Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Raymond Ibraham Speaks At Boston Event On Christian Persecution Under Islam (Video)

Last weekend, Robert Spencer, who diligently keeps us informed of muslim atrocities around the world,    from Jihad Watch,  participated in a conference on the plight of Christians under Islam sponsored by CAMERA held at the Sheraton hotel in Framingham, Massachusetts. Titled "The Persecuted Church: Christian Believers in Peril in the Middle East."

 Raymond Ibrahim,  author of The Al Qaeda Reader,  discussed his research on Islamic primary sources and the emergence of the same patterns of behavior among Muslims who forcibly have demanded that non-Muslims submit to Islam for the past 1,400 years. He said the same acts, the same accusations, the same flattery, and, eventually, the same violence that modern day Muslims have carried out against non-Muslims is documented by Muslim clerics through history. Ibrahim pointed out that Muslim attacks against churches all over the world are not an aberration. He cited a Koranic verse that instructs Muslims to “fight the people of the book” [Christians and Jews] until they pay jizya and feel themselves subdued.

 Ibrahim argued that the word "until" reveals that such a verse is prescriptive and perpetual in meaning. He also cited the eighth century Pact of Umar and its provisions that prohibited Christians from building churches. He introduced the term “Islamicate” to describe a prevailing cultural attitude among Muslims that non-Muslims are beneath Muslims, which has seeped into the collective conscience of devout and non-practicing Muslims alike.

Ibrahim argued that the media are all too willing to undermine the realities of the Islamic faith, utilizing code terms such as “sectarian strife” to describe atrocities committed by Muslims without having to actually identify the religious affiliation of the perpetrators. He also denounced as “stupidity” the U.S. government’s prohibition against using qualifiers to describe Muslim violence against non-Muslims, which he argued erases a wealth of knowledge and pattern development.. Watch this very informative short video presentation from Raymond Ibrahim, and then go to Jihad Watch to see part 2 and part 3.

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws; and they shall be given unto his hand until a time, and times and the dividing of time.  Daniel 7:25

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