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Does anyone remember when President Ford, in March of 1976, ordered Swine Flu shots for everyone when a soldier at Ft. Dix was diagnosed as having Swine Flu and died 24 hours later?
There was no epidemic then as perceived. Following is the story from Wired, which makes me wonder what the government's purpose for this present Swine Flu 'epidemic' is. Nationalized Health Care? Martial Law? Create a constant state of panic and then the government will come in and rescue everyone? Distract the masses with a bogus swine flu epidemic while sneaking in other contraversial and socialistic programs such as Hate Crimes? Is the government testing the people's reaction and response to this virus as the propaganda goes out through the air waves to determine how much control the government has over the people?
There is alot of misinformation and inaccurate information being floated around with alot of media hype to keep this thing stirred.The Center for Disease Control website has reported that an average of 36,000 people die of regular flu related symptoms a year, and the WHO is not recommending travel restrictions because of this virus, (but then the WHO is not interested in saving lives, but is more involved in population control) so why is the Obama media hyping the Swine flu now?
Of course, it's only wise and common sense for people to do everything within their own power to stay healthy and protect themselves and their families from the Swine flu and any virus, but it is obvious there is disinformation and inaccurate and incompetent data coming out of Homeland Security and the Obama Administration with "mixed messages" designed to confuse the masses irregardless of what the media hype wants you to believe; remember the teachings of Jesus "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
As I have said before, the borders between Mexico and the United States have not been shut down; until they are, I do not believe anything coming out of the controlled media or the Obama government pertaining to the Swine flu. People are not dropping like flies with this virus, and all in the United States have recovered as of this writing. All they have done thus far is create needless concern in the United States of America over this virus to promote their health care and other agenda(s).
- For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
Read the story and judge for yourself.
1976: President Gerald Ford orders a nationwide vaccination program to prevent a swine-flu epidemic.
Ford was acting on the advice of medical experts, who believed they were dealing with a virus potentially as deadly as the one that caused the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic.
The virus surfaced in February at Fort Dix, New Jersey, where 19-year-old Pvt. David Lewis told his drill instructor that he felt tired and weak, although not sick enough to skip a training hike. Lewis was dead with 24 hours.
The autopsy revealed that Lewis had been killed by "swine flu," an influenza virus originating in pigs. By then several other soldiers had been hospitalized with symptoms. Government doctors became alarmed when they discovered that at least 500 soldiers on the base were infected without becoming ill.
It recalled 1918, when infected soldiers returning from the trenches of World War I triggered a contagion that spread quickly around the world, killing at least 20 million people. Fearing another plague, the nation's health officials urged Ford to authorize a mass inoculation program aimed at reaching every man, woman and child. He did, to the tune of $135 million ($500 million in today's money).
Mass vaccinations started in October, but within weeks reports started coming in of people developing Guillain-Barre syndrome, a paralyzing nerve disease, right after taking the shot. Within two months, 500 people were affected, and more than 30 died. Amid a rising uproar and growing public reluctance to risk the shot, federal officials abruptly canceled the program on Dec. 16.
In the end, 40 million Americans were inoculated, and there was no epidemic. A later, more technically advanced examination of the virus revealed that it was nowhere near as deadly as the 1918 influenza virus. The only recorded fatality from swine flu itself was the unfortunate Pvt. Lewis.
History's verdict of the program is mixed. Critics assail Ford, accusing him of grandstanding during an election year -- it did him no good, because he lost anyway -- while kowtowing to the pharmaceutical companies. Supporters laud the ability of the nation's health bureaucracy to mobilize so effectively.
Those who remembered 1918 probably consider it money well spent.
Jesus said: Take heed that no man deceive you. Matthew 24:4
(Source: Trentonian, The New York Times)
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