An overwhelming 79% of Americans believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead and 82% believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to earth and died for our sins, according to a recent Rasmussen Report. 88% of adults nationwide think the person known to history as Jesus Christ actually walked the earth 2,000 years ago. That’s up five points from a year ago.More at above link
The secular-humanist government of the United States of America lead by the man occupying the White House, Obama, who is under the delusion that Americans do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, cannot destroy the true church of Jesus Christ or the faith of these professing followers of Jesus Christ in America. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9.
Jesus is the only person who ever rose from the dead, making Him God, just as he claimed. No other religious figure in world history has ever risen from the dead except Jesus Christ; they are all still in their graves awaiting the judgment by Jesus Christ, who will judge them for their unbelief and false teachings.
Yet, there are those today who claim the person of Jesus never existed. The fact is, even secular ancient records prove Jesus Christ is an historical person, who did indeed live and walk this earth over 2,000 years ago, even though the Romans tried, without success, to destroy all records of Jesus. Jesus' Jewish enemies had the most to gain by denying the existence of Jesus, but even in Jewish writings there is mention of Jesus' existence. Gemaras of the Jewish Talmud even refer to Jesus in a negative manner, but admitting that the person of Jesus Christ lived on earth.
There is the noted Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, who began his writings in 67 a.d. under the Roman authority. Although Josephus was born a few years after Jesus was crucified, he was very much aware of who Jesus was, writing in his famous Antiquities of the Jews around a.d. 93 about Jesus, saying "At that time lived Jesus, a holy man, if man he may be called, for he performed wonderful works, and taught men, and joyfully received the truth. And he was followed by many Jews and many Greeks. He was the Messiah."
Research shows there are close to twenty ancient secular historians who attest to Jesus as a real person.
One of these is a Roman historian, Cornelius Tacitus, who was born about twenty five years after Jesus was crucified, confirming that Jesus suffered under Pilate and attesting to the fact that he had seen Christianity start to make an impact in Rome.
What about you? Who do you say Jesus is? Either he was a crazy person who died a horrible painful death by crucifixion for nothing, or He is who He said He is. Your eternal destiny depends upon knowing the answer to the question Who is Jesus? His followers witnessed the resurrected Jesus Christ, spending 40 days with Him. Their lives were dramatically transformed after witnessing the resurrected Jesus. Wherever they went telling of the risen Christ, and the need to repent of sin for salvation through Jesus Christ, they suffered persecution and died horrible deaths, except John. But that didn't stop them because they knew who they had seen and it was not a lie.
If you don't know this Jesus, you have missed the most important reason for living, and I urge you to to take the initial step to get to know Jesus by asking Him to reveal himself to you through His Word, and surrender your life over to the risen Saviour.
The secular-humanist government of the United States of America lead by the man occupying the White House, Obama, who is under the delusion that Americans do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, cannot destroy the true church of Jesus Christ or the faith of these professing followers of Jesus Christ in America. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9.
Jesus is the only person who ever rose from the dead, making Him God, just as he claimed. No other religious figure in world history has ever risen from the dead except Jesus Christ; they are all still in their graves awaiting the judgment by Jesus Christ, who will judge them for their unbelief and false teachings.
Yet, there are those today who claim the person of Jesus never existed. The fact is, even secular ancient records prove Jesus Christ is an historical person, who did indeed live and walk this earth over 2,000 years ago, even though the Romans tried, without success, to destroy all records of Jesus. Jesus' Jewish enemies had the most to gain by denying the existence of Jesus, but even in Jewish writings there is mention of Jesus' existence. Gemaras of the Jewish Talmud even refer to Jesus in a negative manner, but admitting that the person of Jesus Christ lived on earth.
There is the noted Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, who began his writings in 67 a.d. under the Roman authority. Although Josephus was born a few years after Jesus was crucified, he was very much aware of who Jesus was, writing in his famous Antiquities of the Jews around a.d. 93 about Jesus, saying "At that time lived Jesus, a holy man, if man he may be called, for he performed wonderful works, and taught men, and joyfully received the truth. And he was followed by many Jews and many Greeks. He was the Messiah."
Research shows there are close to twenty ancient secular historians who attest to Jesus as a real person.
One of these is a Roman historian, Cornelius Tacitus, who was born about twenty five years after Jesus was crucified, confirming that Jesus suffered under Pilate and attesting to the fact that he had seen Christianity start to make an impact in Rome.
What about you? Who do you say Jesus is? Either he was a crazy person who died a horrible painful death by crucifixion for nothing, or He is who He said He is. Your eternal destiny depends upon knowing the answer to the question Who is Jesus? His followers witnessed the resurrected Jesus Christ, spending 40 days with Him. Their lives were dramatically transformed after witnessing the resurrected Jesus. Wherever they went telling of the risen Christ, and the need to repent of sin for salvation through Jesus Christ, they suffered persecution and died horrible deaths, except John. But that didn't stop them because they knew who they had seen and it was not a lie.
If you don't know this Jesus, you have missed the most important reason for living, and I urge you to to take the initial step to get to know Jesus by asking Him to reveal himself to you through His Word, and surrender your life over to the risen Saviour.
Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen: he is not here: behold the place where they laid him. Mark 16:6
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