Monday, June 09, 2008

TODD BENTLEY AND BENNY HINN 'Jesus Appearance' Prophecy

Preachtoday.blogspot has videos where Benny Hinn claims what Todd Bentley claimed about Jesus appearing. A big hat tip to Preaching Today for these videos you can watch here on You Tube

It seems that both Benny Hinn and now Todd Bentley think that Jesus will make a personal appearance at their counterfeit crusade.


Preaching Today says:

Todd Bentley is not the first to claim a physical appearance of Jesus. Benny Hinn employed this back in 2000. Not surprisingly, nobody got Jesus' numerous appearances on film or video.This website talks about this heresy: Let Us ReasonHere it is from the "horses mouth" where, just like Todd Bentley, Benny Hinn works up the people's expectations and get this, he just comes out and says it, "Expect it!"

In this next video, Hinn makes the claim again. He says that Jesus is going to appear BEFORE His second coming. So where does the Bible speak about Jesus' 1.5th coming!?He goes on to say that not only does he believe Jesus will physically appear, He is "expecting" it and he "feels" it. Since when did Christians walk by sight instead of by faith!?Hinn claims there are pictures and video of Jesus' physical appearances. If so, someone please post them onto YouTube.

Notably, Benny in the March 29th, 2000 program showed a video clip of a Toronto Canada crusade where he was slaying young people in the spirit saying "FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, ... put FIRE on these kids ... He's being electrocuted by God's power ... Fire on you ... I never thought I would see this in Canada, ... FIRE, FIRE, FIRE." The stage was nearly full of young people who had fallen down and were incapacitated under the alleged imparting of the Holy Spirit. There is no scriptural precedent for "slaying in the spirit". In fact, it is contrary to the scriptural nature of the Holy Spirit to knock down or incapacitate people, even briefly. Acts chapter 2, which describes the great initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, doesn't have the slightest hint of anyone being "slain in the spirit." The baptism of fire (Matt 3:11, Luke 3:16) was a visible tongue of fire above the head (Acts 2:3) and not an incapacitating "electrocution." Slaying in the Spirit is simply unbiblical, and should be considered a counterfeit!

False prophet and teacher of fables, Benny Hinn is still waiting for Jesus to show up at his crusade from the year 2,000

Related Story: Todd Bentley: Jesus To Make Appearance In Lakeland
Technorati Tag: Todd Bentley, Lakeland Revival , Benny Hinn

1 comment:

  1. Please see “A Call for Discernment” by going to Justin is an evangelist and in addition to expository preaching, also holds seminars on the “Word of Faith” movement. He has cerebral palsy and concurs with the apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for thee.”

    You can view his brief overview of the misleading Word of Faith movement given at Southwestern Theological Seminary here:

    Justin did his thesis on Benny Hinn, has been to over 7 Hinn crusades and can speak with authority on Hinn's deceptive practices.

    To God be the glory!
