I don’t know if you noticed if you watched the marvelous Chilean miner rescue, but I did.
There are several stories out now telling how the 33 Chilean miners gave thanks and credit to God for their rescue, and about the twice daily Bible study and prayer meeting that took place 2,300 feet underground among the Chilean miners.
In one rescue picture, I saw a miner with a shirt that had the name above all names, "Jesus" written in big letters on the arm of the shirt.
Then I noticed another and another and another miner all having the same shirt on, and I realized most all of the miners were wearing this same shirt with words written on the front and on the back of their shirt.
On the front of the shirt was written "Thank you Lord", and on the back of the shirt was written "To Him be the glory and honor," from Psalm 95:4, and on one sleeve was the name "Jesus."
In another report I read, miner Jimmy Sanchez gave a wonderful testimony to God when he said “There are actually 34 of us,” the nineteen-year-old miner wrote "because God has never left us down here.
CBN is reporting that the fourth miner to surface, Carlos Mamani, knelt down as soon as he came out of the capsule and pointed to Heaven, giving thanks to God, as did Omar Reygadas, who also held a Bible in his hands and wore a helmet with the phrase "God Lives" written on it.
And even CNN told of the magnificent story of the miner’s faith in God, the involvement of The Jesus Film, and how Campus Crusade for Christ became involved in the giving of the shirts to the miners.
I have also read that over one billion people all over the world watched this miraculous rescue. And all of the glory goes to the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!!
Related Story: A Miracle In The Making For Trapped Miners In Chile
Related Story: Chilean Miner Visits Britain-Tells Of Faith In Jesus Christ-Video
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