Monday, November 17, 2008

From Israel National Radio: Is Barack Hussein Obama 'Gog'

From Israel National Radio, these two Jewish people have thought that Barack Hussein Obama is "Gog of Magog" since May of 2007, and predicted that Barack Hussein Obama would win over Hillary Clinton, even when at the time Obama was not favored over Hillary Clinton in the ratings. They have accurately predicted the economic meltdown in the United States. They believe they have biblical proof that Barack Hussein Obama is the biblical "Gog" of Ezekiel 38, or the anti-moshiach, aka the antichrist.

While I haven't made any conclusions on their "theory", the entire audio is ominous and will captivate your attention, as it concerns the soon coming prophetic events to occur in Israel, which will ultimately affect the world; and at about the 26:49 mark on the audio, the speaker talks more indepth of Barack Hussein Obama.

Audio: Is Barack Hussein Obama 'Gog'? A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show" with Tamar Yonah

Who fits the criteria to be the infamous 'Gog' of the Bible? Joel Gallis & Dr. Robert Wolf join Tamar and give their proofs as to why they believe that U.S. President-Elect Obama could be 'Gog'. They predict that the economy will soon spiral down in the USA and guess who will be blamed? Jews must make preparations now to make aliyah. A very interesting show where listeners call in.
When you open the link, click on "listen now"

Tag: Gog of Magog, Barack Hussein Obama, Israel National Radio, Biblical Prophecy, Tamar Yonah Show

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