Saturday, May 05, 2012

More Reports Of Torture Of Young Students In Muslim Religious Schools

Burn marks can clearly be seen on the legs of the madrassa pupils. In times of war, this type of torture would be considered a war crime and crimes against humanity; yet the muslim dominated UN keeps quiet when it comes to cruel and inhumane treatment to muslim children by muslim adults in muslim madrassas.

Another clear case of torture of young students, this time girls, in a muslim religious school in Bangladesh where a teacher placed burning hot iron rods on the legs of students for failing to offer prayers regularly. From the BBC/UK

Police in Bangladesh are looking for a teacher from a Muslim religious school who allegedly placed burning hot iron rods on the legs of her students for failing to offer prayers regularly.

They say 14 girls, aged between eight and 12, received burn injuries.

The school has been temporarily closed following the incident, while the "hellish experience" of the girls has been widely reported in newspapers.

Their injuries are not thought to be serious.

The Bangladeshi government banned all corporal punishment in all educational institutions, including religious schools - or madrassas - in 2010.

"I was shocked to see the burn injury of my daughter," Jumur Akhter, mother of one of the affected students, told the BBC.

The girls were learning Arabic and Bengali at the Talimul Koran Mahila madrassa at Namashyampur in Dhaka. The incident is said to have happened on Tuesday.

"It was the first day of the madrassa after our holidays. Our teacher got angry when she heard that we were not offering regular prayers during our vacation," said Ferdousi Akther, aged eight.

"Then she asked her servant to heat up the rod and then she pressed it on our legs. The pain was unbearable."

Pupils say that the teacher asked the students whether they knew the severity of the fire in hell.

They were allegedly told that if they did not offer prayers regularly, they would experience a similar punishment. Read more here.

Mr. Geert Wilders, freedom fighter from the Netherlands said it best regarding Islam in his recent speech while in New York:

Islam fails four major tests that religions should fulfill:

1 Adherence to a religion must be a personal choice;

2 no religion should demand that those who leave it be killed;

3 a religion must never mandate the subjugation of those who do not belong to it;

4 a religion must be in accord with basic human rights.

I urge all who read this article to read Mr. Wilders speech while in New York recently here.

Related Story: Five Year Old Student Flogged By Teacher In Koran Class
Related Story: Somali Muslim Ties Ten Year Old Son To Chair And BeatsHim To Death In Buffalo, NY

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  1. Anonymous12:51 PM

    This is off subject, but have you seen this?

    The medical establishment is taking murdered/aborted babies, running them through microwaves to dry them out, then grinding them up and putting them into capsules and selling them as a cure-all medicine.

    This is just how low evil will drag us when people fail to discern evil for what it is, make excuses and accomodate it, beginning at the roots and letting it carry on for too many years without being nipped in the bud.
