Friday, December 19, 2008

Anti-Semitism and the Bernie Madoff Investment Scam

This gets a big red flag.

Anti-Semitism has been let loose and is running rampant on the internet since the Bernie Madoff, who is Jewish, 50B$ investment scam, is reporting. This is an outrage and I hope that if any of my readers run across any of this type of internet communication, you will set the accusers straight. There is not one single race of people that doesn't have its share of bad apples and God's grace is more than capable of reaching and redeeming all of them. Anti-semitism has been on the increase around the world thanks to your mainstream bias newsmedia in their coverage of the Israeli-Arab Middle East Conflict over the past few years, and this is just another excuse for the Jew haters to throw more fuel on the fire.

Adolf Hitler, in the 1930's blamed the Jews for all of Germany's economic (and other) problems, which eventually led to the Jewish Holocaust while the world stood by and did nothing. Let us all not allow this to get out of hand because of one bad apple.

Tag: Anti-Semitism, Bernie Madoff, Investment Scam

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I couldn't agree with you more! It's amazed me how recently I've been seeing so much Jew-hating speech! Incredible.


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