The Three Soldiers
One single iconic image depicting the moment of reunification of Jerusalem in 1967 has remained in the world's collective psyche. Three battle-weary paratroopers gazing at their suroundings seemingly in stunned amazement. With the fortieth anniversary of the Six Day War, Conal Urquhart of The Observer located and interviewed both the photographer and the three soldiers Read about it here |
Today, in Israel, Israelis and Christians are celebrating Jerusalem Day, the day when Israeli soldiers victoriously recaptured the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordanian control during the 6 Day Arab-Israeli War on June 7, 1967. For the first time in thousands of years, Jerusalem, Israel came under Jewish control.
Just days after several arab armies threatened to wipe Israel off the map, (some things never change) Israel was forced to protect herself and launched a surprise attack which wiped out the Egyptian Air Force in just one day, and took over Jerusalem, Gaza, Judea and Samaria, the Sinai and the Golan Heights on Israel’s northern border.
The continued longing for Jerusalem and other Biblical areas was expressed by Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, the head of Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav. Speaking to his students on Independence Day of 1967, just weeks before the Six Day War, he appeared to be gripped by prophecy when he cried out, "Where is our Hevron? Have we forgotten it? And where is our Shechem (Nablus)? Have we forgotten it? And where is our Jericho? Have we forgotten it?! ... And where is all the rest of the Land of Israel? Where are all the pieces of G-d's Land? Do we have the right to give up even one millimeter? Heaven forbid!" Source
See history of Israel’s 1967 6-Day War
Fast forward, here we are 44 years later, and the same hostile arab enemy states surrounding Israel have not gotten over the fact that God’s Holy City of Jerusalem belongs to the land of Israel, always has and always will, and to the God of Israel. Forty-four years later, the nations of the world are still raging against God’s Holy City of Jerusalem, Israel and the Jewish people of Israel, in a never ceasing effort to divide the City of Jerusalem in half, giving half to the enemies of Israel who are out to destroy Israel.
There is nothing satan wants more than to derail God’s plan of salvation for the human race which comes through the Jew, the Messiah being a Jew, and His Holy City of Jerusalem. If satan can destroy the Jews, and Jerusalem, then God’s salvation plan is shipwrecked, and that makes God a liar
Of course, we who believe and trust in God’s Word, know this will never happen
Zechariah 12:3, until at the end of the Great Tribulation that Jesus speaks of in
Matthew 24:15-22, and just before Jesus returns to fight for Jerusalem, and to save the tents of Judah.
Zechariah 12: 4-8,
Zechariah 14:1-4.
For Jews, Jerusalem has always held a dominant place in their hearts. Religious Jews, when praying, always pray toward Jerusalem.
Jesus called Jerusalem “the city of the Great King” in
Psalm 48:2 and
Matthew 5:35. Jerusalem is the city where Jesus was crucified, buried, resurrected and where He ascended to heaven from. Christ’s church began at Jerusalem.
Acts 1:4,
2:1-40. And soon, Jerusalem is the City where Christ will physically return
Zechariah 14:3-4 to as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and restore King David’s Throne, where Christ will rule on earth for one thousand years.
"I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night; ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence." Isaiah 62:6
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