Take a look at the satanic body tatooing Todd Bentley has smeared all over his body and ask yourself why would any true Christian pay thousands of dollars to advertise satan after he got saved? That's right, Todd Bentley obtained these satanic tatoos shown at
Jesus Death Mask after he got saved and was supposedly preaching the gospel.
Leviticus 19:28 specifically reads "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD."
I shouldn't have to say this as it goes without saying that a person truly born again who has the living Spirit of God inside of him would not place satanic tatoos on their body after they are saved.
Here are more close up pictures of Todd Bentley's satanic body tatooing.
Who is Todd Bentley's mentor Bob Jones and the Kansas City Prophets that have had so much influence on Todd Bentley that we have heard so much about? It appears that this shady bunch has a history of bad fruit that took place back in the early 1990's that many attendees at the freak show in Lakeland are not even aware of. Now, I am not one to point out one's sins of the past, but my intent is to expose these false teachers and false prophets with the hopes that others will be spared and not be lead astray since their evil works have been repackaged and are now being carried on through Todd Bentley.
Slaughter of the Sheep has written quite a shocking and impressive resume on this bunch known as the 'Kansas City Prophets' which you can read at the link provided.
Earthless also raises some excellent questions that compel Christians to examine in the light of the Holy Scriptures, which I will set forth following. Keep in mind these are all outrageous claims, teachings and "signs" made and/ or promoted by Todd Bentley and/ or "spiritual manifestations" incurred at these type of "healing revivals" promoted in the charismatic circles:
1. How many Christians in the Bible experienced trips to the ‘third heaven’, and where does the Bible promote Christians visiting the ‘third heaven’
.2. Where is the spiritual gift or manifestation of barking and squawking in the Bible.
3. How many times are trances mentioned in the Bible, and where does the Bible promote trances as part of the Christian walk and a method to receive visitations and special messages.
4. Where does the Bible promote revelation beyond God’s already revealed Word.
5. Where does the Bible list a ’seer anointing’ as a gift of the Spirit
.6. Where does the Bible promote going beyond the power of God’s spirit… ever.
7. Where are we told Biblically that the only way to see spiritual blessings is to access and visit heaven, and bring them back with us.
8. How many times did Jesus and Apostles preach the message of angelic visitations, trips to heaven, trances, dreams, sanctified imagination, and financial prosperity.
9. Where is any of this in the Bible. Where is it taught and where is it promoted. I’m asking those of you that attribute this as a genuine movement of the Holy Spirit these questions in all seriousness. Please provide the scriptural references. Thank you.
When one knows God personally and intimately, there is no need to go looking for signs, trances, dreams, and visions and all of the "extrabiblical"/anti-biblical manifestations as Bentley promotes in his writings, teachings and "revivals"; as God makes His will clear to those who have a relationship with Him, and not in the maze of signs. When we look at our own lives and how we walk with Him and realize that in our lives, "Jesus is Lord," there is no need for the promotion of the above "extrabiblical"/anti-biblical signs and wonders, angel visitation, mystic visitations, and "thirteen wise virgins to carry the revival forward." Neither Jesus, nor his original Apostles and disciples promoted these teachings. As I have pointed out in an earlier post regarding signs and wonders, this special gift was given to Jesus' original Jewish Apostles by Jesus Himself to establish a foundation for His church and to be a witness of the truth of whom He is.
According to the Gospel of
John 3:3-5, Christians are to live under the influence of the Holy Spirit and being born again of and being born again of the Spirit and having the Spirit dwell in us IS an absolute requirement to having the Holy Spirit control our lives . Paul writes that Christians are also commanded to "walk in the spirit"
Galatians 5:16. The only possible way for any true Christian to live under the influence of and walk in the Spirit is by reading God's Word, the Holy Scriptures. If you have been following Bentley's "revival", as I have in the videos, there is no preaching of the Word and Bibles are not a part of this "revival". Jesus said in
John 17:17:
"Sanctify them through thy truth: THY WORD IS TRUTH."
Jesus is telling us that the Word of God is Truth.
Non-believers teach that there is no absolute truth, but that we each "create our own reality". But the Bible teaches that there is an absolute standard of Truth, and that is God's Word. This one conspicuous aspect of the absence of God's Word at this counterfeit revival alone is a dead give away.
Paul tells us in
Romans 8:9 "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is not of his.
Titus 3:5 tells us that "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost."