Tuesday, December 09, 2008

"Hello Jesus": Americans Pray Alot Study Shows

Pray without ceasing. I Thess 5:17, the Apostle Paul wrote.

Inspite of corrupted government officials all around us, all is not lost. Christians in America have a power working that can cut through the wickedness in high places available that sends demons fleeing. Here's a heartwarming story that tells of the faith many Americans have in Jesus Christ, God and prayer. This must make our Lord very happy!
Study: Americans Pray Just To Get Through The Day

Politicians come and go, fashions evolve and the culture shifts with alarming frequency. One thing remains constant, though.

Americans pray. A lot.

Ninety percent have a spiritual interlude with God every day, according to a study released Thursday by Brandeis University. Half pray several times a day, in fact.

"Most prayer writers imagine a God who is accessible, listening, and a source of emotional and psychological support, who at least sometimes answers back," said Wendy Cadge, a sociologist who directed the research.
The experience is intensely personal, with eight out of 10 beginning their prayers with a familiar greeting, like "Dear Lord" or "Hello Jesus." More here

Tag: Jesus, Prayer, Americans, Christians

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