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Related Story:Jesus Appears In Dreams And Visions To Muslims Around The World
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I am overjoyed when I see and hear stories like that of Amiers (hope this is the right spelling).
ReplyDeleteThe joy of the birth of a child into the kingdom of God equals, and even surpasses, that of the joy at the birth of my own physical children and grandchildren into this world.
I ask the Lord Jesus Christ to fill Amiers with the Holy Spirit of power and to use him greatly for God and His glory.
Welcome to the Family of God Amiers. Your God is my God, your people are my people and you are welcome to my home in Australia anytime.
In Christ
Daniel M
The definitive statement of the work of the Holy Spirit comes to us in Jesus' familiar words: "And when he comes, he will convince the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in me; of righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged" John 16:8-11.
ReplyDeleteThe Holy Spirit's work is one of bearing witness to Christ John 15:26. Jesus said, "He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you". John 16:14. This teaching gives direction in understanding the nature of the Holy Spirit's work, All that the Holy Spirit does is centered in Christ. The enthroned Christ is present in the Holy Spirit. Our Lord carries on His Messianic function through the Spirit. He operates in the power of the Spirit precisely as He did during His earthly ministry.
Can there be any doubt that the Holy Spirit has come into the young Iranian man in the video and has convicted Him of sin and righteousness, and is now operating in his life and given him power to be a witness for our Lord Jesus Christ? I think not.
Feb. 26, 2012
Hi Toni,
ReplyDeleteI agree with all you say in relation to the work of the Holy Spirit, and, apparently in connection with and in addition to convincing the world of sin, bearing witness to Christ and glorifying Jesus, He does more.
For example, the early church, under persecution, prayed in Acts ch.4 v 29-31, "Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness". The Lord granted their wish and the following occurred, "After they prayed the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly".
The Christians at Jerusalem first received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, then , later in request to prayer received another filling of the Holy Spirit for empowerment to preach the word of God with boldness.
Your thoughts are appreciated.
In Christ
Daniel M
Hello, Daniel:
ReplyDeleteI fail to see how the scriptures from Acts 4:29-31 pertain to our Iranian brother in Canada.
The entire passage of Acts 4 is about certain Acts of the Apostles, ie, Peter and John based upon the previous chapter, Acts 3 where there is query between unbelieving Jews, i.e., the priests, the temple captain and sadducces, rulers and scribes after Peter healed a lame man by the power of God's Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus, a special power that Jesus gave to the original apostles, minus Judas, to prove to the unbelieving Jews that Jesus of Nazareth was who He said He was because the Jews required a sign and the Greeks sought after wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:22
When the chief temple priests and elders let Peter and his company without charging any of them, they proceded to praise God and continued to ask God to give them boldness to proclaim all that Jesus taught them.
This is not to be mistaken with another filling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit indwells a believer permanently. A believer can grieve the Holy Spirit and or fall into sin, but the Holy Spirit never leaves a true child of God. I Corinthians 6:19-20.
To not have God's Holy Spirit is the sign of an unbeliever. Romans 8:9, Jude 19.
Feb. 27, 2012