Sunday, February 22, 2009

Poll Says Obama Is Americas No. 1 Hero, Not Jesus

Obama Is Americas No. 1 Hero, Not Jesus

More propaganda coming out of Obama's politcal base of Chicago says Obama has beaten Jesus Christ to be America's number one hero, this according to a new Harris poll. Polls, as are elections, can be easily controlled by the one conducting the poll. This poll fails to show any relevant demographics, mainly the race of those advocating their number one choice, their religion, their age group, their educational status and so forth. Strikingly, this poll comes at the same time other polls show Obama's ratings dropping because of his porkulus 'stimulus' package, among other things. Story here.

Obama’s Popularity Takes a Dip
S RajagopalanFirst Published : 22 Feb 2009 02:53:00 AM ISTLast Updated : WASHINGTON: Just a day after an opinion poll reported that more Americans have named President Barack Obama as their No.1 hero than any other personality, including Jesus Christ, two other surveys have come out with a sobering news for the US’s first-ever African-American at the helm.

Jesus said If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. John 13:18, And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake. Luke 21:17

True followers of Jesus Christ are hated and persecuted and discriminated against because of His name and Gospel message of repentence of sin by God's grace through faith and belief in His Son to save one from their sins, a message the world does not want to hear.

The Bible says Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that He is God. Christians need not fret because of some 'hero' poll.

1 comment:

  1. Mao Tse-tung and Lenin were reported to be national "faves" by their news media as well...I'm sure no one disagreed!
