Sunday, February 22, 2009

Anti-Stimulus Protests Sprout Up Mobilizing Across Country

A new citizen's protest movement is gaining momentum over Obama's porkulus 'stimulus' program that is gaining attention and mobilizing across the country, as reported in the Investor's Business Daily: You can also read about this at Michele Malkin's site. I think this is a good thing. I don't like pork!
Holding signs reading "Stimulate Business, Not Government," "Families Against Porkulus" and "Say No To Generational Theft," protesters opposed to the $787 billion stimulus package have been mobilizing across the country.

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon earth distress of nations with perplexity. Luke 21:25

It started last Monday in Seattle, then moved Tuesday to Denver, where President Obama signed the stimulus bill into law. That was followed by another one in Mesa, Ariz., where Obama unveiled a mortgage rescue plan.

Another protest was planned for Saturday outside the office of Rep. Dennis Moore in Overland Park, Kan. The Democrat voted for the stimulus. His office didn't return calls seeking comment. More

Tags: Anti-Stimulus Protests, Obama, Porkulus


  1. I've heard it said by vegan groups that "flesh eaters" are easily riled...While I'm not sure that that is true of all meat...pork definitely stirs emotional response!

    There are a good number of latent "hippie activists" on the verge of retirement from their current money making endeavors...Obama better think twice about getting a nation of baby boomers without daily distractions riled up. The marches and sit-ins might just be uncontrollable...most likely the sit-ins...*; )

  2. I know a few of those 'hippie boomers' who are just itchin' to get involved.
