Someone is being dishonest.
And I don't think it is the reporter, Jim Hinch, from the Orange County Register, who recently spoke out on the artlcle he wrote and has said that the article about Rick Warren acknowledging that Christians and muslims worshipping the same God is factual.
A reporter can be sued for printing false information. And if the information is inaccurate, it is common practice for a reporter to retract the statements and or issue a public apology or acknowledgement. In the case with Warren, reporter Jim Hinch insists the information printed by him is factual.
Recently, reporter Jim Hinch from the Orange County Register wrote an article claiming that Rick Warren, in bulding bridges to muslims, acknowledged that Christians and muslims worship the same God.
While many supporters of Warren insist that claims in the article are false, the Register reporter and an editor at the paper told WND that Saddleback Church leadership confirmed that the article was “factually accurate.”
“Folks at Saddleback initially made but then withdrew a request for a clarification to the story’s first paragraph,” reporter Jim Hinch told WND in an email.
Despite his staff’s acknowledgement to the Register that the article is factually accurate, Warren denied claims in the article by pointing the finger at the reporter for “getting it wrong.” More here.
Related Story: Rick Warren Says Muslims And Christians Worship The Same God
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