The big news coming out of Israel the past few days is about a stunning new Unity Government to be formed in Israel that no one was prepared for or knew about.
Rather than hold elections early as anticipated, Prime Minister Netanyahu did a complete about face and jumped at the opportunity when given to form a Unity Government between his biggest rival Shaul Mofaz, leader of the Kadima Party which will be uniting with Netanyahu's hardline Likud Party. With Mofaz joining Netanyahu's party, he will become Mr. Netanyahu's Deputy Prime Minister and act for the Prime Minister Netanyahu during his absence and away time. Additionally, this means the 28 present seats already in the Kadima will join in as well and speak as one voice, which gives Netanyahu a coalition comprising 94 of the 120 members of the Knesset, which is one of the largest national unity governments in modern Israeli history.
Looking at the bigger picture, and consider what does all this mean? Several Arab media are now saying that P M Netanyahu is making straight the way in preparing for a war with Iran.
Indeed, Mr. Mofaz is an experienced military man, with an extremely impressive bio, having rose through the ranks in the IDF and served under the leadership of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as Defense Minister.
I am not saying that war with Iran is imminent, because ultimately God is in charge. Many other scenarios and circumstances in the Middle East as it involves Israel could occur first, but fast. But one thing is certain: Israel is getting ready for war and we need to be spiritually ready. All the pieces are coming together.
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