Saturday, June 05, 2010

There Is No Humanitarian Problem in Gaza

Even though there is no humanitarian problem in Gaza, and hasn’t been for years, the world has been fed this lie that there is a crisis by the muslim enemies of Israel and western media far too long. Even the anti-Israel United Nations admits there is no humanitarian problem in Gaza.

In this February 2010 article out of Israel, United Nations Middle East envoy Robert Serry, who met with President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem on Wednesday, said, “There is no humanitarian problem in Gaza.”

 This puts the lie to claims by international groups of a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza caused by Israel’s partial blockade. In fact, Israel has allowed tens of thousands of tons of humanitarian and basic goods to be brought into Gaza via its crossings. More

It was Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda machine who said “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it,people will eventually come to believe it.” Nothing’s changed. This principle is still in operation against Israel and the Jews  through the arab and now the  western media. Through the use of repetitous lies and propaganda  in the 1930’s, Hitler was given power over all of the German press, radio and cinema, and exterminated 6 million Jews.

The world has just witnessed one of the biggest scams pulled off by the arab and world media against Israel and the Jewish people again, causing anti-semetic outrage against the Jewish people and Israel all around the world.. History is repeating itself as the Jewish people are being set up in this grand propaganda media scheme against them. I have yet to see one photo come out of the mainstream media, even though the arab Turkish ship Mavi Marmara involved in the Gaza Terror Flotilla in the name of humanitarian aid to terrorist controlled Gaza  had security cameras in operation aboard the ship  There was a journalist aboard the ship also.. Where is the mainstream media outrage? Questions?  Why is there no demand from the world  media to view the data from evidence from the  security cameras aboard the ship?  Apparently, these people do not have a conscience or care about right and wrong.

If it wasn’t for the Israeli Defense Forces and the Israeli media, the world would never know the facts or truth of a given event concerning Israel. Because the people who control and run the world media do not care about truth. As Bible believing Christians, it is our job to keep the truth flowing inspite of the lies and disinformation coming forth from the organized and controlled arab and  world media, and not allow false witness to be spewed against our Jewish brothers and sisters.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”-Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda

Because the world's governments and media  refuses to stand up and refute this evil against the small Jewish State of Israel, a much bigger war such as is  mentioned in Psalm 83, Isaiah 17 and or Ezekiel 38,39 is looming that will affect and change  the entire world as we now know it forever.  The Day of the Lord is closer than ever as the nations of the world rush to judgment. 

Related Story: Check Out Gaza's New Luxury Mall-Hamas Staged Humanitarian Crisis
Related Story: The Muslim Who Inspired Hitler's Final Solution
Related Story: Gaza Flotilla Choir Presents "We Con The World"


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