Actually, nothing happens by accident for a Bible believing Christian and the Lord must have wanted this little gem to get more exposure. A big thank you to all of my Facebook followers for linking to this story.
The 1611 actual edition of the King James Version Bible agrees with a pre-wrath 'rapture', and shows * footnotes in the left hand margin that concur with a one time single resurrection/catching away of Christ's church (rapture) as noted in Matthew's Gospel Chapter 24:31 as it corrolates with the writings of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
During my research of textual variant notes, I came across something else that is very interesting. As you know, pretribulationists assert that Matthew 24 does not describe the event of the rapture/resurrection. They claim that Matthew 24:31 describing the "gathering of the elect" is referring to some group of believing Jews and not the rapture/resurrection of the Church. This is to avoid the implication of the rapture/resurrection following after the Antichrist's Great Tribulation; and in the pretrib system they cannot have the Church being persecuted during this time -- it would, as well, undermine their doctrine of imminency since it would have the rapture following after prophesied events. Read more here.Related Story: God's Protection Plan: The Flight Of The Watching Ones
Related Story: Pre-Tribulation Rapture "Imminency" Deception
Related Story: Pre-Tribulation Rapture False Doctrine
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Hello Toni, Very interesting reading. I had always thought that margin/notes originated with the Schofield Reference Bible! The 1611 KJV team that I understand were made up equally between the Puritans and the State Church under the direction of King James. I should in fact qualify the first paragraph. I understand that there was a minor dispute between the two sides whether to include marginal notes, I think it was the Puritans that wanted to. So therefore there may have been many such versions printed. I suppose there were some that may have been influenced by Revelation 22.18-19? But clearly the evidence is there that they all believed that 1 Thessalonians 4.16 correlated with Matthew 24.31 and Corinthians 15.52! They were God fearing men whom I believe were working under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The time they spent in study and prayer in this great God given project is well documented. I also possess the Revised Version which was published in the late 19th century.
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Hello Toni,
ReplyDeleteVery interesting reading. I had always thought that margin/notes originated with the Schofield Reference Bible!
The 1611 KJV team that I understand were made up equally between the Puritans and the State Church under the direction of King James.
I should in fact qualify the first paragraph. I understand that there was a minor dispute between the two sides whether to include marginal notes, I think it was the Puritans that wanted to. So therefore there may have been many such versions printed. I suppose there were some that may have been influenced by Revelation 22.18-19?
But clearly the evidence is there that they all believed that 1 Thessalonians 4.16 correlated with Matthew 24.31 and Corinthians 15.52!
They were God fearing men whom I believe were working under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The time they spent in study and prayer in this great God given project is well documented.
I also possess the Revised Version which was published in the late 19th century.