Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jew Against Jew....Brother Against Brother... Jewish Homes Destroyed in Israel

Déjà vu remember Gaza? Where the Jews were forced out of their homes and Israel now has another arab terrorist state inside of Israel controlled by Hamas? Well, the Lord says
  • I will also gather all nations and will bing them down into the valley of Je-hosh-a-phat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and parted my land. Joel 3:2

The Israeli government officials, including it's Prime Minister, along with the EU, and the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, who was the first to promote another arab terrorist state called palestinian (who are basically arabs from transJordon now known as Jordan) within Israel's God-given heartland of Judea and Samaria, can be held directly responsible for the destruction of these Jewish settler's homes so that the land they are on can be given to the hostile arab enemies of Israel who have no intention of ever keeping a lasting peace with the Jewish people.

According to Joel 3:2, there is a big problem with the Israeli Prime Minister, George W. Bush, and the E.U. promoting the give away of the land of Israel for peace. It's not theirs to give away! Maybe George W. Bush, who claims he is a so-called Christian should read the Bible before more destruction comes upon the people of Israel and the country he is suppose to represent.

I recently read where an Israeli official admitted that now there was a "state within a state in Israel" referring to the two groups of Jews fighting each other ~~ the religious settlers who believe the land of Israel is theirs from the biblical covenant of the Abraham land grant, and the secular Jewish people willing to give away their land for peace. This is very sad, indeed, to see these two groups of Jews fighting each other, but God has a plan for these two groups of Jews, or Judah and Israel, the "two sticks", and will bring them together as written in Ezekiel 37:15-23. These two "Jewish states" or rivals are prophesied to be in existence before the time of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem and these Jewish people who are in the middle of a civil war within their own country and having their own homes destroyed by their own people, because of their own government, which calls itself a democracy, and the leadership of the United States of America. Nazism did not end in Hitler's Germany. It followed the Jewish people to Israel in 1948.
Jewish Homes Destroyed -Jewish Start-Up Town - Destroyed
The video says it all.....

Tag: Jewish Homes Destroyed in Israel, Noam Federman

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