Saturday, May 05, 2012

Five Year Old Student Flogged By Teacher In Koran Class

If you think the horrific torture beating death of a 12 year old boy by his Somali muslim stepdad in Buffalo, N Y that I reported about here because the boy had fallen behind in his homework is an isolated case, this couldn't be further from the truth.

It seems to be more common than you know about in Madrassah where young muslim  students are required to memorize the Koran. To America's shame, it's just not being addressed and reported in American media. If the boys aren't living up to the expectations, they are beaten and flogged and tortured and often die.  The following recent story, from Emirates 247 tells of a five year student who was flogged with a stick by his teacher in Koran class.

A Koran memorization teacher used his stick to lash a five-year-old school boy, causing bruises and scars all over his back and trigger a police hunt for the fleeing man, a newspaper said on Thursday.

The boy was changing his clothes at home in the western town of Makkah when his parents noticed the lashing marks on his little body.

The boy told his father that the Islamic lessons teacher flogged him with the stick on his back during class at a Koran memorization centre in the holy city.

“The father reported the teacher to the police while the boy was taken to hospital…doctors said he needed treatment for five days,” the Arabic language daily Alriyadh said, adding that police are searching for the teacher.

Another recent story comes out of the UK Daily Mail and tells of a muslim woman who repeatedly  beat a ten year old girl with a steel  ladle for not reading enough of the Koran, and is facing a jail sentence.
A Muslim woman who repeatedly beat a 10-year-old girl with a steel ladle for not reading enough verses of the Koran is facing jail today.
Asia Parveen, 31 brandished a knife at the child after accusing her of lying about her prayers.  Doctors found 56 wounds on the child's body.
Parveen, who was five months pregnant at the time, also forced the girl to stand with her arms outstretched for four hours, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard. Read more at the Daily Mail.

Related Story: More Reports Of Torture Of Young Students In Muslim Religious Schools

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