Here's an article confirming what I said concerning Obama's plan to rescind Bush's abortion ruling that gives Christian health care professionals protection against refusal to participate in an abortion because of their conscience or biblical beliefs. What I said is "you can now expect to see a mass exodus of Christian doctors and nurses and health care workers from hospitals all across the country and the health care system will proceed to fall apart without them." Physcians are already forecasting the shutting down of hospitals and clinics across America with Obama's plan in an already taxed to the max health care system due to a lack of competent doctors and nurses in American hospitals and clinics. Unlike Obama, Christian health care workers cannot turn off their conscience and biblical convictions at a whim when it comes to killing an innocent human being.
Doctors are forecasting the closure of hospitals and clinics across America and a mass migration of physicians and their assistances to other careers should the Obama administration succeed in its attempt to overrule their rights of conscience.
"Thousands of conscientious and compassionate physicians, nurses, hospitals and clinics currently serve poor women and those who live in medically underserved areas," said David Stevens, CEO of the Christian Medical Association today.
"Many of these professionals and institutions are motivated and guided by longstanding Hippocratic ethics and biblical principles that preclude participation in abortion and other controversial procedures. Infringing on their right to practice medicine according to these life-affirming ethical standards will force them to leave the profession and to shut down the hospitals and clinics," he warned.
Stevens was reacting to reports in several newspapers that the Obama administration is moving quickly to rescind a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services rule that currently protects civil rights and the exercise of conscience in healthcare.
The rule had been adopted under the Bush administration.
"The move to rescind the healthcare provider conscience regulation imperils women's healthcare access, threatens healthcare professionals' freedom to practice medicine according to ethical standards, and exposes the myth of moderation in Obama's abortion policy," he said.
"The Obama administration claims, without offering a shred of statistical evidence, that the regulation has 'created confusion' and will somehow hinder access to healthcare. What can be clearer than not using federal funds to force healthcare professionals to violate longstanding principles of medical ethics like the Hippocratic Oath, which guided medicine for over two millennia? More
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves....II Timothy 3:1-13
Related Story: Obama To Rescind Bush Abortion Ruling
Tags: Obama, Abortion, Rights of Conscience, Hippocratic Oath, Christian Medical Association