Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On The Cusp Of The Apocalypse

Unprecedented prophetic events have occurred upon the earth in 2011 which have been put together in the following well done video that everyone should watch. The mainstream media are clueless,  but those of us who are watching the signs that Jesus gave us know that we are living in the time that Jesus referred to as the beginning of sorrows, Matthew 24:8, that will very soon lead us into the Great Tribulation and Apocalypse and finally, our blessed hope, the return of Jesus Christ Himself to earth just before the Apocalypse . We are now on the cusp of the Apocalypse.

So likewise, ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Matthew 24:33-34

Tell someone today The Gospel message..  These are urgent times we live in.

Report: Israel Sends 2 Warships To Egyptian Border

Iran Deploys Submarine, Warship To Red Sea

Military intelligence suggests that an Islamic Jihad terror cell has left the Gaza Strip and intends to infiltrate Israel through Sinai. Minister for Home Front Defense Matan Vilnai has been quoted as saying that the cell may number as many as 10 terrorists.

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IDF Training Settlers In Judea And Samaria

This is a switch for the IDF. Instead of disarming the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria, Israel, the IDF is now training the settlers in Judea and Samaria, preparing them for the September onslaught en masse of Arabs, hoping to overwhelm the Jews and provoke them into shooting at the Arabs. All of this is perfectly calculated and timed by the Arabs and corresponds with the timing that the Palestinian Arabs intend to seek UN unilateral statehood without negotiating with Israel. In other words, the Arabs think they can just take what they want insofar as Israel’s land is concerned.

Arab Mob

Of course, this will be a perfect opportunity to take the world’s attention off Assad of Syria, whose dictatorial regime is about to collapse, when he calls up the troops Hamas and Hizballah to join in on the onslaught of Israel.

Be praying for Israel in the days to come as Israel prepares.

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Vermont Flooding Video And Widespread Damage From Irene Throughout New England

Residents in Rodanthe, N.C., walk on Aug. 28 along Hwy. 12, the main road that connects Cape Hatteras National Seashore to the mainland, after it was destroyed by Hurricane Irene. Source

This picture portrays the devastation from Hurricane Iren in Rodanthe, North Carolina which was literally “cut in pieces," as were other areas throughout New England from the storm.

In that day will I make Jerusalem a ‘burdensome stone" for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces.”  We are living "in that day" the Scriptures speak of in Zechariah 12:2-3 and Zechariah 12:9.  Obama is leading the pack of wolves in cutting up God's Holy City of Jerusalem, and likewise, as God's prophet wrote in the Holy Scriptures, who ever messes with Jerusalem will be cut in pieces. and destroyed.
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” Zechariah 12:9
 Vermont Flooding Video

This following  video of the flooding in Vermont from Tropical Storm Irene is something never seen before in Vermont and is unbelievable as people were washed away in their cars. This  reminds me of Japan's great tsunami, on a smaller scale.

Nothing gets by our Lord Jesus Christ. Interesting, Vermont was the first state in the United States to legalize homosexual marriage through legislative action, and many other New England States are now allowing same sex marriage since Vermont,  which our Lord has forbidden. and now the anger of God is falling upon Vermont, and much of  New England including Washington, D.C.

Most states have shown caution in changing the status quo. But Washington, D.C., Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont  issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. And in June 2011, New York lawmakers voted to legalize same  sex marriage making New York the largest state where gay and lesbian couples are able to wed and giving the national gay-rights movement new momentum from the state where it was born.  Days later, the Rhode Island Senate approved a bill for allowing civil unions despite fierce opposition from gay rights advocates who called the legislation discriminatory.  New York Times
All of these New England States experienced first hand God's anger and  were affected by serious widespread  flooding and/ or Irene damage.  Without repentence, this is merely a foretaste of what's yet to come.

This is one of many photos of the wide spread damage from Irene in Connecticut

The writer of Hebrews tells us that sin is only enjoyed for a season in Hebrews 11:25, and now one of America’s greatest sin  against God Almighty, the Lord Jesus Christ, homosexuality,  who He calls an abomination,  has sadly  caught up with her Galatians 6:7 as New England  America is reaping what New England  America has sown.  If you think this is a coincidence, you are sadly mistaken.  There are no coincidences with God. 2 Peter 3:9,

UPDATE: AUGUST 30, 2011-Historic Flooding in Vermont

Nearly every major road in Vermont was damaged and millions are without power in the Northeast.

People walk along a washed-out section of Route 12
on Monday in Berlin, Vt. The state's top transportation official
said roads to many communities were damaged.
Irene dumped up to 11 inches of rain on Vermont.
TOBY TALBOT/Associated Press


Related Story: Drought Expands Throughout USA

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Intense HAARP Rings Or Weather Modification Seen In Hurricane Irene

Check out these HAARP rings shown in Hurricane Irene in the video below.

Most of us have heard about HAARP,a research program  funded by the United States Army and Navy,  blamed for many natural disasters because of the alteration and modification of the weather.

A big thank you to Barbie Shadrick for sending this video to me today.

After watching the video, go to the link to read the many comments concerning this.

I have been very suspicious of HAARP this past year of altering the weather as satan loves to mimick God as he is now trying to control the weather!


According to AccuWeather.com, the eye of Hurricane Irene will pass very close to NYC Sunday, and along the mid-Atlantic coastline tonite. Those living in the NYC and coastal areas need to heed the warnings and seek safe shelter farther inland.

Related Story: Hurricane Irene Makes Landfall In North Carolina Saturday

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Hurricane Irene Makes Landfall In North Carolina Saturday Morning

Waves crash into Avalon Pier as Hurricane Irene strikes the Outer
Banks in Kill Devil Hills, N.C.
(Jim Lo Scalzo / EPA / August 27, 2011)
Hurricane Irene made landfall in North Carolina as a somewhat weakened, but still a dangerous and large hurricane, and far from being over.   It is only by the mercy and grace of God and the prayers of his saints on earth that Irene was weakened to a Category One Hurricane. Thank you Lord for your mercy and watching over your saints.

Related Story: Intense HAARP Rings Or Weather Modification Seen In Hurricane Irene

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Perilous Times

2 Timothy 3:1-9

I'm back from vacation and actually have found the time to catch up on some of the major happenings in the world and their connection to what the Bible has to say about them.  It has been a breathtaking three  weeks watching the prophetic Biblical events unfold since my last entry. How many of us can actually  comprehend how close we are to the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as biblical prophetic events continue to happen at astounding speed in these perilous times?  From my perspective, I believe we are much closer than most realize.

Israel Attacked

A very major occurrence was what I see as a set up by the Egyptians (Muslim Brotherhood) working withthe “Palestinian Arabs” who launched multiple  terror attacks from the south on the Jewish State of Israel which I think will only escalate in the very near future as tensions between Israel and Egypt are on the brink, and may bring about another major war between the Israelis and the Arabs very soon, especially so because as we know, on September 20th , the Arabs plan on seeking statehood from the UN, cutting Israel in half. It’s a no win situation for Israel, who will be forced to fight for its very existence again.  If the UN says no to the Arabs in their bid for a Palestinian State, the Arabs will only continue to attack Israel on an increasing basis, probably from three fronts, and we may possibly see a full blown Middle East War such as prophesied in Psalm 83 that we have heard and read so much about.

Libya Falls Into Hands Of Radical Islamists

Although the dictator of Libya Gaddafi refuses to step out, according to some reports, Libya has fallen and Gaddafi is on his way out, leaving a complete power vacuum in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, which is most of North Africa.

Muammar Gaddafi of Libya

  These so called “rebels” have already written up a “constitution", if you can call it that, designating Islamic or Sharia Law to be the rule of law in Libya.  Syria will be next to fall into the “muslim rebel’s” hands “, all in the name of democracy” and supported and funded by Obama with the American tax dollars,  with the fall of its dictator President Bashar Assad, who has tortured and murdered thousands of Syria’s people. This paves the way for a worse rule in Syria, if that is possible, by the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Sharia Law, and will now unite these Sharia Islamic States under the Muslim Brotherhood to further leash satan’s furry upon the Jewish State of Israel. Interestingly, Syria is not mentioned in Ezekiel’s War, so it is quite possible that Isaiah 17:1 will be fulfilled in the very near future and/ or simultaneously with the Psalm 83 War. Bashar Assad is on his way out, which means he has nothing to lose so it is very likely that Assad will start another war with Israel using his proxy terror groups based in Syria. The remainder of 2011 and 2012 looks to me to be very prophetic years.

UN Calls For New Global Currency To Replace The US Dollar

The world is swiftly marching into the antichrist’s kingdom as prophesied in Daniel 7:7, as the United Nations declares it wants a global world currency to replace the US dollar.

In a radical report, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has said the system of currencies and capital rules which binds the world economy is not working properly, and was largely responsible for the financial and economic crises.
It added that the present system, under which the dollar acts as the world’s reserve currency , should be subject to a wholesale reconsideration.
Although a number of countries, including China and Russia, have suggested replacing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, the UNCTAD report is the first time a major multinational institution has posited such a suggestion
Earthquake Rocks East Coast

From Atlanta, Georgia to Toronto, Canada, people are talking about the 5.8 earthquake that shook the entire east coast of America August 23, 2011 and could be felt as far away as Toronto, Canada. I was sitting at my table preparing peaches that I am canning when my table began to wobble as I felt the building shaking. As Obama insists upon cutting in half the biblical land of Israel and dividing God’s Holy City of Jerusalem in the biblical land of Israel, so shall America crumble under Obama’s watch and be split in two. You are watching this happen before your very eyes. No sooner as Obama insisted upon Israel apologize to the Egyptian sham of a government for defending itself against multiple terror attacks by which Egyptian police officers were implicated in the attacks upon Israel along the Egyptian border, and were killed in retaliatory attacks by the Israelis, Washington, D.C. and the White House was struck with the strongest earthquake  in over 60 years. This is a strong warning sign from our Lord that He is very angry with the American government for meddling in Israel’s political business where America does not belong, and that American’s are about to reap the disastrous consequences. Those of us who know Jesus need not fear because we are safely under His watchful eyes and He will take care of us no matter what happens.

Governor Rick Perry of Texas

False Prophets Abound

Sarah Palin is not the only one to be wary of during the 2012 Presidential Election in America. In early August, Governor Rick Perry of Texas, who has officially announced he will also be making a bid for the President of the United States, and who also has hopped on the Evangelical Christian bandwagon, called for a day of prayer and fasting all in the name of Jesus and Christianity. Beware the false prophets. Meet the radical evangelical army behind Rick Perry. From the Apostolic Reformation, these new evangelicals consider themselves the new modern day prophets and apostles. But this is nothing new as these false prophets and false apostles have been around a long time. In fact this is the same group of people who mentored Todd Bentley, well known for his fake healing and charismatic revival in Lakeland, Florida in 2008 of which I have written about here and here.

New York City-Mid Atlantic Put On High Alert For Hurricane Irene

As if an earthquake in the same region wasn’t enough of a jolt on August 23, New York City the east coast of American, and the mid-Atlantic region has been put on high alert and may experience the worst effects of a hurricane in 50 years as Irene seeks out its target, according to the AccuWeather.com report, making Irene a once in 50 years hurricane.  Is this the beginning of God's judgment upon Washington, D.C. and NYC? 

This is the price America is paying for leading the pack of wolves in dividing up Jerusalem, Israel. America has gone down the evil path of no return and no politician can save America at this point. Not Sarah Palin. Not Michele Bachmann or Rick Perry.

Stay safe friends and pray without ceasing in these perilous times that we live in as we wait and watch for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Maranatha!!

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Saturday, August 06, 2011


To all of my regular visitors and new visitors, I will be taking some vacation time off through the month of August, 2011.  Now is a good time to catch up on reading those older  entries that you have not had a chance to read because of on-going newer entries.  We'll see you again in  early September, 2011. 

God bless you all.

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