Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Mark Of The Beast Intepreted by Walid Shoebat (Video)

Something to ponder on...In this video, Walid Shoebat inteprets what he believes to be the biblical Mark Of The Beast.  When I first saw this presentation, I thought it just didn't "fit in", but the more I learn about the history of Islam and its founder, I can now say that I think Mr. Shoebat's idea makes perfectly good  sense.  I recently updated this idea in the article with the link  listed below, "What You May Not Know About "The Mark Of The Beast" And "666".  I urge all to read this because I have listed scriptural references that points out who this beast and its kingdom really are.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:18

Related Story: What You May Not Know About "The Mark Of The Beast" And "666"
Related Story: Muslim Cleric Incites Hatred Against Jewish People: Quotes From 'Hadith'
Related Story: Walid Shoebat, The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt And The Middle East In Prophecy

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  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    An awful lot of Muslims actually do have a symbol right down to their forehead: they wear a head scarf!

  2. I think more & more based on what I come across that hes on to something regarding Islam & b/c I'm often around them in college I hear much of thier anti-Christism. Also...ever wonder why so many agnostic or hyper liberal college profeesors are so anti-Christianity & make flimsy exscuses but embrace this religion that is clealy about law, lacks mercy, puts women in same boat as cattle, so anti what all feminist hate etc, but will tolerate it before Christianity regarldess? Its obvious that they hate truth of God & Bible so much they'll embrace anyone that does too yet the reasons some claim they hate Christianity is most often actually found in Islam & koran. Its obvious a spirtual issue & I think deep down all know validity of Bible as God revealed & breathe thus, they act on thier hate of Him & His Lordship just as with our 1st ancestors desiring to be our own gods & in some way help prove this truth. That is why they, New Age, Wicca, Paganism, etc can be all tolerated by these folks rather than the truth. Jesus stated in John 3:19
    This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil." I suspect those I just spoke of (some) fall into this category. This is just a theory

  3. Blessings, Eutawangel...

    You hit the nail right on its head!

    That's Islam.

    Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

    Daniel 11:37

    May 13, 2001
