"Joseph" put his own life in great peril because he converted from islam when he found the true God, Jesus Christ, and converted to Christianity, and then went on to spy for Israel against Hamas.while living in Hamas territory for ten years, saving untold numbers of Israeli, American and Arab lives. This Christian brother still needs our prayers for his continuous protection, even though he is now in the United States.
While the pro-Hamas, anti-semitic BBC is playing dumb in its reporting on the judge's decision today, it is a well known fact that an Israeli Shin Bet agent, who worked very closely with “Joseph” while “Joseph” was working as an espionage agent for the Israelis helping to reign in Hamas terrorists, and United States congressmen testified on behalf of this former muslim and now our Christian brother, “Joseph”. Just prior to today’s hearing, Mosab Yousef was presented with a letter from the Israeli Knesset thanking him “who for a decade was an important source of intelligence for the Shin Bet security service source.” Emet, a pro-Israel think-tank, awarded Yousef its Speaker of Truth award.
Here’s more information from EMET
Breaking News: Government Dismisses Deportation Case Against Mosab Hassan Yousef
By KyleS
EMET has just received word directly from Mosab that the Government has officially dismissed its deportation case against Mosab Hassan Yousef at a federal detention center in San Diego.
Mosab has told us that it was thanks to the efforts of EMET that the government decided to dismiss its case and grant him political asylum.
EMET is enormously grateful to all those who played a part in standing with Mosab during this time, and helping the Department of Homeland Security come to understand what a grave error deporting Mosab would have been.
A special thank you is due to Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO), who authored a letter to DHS secretary Janet Napolitano, co-sponsored with 21 other Representatives. We wish to thank each and every representative who added their names to this call for sanity and to do right by a man who has stood up to terrorism and hatred, at a great personal cost.
Thanks also to former Ambassador R. James Woolsey, who also wrote a letter on Mosab’s behalf, and to all those who called, wrote, or emailed their congressional representatives and the White House on behalf of seeing justice done
Let us celebrate with our brother “Joseph” and thank the Lord for this great victory the Lord has brought about. This good news made my day!
Related Stories: Mosab Hassan Yousef Archive
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Thank God he will get asylum, finally DHS does the right thing.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how many beheadings, stonings, or terrorist attacks there are, we must never fear, resist or mock the precious and ever peaceful Islam. Who are we to say that raping 9 year-olds is immoral? Who are we to say that stoning gays and rape victims to death is evil?
Who are we to say that killing hundreds of people every month in the name of Allah is the height of evil? That is just their culture and ideology and it MUST be respected. Morality is all relative, we must remember that.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
cut off your wife's head
if she dishonors you
by asking for a divorce
absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
all planets Islamic
Earth is one of many
in process of conversion
absurd thought -
God of the Universe wants
many Taliban planets
stonings and beheadings
billions served daily
absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
convert the infidels
or make them pay a tax
if they don’t want to die
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Posted by Captain USpace to F I L E S F R O M T O N I at 11:44 PM