The former US Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton has indicated that Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel and Obama are planning to meet March 5, 2012 at the White House and it won‘t be a very pleasant meeting between the two.
See video below:
The agenda: Iran and Israel.
I suspect in lieu of offering to assist America’s most loyal ally in the Middle East in Israel’s crisis for survival, Obama will probably grill the Prime Minister on when is Israel going to use military action against Iran. As of this date, the Israeli government wisely refuses to disclose this information. Obama will also insist that Mr. Netanyahu give sanctions against Iran more time to work inspite of the fact that senior Iranian officials have threatened to launch pre-emptive missile strikes against Israel and suicide bombings in the United States.
It appears that Obama and the globalists have their priorities in the wrong place. Israel is not the one these leaders should be pointing the finger at. After all, it is the Iranian Regime who has been threatening to wipe Israel off the map for the past two years, and the war rhetoric is getting louder with each passing day.
Israel is being pressured from all sides. Along with Obama, the UK government is putting pressure on the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel, not to take military action against Iran.
Japan has called for Israel to refrain from an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Russia , on Wednesday, warned Israel that attacking Iran would be disastrous, saying that there is still a chance for new talks. A chance for talks? With the Iranians? The Russian, the British, the Japanese leaders and Obama and the world at large, must be living in a make believe world. Just yesterday, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that the Islamic Republic would move ahead with nuclear program despite growing international pressure.
The nations have had more than enough time to deal with the Iranian nuke problem. But for their own political gain, and greed, these same nations have put the entire world, and especially the Jewish State of Israel, in grave danger. The Iranian problem and its desire to rid the Middle East of the Jewish State of Israel is not going to go away. The Jewish State is going to stay where God has planted the Jews. Amos 9:14-15. And the problem with Iran won’t be put off much longer by either party.
Pray for Mr Netanyahu and the Israeli people in this time of crisis facing their homeland.
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