. Good afternoon anders

    As I explained to you on your blog, Yirmeyahu 31 is about the New Covenant that God made with Israel, and the New Covenant is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel, as is all of the law as Jesus told the pharisees outlined in Matthew's Gospel. We are all sinners, including you, and the only acceptable sacrifice for sin is God's sinless son whom God offered up for all of mankind. Jesus Christ paid the price for your sins, and He is the New Covenant.

    Blessings to you,

  5. Hello Toni,

    And how do you know that "NT" is true?
    Why can't you argue from Tan''kh instead?

    Yirmeyahu 31 talks about a Covenant based on Torah.

    Christians DON't practice Torah.
    The Covenant is with Israel not with Christian gentiles.

    Warmest regards,
    From Anders Branderud

  6. Hello anders:

    I believe the Ten'kh... but Jesus fulfilled the law and the prophets. I believe everything written in the OT. I know the New Covenant to be true because Yeshua (Jesus) appeared to 120 eye witnesses after His resurrection from the dead and recorded in the NT in Acts Chapter 1 vs. 15. Yeshua also appeared to his Apostles and others as recorded in the Gospels:
    Eleven different appearances of our risen Lord are recorded in the New Testament…

    To Mary Magdalene at the sepulchre alone. This is recorded at length only by John (20:11-18), and alluded to by Mark (16:9-11).

    To certain women, "the other Mary," Salome, Joanna, and others, as they returned from the sepulchre. Matthew (28:1-10) alone gives an account of this. (Compare Mark 16:1-8, and Luke 24:1-11.)

    To Simon Peter alone on the day of the resurrection. (See Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5.)

    To the two disciples on the way to Emmaus on the day of the resurrection, recorded fully only by Luke (24:13-35. Compare Mark 16:12,13).

    To the ten disciples (Thomas being absent) and others "with them," at Jerusalem on the evening of the resurrection day. One of the evangelists gives an account of this appearance, John (20:19-24).

    To the disciples again (Thomas being present) at Jerusalem (Mark 16:14-18; Luke 24:33-40; John 20:26-28. See also 1 Cor. 15:5).

    To the disciples when fishing at the Sea of Galilee. Of this appearance also John (21:1-23) alone gives an account.

    To the eleven, and above 500 brethren at once, at an appointed place in Galilee (1 Cor. 15:6; compare Matt. 28:16-20).

    To James, but under what circumstances we are not informed (1 Cor. 15:7).

    To the apostles immediately before the ascension. They accompanied him from Jerusalem to Mount Olivet, and there they saw him ascend "till a cloud received him out of their sight" (Mark 16:19; Luke 24:50-52; Acts 1:4-10).

    It is worthy of note that it is distinctly related that on most of these occasions our Lord afforded his disciples the amplest opportunity of testing the fact of his resurrection. He conversed with them face to face. They touched him (Matt. 28:9; Luke 24:39; John 20:27), and he ate bread with them (Luke 24:42,43; John 21:12,13).

    In addition to the above, mention might be made of Christ's manifestation of himself to Paul at Damascus, who speaks of it as an appearance of the risen Savior (Acts 9:3-9, 17; 1 Cor. 15:8; 9:1).

    It is implied in the words of Luke (Acts 1:3) that there may have been other appearances of which we have no record--->>>"To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God."

    Yeshua is our great King and Lord and Saviour. His law is love and is written upon our hearts.


  7. Hello anders:

    The pharisees confronted Yeshua and asked him "master, which is then greatest commandment in the law? Jesus replied in Matthew 11:34-40

    “You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with all your mind” (Deut 6:5). “This is the greatest and first commandment. The second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Leviticus 19:18).”On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

    If the law were only the Ten Commandments, this would be tough enough. But the written “Torah” included many more moral, ceremonial, and dietary prescriptions.

    So at bottom, the two great commandments are just two sides of the same coin. Jesus says to render to Caesar what is Caesars and render to God what is God’s. The two-sided coin of charity is the only legal tender we can use to pay the obligation that’s even more important than taxes–the one owed to the Creator.

    How do I know the NT is true you ask? Because Yeshua said "Thy Word" is truth in John's Gospel. He sent His Holy Spirit who lives in all believers to reveal the truth in thy word.


  8. Hello,

    Now you quoted "NT" again.
    As I say, we don't accept NT as a source:

    The earliest extant Church historian, Eusebius further documented (EH III.xxvii.4-6) that the original Nәtzarim accepted only the Jewish Tana"kh as Bible and only The Netzarim ("their own") Hebrew Matityahu (NHM) as an authentic account of the life and teachings of Ribi Yәhoshua, never accepting the the 2nd-4th century, heavily gentile-redacted (Greek), NT.

    You are using circular reasoning.
    You are trying to prove NT by quoting NT.

    Be blessed when you practice Torah and its mitzwot!

    Anders Branderud
    Follower of Ribi Yehoshua - Mashiakh (some translate it Mashiakh) - in Orthodox Judaism
    If you want to learn more about my life and religion; then click at our website -- than click at the link "Christians" – then click at my photo.

  9. Hello anders:

    Some people today have the opinion that if they are good people and do good deeds for others that this is enough to get one to heaven when they leave this earth at death, but the Word of God is clear that no one is good enough to earn their way to heaven and God by doing good works. In fact, the Hebrew Scriptures tell us in Isaiah 64:6 that all "our righteousness" is as filthy rags in the sight of God, which means there is nothing any person can do in the way of good works to ear their way to God. If good works and good deeds could get one into heaven, then the sacrifice Christ paid to atone for the sins of the human race with His own blood was all in vein.

    It is quite clear that every religious Jew understands that God's way for the atonement of sin, or redeeming oneself is through blood. As it is written in Leviticus 17:11: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you upon the alter to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul."

    Yeshua paid the ultimate sacrifice for your and my sin, and for the sins of the entire human race once and for all.

    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Believe upon him who took away your sin and and receive eternal life.

