Thursday, July 29, 2010

Iranian Christian Ali Golchin Held In Iranian Prison For Possessing A Bible

You will recall I reported on an Iranian Christian, Ali Golchin being illegally held in an Iranian prison without any formal charges. It is now being reported by his father that the Iranian Christian church worker, Ali Golchin, is being held in prison for possessing a Bible.
Ali Golchin

Ali’s father reports that his son is being held in Iran’s notorious Evin prison in solitary confinement, and advises that his son was taken away to prison because a New Testament was found, and confiscated, in their home.

According to Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN), Ali Golchin, a 29- year-old graduate of analytical chemistry, was arrested in the town of Varamin, 35 km South East of Tehran, and has been in solitary confinement for over two months. Ali is a Farsi-speaking Christian and a Christian worker in a local church.

FCNN says that Ali has been subjected to harsh and long interrogations during this time. Moreover, Ali's family has been threatened by government authorities and warned not to retain a lawyer or contact any news organizations. Ali has not been charged with any crimes as of yet.
Up until recently the news of Ali's arrest and on-going imprisonment was published and relayed to the English-speaking news media by FCNN, which has caused strong reaction worldwide. More.

Please continue to pray for Ali that the Lord will intervene and give him the strength to endure the persecution, and that strong pressure continues to be placed upon the Iranian officials, and that  Ali will find favor with the judiciary authorities in Iran and be released from Evin prison immediately.

Update: August 6, 2010 - Iranian Christian Ali Golchin Released From Iran's Evin Prison

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