Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Todd Bentley, False Revival Comparison Video

I came across this video which compares the spiritual manifestations witnessed within false religions and false revivals such as Todd Bentley's counterfeit revival in Lakeland, Toronto Blessing and Benny Hinn revivals which are now taking place within and seducing the church. Upon watching the video, I found it difficult to distinguish the difference between the false revival manifestations that occur among false religions and the manifestations taking place in the church. Watch it and see.

Also, because of the unbiblical and extrabiblical charismatic nonsense taking place in Lakeland, I thought I would put an article up by Warren Smith that the Lighthouse is featuring which addresses "Holy Laughter" that has been taking place in the charismatic signs and wonders movement for years, and those who have been involved in this movement shake it off as a "sign" from God and being "drunk in the spirit." There is absolutely no evidence of this anywhere in the Scriptures.

"Holy Laughter or Strong Delusion"by Warren Smith. I watched the video again. It was entitled Signs and Wonders Camp meeting 1994. Pastors of huge charismatic churches were stumbling around the church stage "drunk" with "holy" laughter. Wanting to testify to the fact that "holy" laughter had transformed their ministries and their lives, many of them were unable to speak when called on to do so. But their "drunken" condition became their testimony. Their halting speech was seen as "proof" of the "power of the spirit" that had come over them....

More here

Technorati Tags: Lakeland Revival, Todd Bentley, Benny Hinn

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