I came across Pastor Gary Osborne's eyewitness account of the demonic manisfestations taking place in Lakeland, who attended Todd Bentley's "Revival" in May. What he documents is scary, freaky, demonic and discusting, and I doubt I could have stayed under the same roof as Todd Bentley as long as Pastor Osborne did. What Pastor Osbourne witnessed, rightfully called Lakeland's Recycled Revival, is following:
The first night I personally attended was Thursday, May 8th. Mr. Todd Bentley and his crew were now holding services in the Lakeland Civic Center, which can seat approximately 7,000 people. The doors opened at 6:00 PM to the blowing of a shofar from people waiting to get in. The first thing I noticed as I took a seat in the very back of the auditorium was that the music being played was the loudest I have ever encountered in any “Christian” service I have ever attended. It was blaring loud as the worship team practiced a few songs in anticipation of the 7:00 PM service.
I was immediately struck by how many people had banners or flags waving, and how many were jumping up and down like Mexican jumping beans.
There was a lot of “cheerleading” from the stage as microphone checks were being done. Another thing that really stood out were certain buzz words that were used repeatedly. The phrase “stir yourselves up” was used repeatedly, as was the concept of a “transferable anointing.” A woman led in prayer for the service and said, “sound waves carry your [God] presence and anointing” and then told the people to “roar like a lion!”
At that request, people everywhere shouted at the top of their lungs and blew the shofars. This same lady was jerking and twitching in a similar way to what has happened in meetings in Toronto and Brownsville in the past. She went on to tell the people to look at one another and say, “You are pregnant – with the Holy Spirit and fire!” There was also much talk of “birthing” and “signs and wonders.” Continues at herescope.blogspot.com
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