Todd Bentley, Lakeland,The Latter Rain Revival, "Manifest Sons of God" Paul Cain, Bob Jones, William Branham Connection
The New Apostolic Reformation
How many were around 50 years ago to remember when Todd Bentley's associates Willian Branham (thru Paul Cain), Bob Jones, etal were attempting to introduce the Latter Rain-Manifest Sons of God doctrine into the charismatic-pentecostal movement? I wasn't. William Branham is gone now; he passed away in December of 1965, but his strong heretical and anti-biblical influence lives on through Paul Cain, Bob Jones and now Todd Bentley, and other associates who call themselves apostles and prophets.
How many of us know that Vineyard Ministries "Apostle" Jack Deere, believes that the two witnesses in Revelation 11 may very well be Kansas City "Prophets" Paul Cain and Bob Jones? (1). Says Paul Cain:,
"God is raising up a new standard, a new banner if you will, that’s going to radically change the expression, the understanding of Christianity in our generation…God has invited us to have a role in establishing this NEW ORDER of Christianity…God is offering to this generation something He has never offered to any other generation… Beware lest OLD ORDER brethren rob you and steal this hope from you!(2)
This sinister cultic group of the late 40's had a very devious dark plan in mind for the Christian Church, which isn't about to go away in the near future. Barbara Aho writes about their scheme following: (For more on William Branham-Paul Cain connection, go here ; for Todd Bentley, Bob Jones connection, go here )Over 50 years ago, William Branham, George Warnock, Paul Cain and others attempted to introduce Latter Rain/Manifest Sons of God teachings into the Pentecostal movement. In 1949, however, the Assemblies of God officially rejected the Latter Rain/ Manifest Sons of God doctrine as "heresy." The cult went underground but surfaced again in the 1960's as the Manchild Company. Disregarding the Assemblies of God decision, Paul Cain, the Kansas City Prophets and Vineyard Ministries have subsequently reintroduced and successfully established this false doctrine in the Pentecostal churches.
The Latter Rain/Manifest Sons of God doctrine "involved a man-child elite group of Overcomers taking dominion over all nations and reigning in the heavenlies while overseeing drastic judgment on all who remained in the 'old generation' -- i.e., the denominational churches! The Latter-Rain teachings promised a Second Pentecost outpouring to empower this elite group, and to incarnate the Christ within them to the degree that they will become perfect and invincible, even to the overthrow of heavenly powers."(5)
Today, few recall the controversy surrounding Latter Rain/Manifest Sons of God doctrines fifty years ago and their repudiation by the Church. Of necessity, they are now camouflaged and Christians must have an accurate understanding of Scripture to discern these counterfeit winds of doctrine. Charismatic churches are well-established in Latter Rain doctrine and Evangelical churches are currently being indoctrinated via numerous parachurch organizations and movements. Latter Rain teachings include: Kingdom Now/Dominion Theology, Progressive Revelation, Revival/Harvest, Joel’s Army, Replacement Theology, Post-Millennial Eschatology, Signs and Wonders, Territorial Warfare, Ecumenism, Restoration of Apostles and Prophets, Jubilee/Feast of Tabernacles, and the Post-denominational Church.
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Hey Toni.
ReplyDeleteJustin covers some Branham stuff on his "demo" on his site....
God bless you!
Thanks Caron...I'll check it out.