Communicating today's news through biblical lenses,
Files From Toni is very grateful for your interest and for visiting this website. We endeavor to put together a variety of topics in the headline news today that line up with prophetic happenings that the Word of God tells us about. Be sure and check the right side bar for more hot topics and popular articles. Thank you for making this site the very successful site it has become. Blessings to all who visit here.
Is it any wonder why the world sometimes sees Christianity as a violent “religion” when you have Catholic priests fighting in an open brawl over the sight where it is believed our Lord Jesus Christ was born, the Church of the Nativity, in Bethlehem? Catholicism is not Biblical Christianity at all, yet the world globalist media continues to associate the corrupt Roman Catholic Church, its popes, and its different sects with Bible believing Christianity, when the two, have nothing in common. Jesus did not establish the corrupt Roman Catholic Church, but was a practicing Jew who fulfilled the laws of Judaism. Jesus taught from the ancient Hebrew Scriptures, which the Catholic church denies, nothing else. If the Catholic Church had been around when Jesus was on earth, Jesus would have sternly rebuked it as He did the Jewish pharisees, and would have nothing to do with it. Jesus said His kingdom was not of this world. John 18:36.
This video speaks volumes about the truth of the corrupt Catholic Organization that calls itself a church. You can read the story here.
Jesus gives a stern warning in Revelation 18:4 concerning the fellowship with darkness which has corrupted the Catholic church since its beginning when it sabotaged true biblical Christianity. True biblical Christianity was founded by a Jew, Jesus Christ and His twelve Jewish Apostles and not the Roman Catholic Organization, who massacred untold numbers of Christians in the beginning and during its "church" history in the name of Christianity.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4
Priest Brawl At The Church of the Nativity - Bethlehem
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What better place to be in the coming storm than to be in the storm with Him? I'm a southern country girl and I love southern Gospel music. "In The Storm With Him" beautifully speaks to the times we are living in. Filled with strife, corruption and pain, the year 2011 is behind us and 2012 is at the door. There is no better place to be than safely in the storm with our Saviour, Jesus.
Learning from the great Apostle Paul, who encouraged us and said "Brethern, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do; forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ, we can now press on into 2012.
I would like to take this time to thank all those who visit here and wish all a most blessed and healthy New Year.
In The Storm With Him By Men Of Faith
I took my ship sailing On life's mighty sea
And storm clouds gathered
The winds picked up their speed
Angry waves crashed in sight
And I was tossed from side to side
There seemed to be no hope for me
But in Christ, I realized
When the storm around me rages
And the thunder sounds so deep
I don't worry about the waves
He won't let my ship sink
He'll shield me in the palm of His hand
Until the storm is gone
And I'd rather be in the storm with Him
Than in calm waters alone
When I look back On all the distant clouds
I know nothing short of a miracle
Could have brought me out
So when the tempest blows and darkness falls
It's on the Master I will call
'Cause in Him I place my trust
And to Christ, I give it all
When the storm around me rages
And the thunder sounds so deep
I don't worry about the waves
He won't let my ship sink
He'll shield me in the palm of His hand
Until the storm is gone
And I'd rather be in the storm with Him
Than in calm waters alone
He's my Comforter He's my Refuge
My Protector and my Shield
If He don't calm the storm
He'll be with me And keep my ship still
When the storm around me rages
And the thunder sounds so deep
I don't worry about the waves
He won't let my ship sink
He'll shield me in the palm of His hand
Until the storm is gone
And I'd rather be in the storm with Him
Than in calm waters alone
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No surprise here, friends. Sound familiar? We saw it in Egypt, we saw it in Libya and we will soon see it in Syria as the Obama Administration prepares to oust Syrian President Bashar al Assad with his globalist associates also known as the UN the EU and NATO as Obama secretly prepares to assist the opposition against Assad and his regime.
As the violence in Syria spirals out of control, top officials in President Barack Obama's administration are quietly preparing options for how to assist the Syrian opposition, including gaming out the unlikely option of setting up a no-fly zone in Syria and preparing for another major diplomatic initiative. Full story here.
I’ve said it before and I will repeat it here that the fall of these Middle East dictatorial regimes has been well planned for a long time until the right time for the dictatorial globalists to execute their plans of training and using these very oppressed peoples to carry out their devious plans. 1 John 5:19. Revelation Chapter 13 speaks of this evil one world government, also known as New World Order and globalism of which the EU, the UN and NATO are all a part of.
I have no problem whatsoever seeing Bashar al Assad gone. This tyrant has allowed for every terrorist group under the sun to operate out of Damascus, Syria in a correlated effort to terrorize and murder innocent Jews at will. No question about it, he needs to be gone. The problem I see with Assad gone under the facade of democracy, is the reality that there aren’t any good guys to take over in the Middle East and a worse situation as we have seen in Egypt and Libya will come about in Syria as the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization to all of these smaller terror organizations headquartered in Damascus fills the vacuum and takes over completely.
It should be obvious to everyone paying attention that what we are seeing is a clear pattern being developed and a precedent set when it comes to taking out these Middle East tyrants and regimes. The common denominator for all of these countries is that they all would like to see Israel gone. Under the leadership of the MB, they will likely try to achieve their goal united as one together. As bad as they are and were, these individual tyrants, except for the former ousted President of Egypt, while they hate Israel and the Jews, wouldn't attack Israel again because they knew after being defeated in war after war with Israel that they started, they could not win a war with Israel after uniting together and losing each time. This is not the case with the MB, whose common goal is to destroy Israel and doesn't have a regime to protect.
When the time comes, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised that we will see the UN, including America, the EU and NATO uniting together to create a no fly zone in Israel, attack Israel when Israel defends herself against these Islamic enemies, over the fabricated ‘Palestinian’ problem under the UN Resolution “obligation to protect", as it did in Libya. ” Strange, the UN has never once felt an obligation and stepped in to protect the millions of Bible believing Christians being massacred in muslim countries in the Middle East, and arround the world on a daily basis.
When this happens, Israel will be called the oppressive regime by the UN, EU and NATO, and the fabricated Palestinians will be called the oppressed people, needed to be protected by these globalist world organizations.
Whatever happens, we can be assured as we watch these events that everything is being set up to fulfill the last of the last days biblical prophecy just before Jesus comes back. Maranatha!
Will Iran make good on its threat to cut off the oil flow through the strategic water ways known as the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf if the west imposes economic sanctions on Iran’s oil exports? That’s the latest threat coming out of Iran that bears watching because this could very easily trigger a regional war in the volatile region where things are getting worse with each passing day, and one has to wonder when the entire region of the Middle East will come completely unglued.
In the meantime, Iran’s and Russia’s good friend, Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria has been offered asylum in Russia according to a report coming out of an arab media, which if accepted by Assad will put the Russians in a very good position to fully take over a naval base in the Mediterranean Sea where the Russians already have a significant naval force off the coast of Syria.
Bashar al Assad is in deep trouble with the international community and the Arab League for the merciless murder of 5,000 people, at the latest count, in what started out as a mass crackdown on protesters against the Assad regime but has now turned into a civil war within Syria.
Moreover, the financial controllers of the international community wants Assad gone and for sure, Assad’s days are numbered. This is all a part of the planned takeover of the dictators in the Middle East by the financial controllers of the world, known as the Arab Spring, who are now dropping like flies to further take us into their satanic global government scheme which is setting the stage for the bigger wars that the Bible speaks of in Isaiah 17:1 and Ezekiel Chapter 38.
We can take comfort in knowing that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is still in control of everything that happens in this world and our lives, and the fact that all of these events are leading up to His soon return to save us from this present evil system that we live in.
Christmas is a time to joyfully celebrate the birth of our wonderful Lord and Saviour, the Messiah, Jesus. Around the world Christians gather together to proclaim this most joyous and holy event in human history, without which human kind would be lost forever in total darkness.
In my own immediate family, we come together as one to give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for loving us enough to come out of eternity and into a world full of strife and sin, caring enough about us to suffer an unspeakable death and atone for the wrath that God required of Him, his only begotten Son, to take away the immeasurable burden of sin in the world. We thank God that we are so blessed to be free. This makes it a truly Merry Christmas for us.
For other Christians, though, it is not possible for them to be together at this joyous time. They can only hope and dream of what western believers in Christ take for granted -- being with those family members who mean so much to them. In certain parts of the world, such as the Middle East and countries controlled by Islamic and communist governments such as Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan North Korea, Loas and China to name just a few Christians are not as fortunate. In fact, being Christian is an automatic death sentence in the Middle East.
For instance, Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of three young children who was falsely accused of blasphemy against the Islamic prophet Muhammad in Pakistan remains in isolation in prison since 2009. A charge Asia denies, she was sentenced to death in 2010; and Asia is still awaiting an appeal with a very long wait anticipated.
The good news is that we are not without hope because we serve a God of miracles, and not a dead God. The miraculous conception of our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, is a miracle. Our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8. Our God heals His people every day and our God sets people free every day.
In this most holy season that we celebrate the birth of our great God, Jesus Christ, when we gather with our families, let us remember to pray for our not so fortunate brothers and sisters around the world who are being held in prisons in extreme conditions because they love the Lord Jesus Christ that this will be the year that the Lord chooses to set them free once and for all.
Merry Christmas
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Our Messianic brother in Israel, Jerry Golden, has written an update of what he sees transpiring concerning the events happening in the Middle East, and of course as it concerns Israel.
The great Menorah kept on burning!! Hanukkah is the Feast of Dedication or Festival of Lights. and is mentioned in the New Testament in John 10:22. Here we see Jesus celebrating the Feast of Dedication with His disciples in Jerusalem. The first day of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is celebrated on the 25th day of Kislev. It is no coincidence that Jesus is called the light of the world in John 8:12, 9:5, 12:46. .
Hanukkah is the time the Jewish people celebrate an eight day festival by rejoicing and celebrating the deliverance from their enemies by the relighting of the menorah in the rededicated Temple, which according to the miraculous story, stayed lit for eight days on only one day's supply of oil. Thus we have eight candles on the great Menorah and one “servant” candle in the center which represents the Messiah!
The miracle of Hanukkah occurred during the time of an evil, antichrist type of ruler over Israel, Antiochus IV, Daniel 11: 21-35 who forced the Jews to convert to Hellenism or Greek Metrology. Many Jews obeyed the evil Antiochus and converted, but there were those Jews who refused to bow to Hellenism but instead choose to stay close to the laws of the Torah and worship the one true God of Israel. The evil ruler over Israel, Antiochus IV gave these Jews a choice, either give up the Torah law and their God and Jewish customs, such as Sabbath worship or die.
Antiochus had the Jewish Temple instruments such as the Menorah and alter destroyed and desecrate the Holy Jewish Temple by ordering a pig to be sacrificed upon the alter and after that, Antiochus ordered the Greek god Zeus to be worshipped in the Temple.
The Jewish people revolted against the evil ruler Antiochus IV. A priest named Mattathias with his five sons, one of whose name was Judah, killed the soldiers and overthrew the evil Antiochus IV. Judah, the new leader, became known as “Maccabee.
Now known as the Maccabees, these Jews cleansed the Temple and restored all of the Temple instruments so they could again worship their Jewish God, paying particular attention to the great Menorah, which symbolized God’s Light whom we know as Jesus Christ, “the light of the world.” John 8:12.
When the Maccabees went to light the great Menorah, they realized that they did not have enough special oil that the Menorah required; the Menorah needed special oil which took eight days to prepare. They only had enough of this special oil to burn for one day. The Maccabees decided to light the Menorah anyway to let the light of God shine forth to celebrate the victory over the Greek armies and the evil Antiochus IV. God gave them a mighty miracle and the oil lasted eight days until the special oil being prepared was ready!!
This is why there are eight candles on the great Menorah and the reason why Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days. The center, or ninth candle, which is taller than the others, represents the servant, or Messiah, whom Christians know a Jesus Christ.
My thanks goes to Jerry Golden of The Golden Report, a Jewish brother, for his knowledge of the history of Hanukkah .
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Well known atheist and writer Christopher Hitchens is dead at the young age of 62 years. Hitchens, known to be a constant smoker, died of esophageal cancer.
Hitchen’s thoughts on religion as violent and irrational, among other things, are expressed in his book God Is Not Great. In a debate with William Lane Craig, Hitchens remarked “there are no good reasons to believe that God exists, and there are good reasons to believe that there is no God.”
To be honest, I have to say that Christopher Hitchens is right with this expressed thought on religion. Millions upon millions of people have been murdered in wars and acts of violence and hatred throughout history in the name of religion and God, right up to the present time.
However, the one problem with religion that Hitchens had in his search for truth and God was that he did not know the difference between an organized religion or religious belief system and a relationship with His creator Jesus Christ. At least as far as I could determine from what I have read about him. Therein lies the big difference.
If a man lives in this world and knows Jesus Christ, he has gained everything, but if a man leaves this world without knowing Jesus Christ, he has missed his reason for existing, and has lost everything.
In any event, Christopher Hitchen's life did matter to God. John 3:16. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9. Through his years on this earth, the Lord saw to it that many Christian people were brought into Hitchen’s path in his journey for truth. He had a chance to learn and accept the truth and chose his own path to follow.
I cannot help but think Christopher Hitchens knows the difference now. Hebrews 9:27
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The atheist, secular media is doing what it does best in this blessed season which Christians all over the world celebrate the first coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ-- mock the Lord Jesus Christ. The most recent mocking that I came across today was a Saturday Night Live skit that mocks Jesus and our Christian brother Tim Tebow because Tim Tebow is not ashamed to speak of or publically show his faith in Jesus Christ. You can watch the short skit at above link.
We have to feel sorry for these poor pathetic lost souls and remember that the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18. These poor fools don’t even know that they are fulfilling the words of the Apostle Paul and the words of Jesus Christ, who said “And you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endures to the end shall be saved.” Matthew 10:22.
The Immediate Vicinity of Tall el Hammam (yellow) 14 Km NE Of The Dead Sea
I don’t believe in coincidences when it comes to archaeological evidence that proves the Bible to be true.
When these types of biblical discoveries come to light, I think God is telling us something and we better pay attention.
What is being called a discovery of biblical proportion, new archaeological evidence for the location of Sodom, the biblical city and its people destroyed by God written about in Genesis Chapter 18 and 19 for its wickedness and sexual sins has been discovered. Read full story at link.
The new archaeological evidence of Sodom discovered actually shows the skeletal remains of those destroyed having met a violent, traumatic and quick death, with graphic descriptions. In the wicked and evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, there could not be found even ten righteous men to save the city. The men were so reprobate in Sodom that they wanted to sexually abuse the two angels who were sent to help and save the righteous Lot.
What were the sins of the people of Sodom? The Bible answers this for us. In Jude 1:7:
“Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”
Speaking of “strange flesh”, the men of Sodom wanted to engage in sexual acts with the angels sent to save Lot. Angels are a species of created beings different from humans, which could mean bestiality, fornication would be unlawful lust or sex of either sex, which would also include homosexuality.
To go even further, Ezekiel is very descriptive of the sins of Sodom. In Ezekiel 16:49-50, we read
Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me; therefore I took them away as I saw good.”
In Leviticus 18:22, the Lord calls homosexuality an abomination, which is a condemned, unlawful sexual behaviour by God.
As we celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, full of mercy, truth and grace, to save lost sinners who turn to Him in faith, and seek His forgiveness for sinning against God, at the same time, God is sending us a reminder that He is a holy and a just God and He does not tolerate sin; I think the Lord is also sending us yet another warning that He is about to intervene in the affairs of us humans on this planet in a way we have never seen before. When Jesus comes the second time, like Sodom, America, the world and its people will not escape God's destructive wrath. Warning after warning has been given and the time to turn away from sinning and turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness is now.
But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel 12:4
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Let us celebrate Jesus, our Immanuel, the Light of the World; the One who can shine into every corner of every heart, the One who turns darkness into light, the One from whom all hope flows.
And when he gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor that shall rule my people Israel. Matthew 2: 4-6, Micah 5:2
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Many of you will remember the fabulous presentation of November, 2010 when a surprise flash mob at a Christmas food court spontaneously entertained shoppers at a grand mall in Canada with displaying the outstanding Handel’s Messiah -Hallelujah Chorus. The view response to this was so extraordinary, I decided to put it up again in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ as we celebrate His first coming into the world to save lost sinners from eternal separation from God. What a magnificent song to sing before our Lord Jesus Christ in worship of Him. Hallelujah!!
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A major headline this past week is that Iran has in its possession a highly sophisticated U. S. drone that "supposedly" drifted into Iran’s airspace from Afghanistan. This wasn’t just any drone. This drone was a top-secret US stealth spy drone RQ-170.
The mystery surrounding the drone’s capture, in almost perfect condition, raises more questions than answers.
How did Iran know the drone had entered its airspace?
How was it caused to land?
Most of all, why did the craft's self-destruct mechanism which is programmed to activate automatically fail to work?
And if it malfunctioned, why was it not activated by remote control?
Obviously, in near perfect condition, the drone was not shot down. More than likely, it was some kind of cyberattack that brought the drone into Iran.
It's not far fetched at all to say that the drone's capture in nearly perfect condition is the result of sabotage from within the United States Government. In fact, this is the first place to look for answers, because the evidence is in plain sight. And you won't have to look long and hard once you realize that the enemy lies within top secret positions of the United States Government appointed by Obama.
The Islamist enemy has infiltrated the White House. The Islamist enemy has been allowed to invade every aspect of American life; in the American military, hospitals, public schools, churches, colleges, the American Congress and Senate all the way down to your local town boards.
The following short article, “Why Perilous Times Are In Overdrive For America” was written by Bill Wilson July 7, 2011 and explains the demise of America we are presently seeing. The capture of this drone by the enemy of America also shows what happens to a country and its people that was once blessed by God when those in leadership as well as His church turn their back on God and His commandments for other false gods, taken from Leviticus Chapter 26. Now might be a good time to review again Leviticus Chapter 26, after you read Mr. Wilson’s remarks following:
The US president appears to have embarked on a deliberate strategy to embrace radical Islam by partnering with Islamic organizations calling for the demise of the United States, and by assigning Islamists to key strategic positions that oversee the security of the nation, aspects of the judiciary, and as intimate aides to high level administration appointees. The Administration's public position is that these relationships are in the best interest of the United States in promoting tolerance in America and democracy in the Middle East. In reality, they raise poignant and unthinkable questions as to whether this president has violated his oath of office and several U.S. laws by facilitating an Islamic takeover of America. One need look no further than the Administration's embracing of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and high level appointments of Muslims who are directly associated with the MB or have ties to organizations associated with the MB. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's top aid since 1996 is Huma Abedin. Former Palestinian terrorist now converted Christian Walid Shoebat says that Abedin was never properly screened.
Shoebat reports that Abedin "is closely associated with her Muslim ... and even joined Clinton at an event with her mother, Saleha Abedin, at Dar El-Hekma College in Saudi Arabia. Also present was a close associate of Saleha Abedin -- Suheir Qureshi. Qureshi's name later appeared in several prominent Arab newspapers when it was revealed that she belonged to a list of 63 members of the secret arm of the Muslim Brotherhood called The Sisterhood. The full list was later revealed -- Huma Abedin's mother is on it. Huma's brother -- Hassan Abedin -- also collaborates with Omar Naseef and Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, two of the most influential terror supporters in the world."
Clinton recently overruled the Immigration and Nationality Act by allowing Tariq Ramadan entry into the United States. Ramadan, described as an independent power center within the MB, is the grandson of the founder of the MB. He has been banned from traveling in the US since 2004 for his contributions to Hamas and links to radical Islamists. Clinton also announced on the eve of the July 4th holiday that the United States welcomes dialogue with the MB, prompting this response from Frank Gaffney, Jr. at the Center for Security Policy: "The Obama administration chose the eve of the holiday marking our nation's birth to acknowledge publicly behavior in which it has long been stealthily engaged to the United States' extreme detriment: Its officials now admit that they are embracing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB or Ikhwan in Arabic). That would be the same international Islamist organization that has the destruction of the United States, Israel and all other parts of the Free World as its explicit objective."
The MB was founded in 1928 to establish global Sharia Law through jihad. The Administration states that the MB denounces violence and promotes democracy. In reality, the MB is the umbrella organization that supports various terrorist groups including Hamas, Hezbollah, and al Qaeda. For example, Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's new commander, joined the MB when he was 14. The MB also has an extensive network in the United States through various vassal organizations including: Muslim American Society, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Students Association, Muslim Businessmen Association, Muslim Youth of North America, Mercy International Association, Islamic Circle of North America, Muslim Arab Youth Association, The Association of Muslim Social Scientists. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is closely associated with many of these organizations.
The MB, with a public facade of non-violence, promotes democracy as a landing point to gain political control and establish Sharia Law, as its supported terrorist groups did so aptly in Gaza with Hamas and in Lebanon with Hezbollah. Currently, its targets are Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, and the United States of America.
The MB was exposed in the Holy Land Foundation trial in 2007. Documents provided as evidence in the trial indicated a plan to take over the United States. The plan, written in 1991, calls for Islamists to colonize America with Islamic Centers, schools, elected officials, and court cases. It seeks to establish a "civilization-jihadist process." It outlines how "work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house..." The plan is using so-called "moderate" Muslim groups to establish a beachhead in the U.S. and then radical elements to take over. MB-supported elected officials are found across America in local offices. At the national level, the first Muslim elected to Congress, Minnesota Democrat Keith Ellison, is an MB-supported candidate. The Muslim American Society (aka MB) paid for Ellison's Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. The MB ties also extended deep into then-Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign.
In October 2008, Fox News reported that the Obama campaign was filled with associates of the MB. Fox reported that Minha Husaini replaced Mazen Asbahi as Obama's Muslim liaison after Asbahi resigned over revelations that groups linked to the MB featured him as a speaker. Fox reported that Husaini also met with groups tied to the MB and Hamas in Virginia on September 15, 2008.
Since the campaign, the Administration has redoubled its efforts to appoint Muslims to high government positions. The Congressional Muslim Staffers Association, now disbanded because of its ties to radical Islamists, vetted potential appointments "under the radar," according to J. Saleh Williams, who headed the effort.
The result is a tremendous number of Islamists sitting at key strategic positions in the federal government and on the judiciary. Included are: David Heyman, nominated as Assistant Secretary for Policy at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and at the same agency, Secretary Janet Napolitano has appointed Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. According to Newsmax, "both men are devout, Shariah Law Muslims, and in her announcement, Napolitano made that very clear...Alikan is associated with the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) "a public service agency working for the civil rights of American Muslims." BOTH men will have top security clearances. Several Muslims at the DHS who have top security clearances are associated with groups that claim Hamas and Hezbollah are "humanitarian" organizations.
And such appointments continue. The president has appointed Hezbollah favorite Abed Hammoud as Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan. In the past, he has said that Israelis are like Nazis. He has led marches against Israel. The pro-Hezbollah Arab-American News in Dearborn, Mi reported that Hammoud led marchers against Israel who were chanting "Down, down Israel!" and "Death to Israel!" The newspaper quoted Hammoud saying, "Other than our own leaders, Israel pulls us together like no one else can." Hammoud added to cheers, "We don't believe Hezbullah is a terrorist organization. We obey the law, we don't give them financial support or provide them with aid, but we think this law needs to be changed."
Israel National News (INN) reported on June 20 that the president appointed Azizah al-Hibri to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. al-Hibri believes that Sharia Law is superior to Western Law, no surprise since she sat on the National Advisory Board of the American Muslim Council. INN reported that in 2001, "Al-Hibri traveled to the Afghan border and criticized the Western press for 'sensationalizing' Taliban atrocities and using them 'as an opportunity to attack Islam'. After the attacks of September 11, she cautioned against bombing Al-Qaeda and Taliban targets during Ramadan."
Former CIA agent and current professor for the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Clare Lopez, concludes that the Administration has quietly installed Islamists in key security and foreign policy positions who are now directing the Middle East foreign policy of the United States.
The evidence appears overwhelming that the radical Islamist influence assembled by this White House is in lock step with the Muslim Brotherhood plan to takeover America. Perhaps the unthinkable has become reality.
The evidence is in plain sight, but how long will it take for America to awaken from her politically correct slumber?
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Even though it was very obvious and predicted by those of us who are watching the uprisings “under the guise of democracy and freedom” in the Middle East and North Africa, it’s now official.
For the first time since it was outlawed in Egypt in 1954, the militant Muslim Brotherhood which was founded in Egypt in 1928 after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, is now expected to control the Egyptian parliament by the spring of 2012 with the Muslim Brotherhood projected to be in the driver’s seat.
This is bad news for neighboring Israel, who under the now ousted President Mubarak’s rule, kept the peace with Israel and the surrounding Arab countries, it is very bad news for Christians in Egypt, and bad news for the entire world. It is also bad news for Egypt, but this is prophecy being fulfilled. The Bible tells us in Daniel 11:42 that Egypt shall fall into the hands of the antichrist.
Analysts say Islamists may also seek to annul the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, which could prompt Israel to seize the Sinai Peninsula for the fourth time in its history to create a strategic buffer zone.
After reaching the Suez Canal in 1967 and controlling the Sinai for twelve years,, Israel ceded Sinai to Egypt under the 1979 treaty on condition it remains demilitarized.
The Muslim Brotherhood, which birthed the virulently anti-Israel Hamas terror militia, might also seek to effectively annex Gaza. Should Hamas be triumphant in future PA elections, they would also gain a foothold in Judea and Samaria. More
A huge power vacuum is taking place in the Middle East these days, with Middle East dictators dropping like flies due to protests from the "Arab Spring". This is no coincidence or accident, but a highly sophisticated design to prepare the world for a much more sinister event that will precede the second Coming of Christ
According to CNN, the Kuwait government has resigned because of anti-corruption protesters forcing their way inside the Parliament in Kuwait City, pushing for the PM's ouster.
And Yemen's authoritarian President Ali Abdullah Saleh agreed Wednesday to step down amid a fierce uprising to oust him after 33 years in power. The nation of some 25 million people is of strategic value to the United States and its Gulf Arab allies, particularly Saudi Arabia. It sits close to the major Gulf oil fields and overlooks key shipping lanes in the Red and Arabian seas.
Protesters shout anti military ruling council slogans in Tahrir Square, the focal point of the uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo, Egypt Friday November 18, 2011-AP Photo
Egypt is still in a massive turmoil, with rioting as recent as a few weeks ago, after Islamic militant protesters forced out President Mubarak with the help of the Obama Administration, and is falling into the hands of a far worse organization, the anti-Israel, pro sharia, Islamic law, the militant Muslim Brotherhood. Now, tens of thousands of protesters returned to Tahrir two weeks ago, this time to protest the military rule.