Monday, May 30, 2011

About Memorial Day, Or Decoration Day


By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing,  fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Field.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from falling hands we throw
The torch; be it yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Field.

How many remember when Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day? Decoration Day is the day that is set aside, year after year, decorating the graves, honoring and remembering the war dead who have fallen for the sake of freedom. Memorial Day, or Decoration Day is about honoring those who gave their all, their very lives, to keep the rest of us free.

These great war heros, men and women alike, gallant brothers and sisters, did not die in vain or for a lost cause. The Old Testament records in 1 Samuel 31:1-6 the tragic deaths of Saul and Jonathan killed in battle against the Philistines, and in 2 Samuel 1:17-27 how David laments over the loss of Jonathan and Saul.

Our cries are not any different than David’s cries over the loss of Saul and his brother Jonathan. David sings so lovingly remembering them as he eulogizes  their valour in battle as he cries "How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle". 2 Samuel 1:25.  Let this be our cry today, Decoration Day, as we remember and honor the sacrifice and bravery  America’s fallen heros gave to their country.

And let us ever remember that it doesn’t end at the grave for our fallen Christian brothers and sisters, who died in the Lord serving their country. They have fallen, yes, but they are a big part of Christ’s Church, still, like us, awaiting our Saviour’s return when they shall be resurrected in their new glorious bodies to a new heaven and a new earth with Christ reigning, never again to fall in battle.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Another Israel Border 'Uprising' Provacation Planned By Palestinian Supporters June 5, 2011

Syrian protesters climb the border fence with Israel du... (May 15, 2011)-Chicago Tribune Photo
Determined to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Port which is controlled by the terrorist group Hamas, the same Palestinian supporter thugs that planned the border uprising and attempted to breach Israel’s borders on three fronts May 15 have planned a June 5, (the same day the 6-Day War started in 1967, when Israel's arab neighbors prepared to attack Israel in a massive military  build up on Israel's borders, Israel was forced to defend itself, when Israel miraculously  took over Judea and Samaria, reunited  East Jerusalem with West Jerusalem, took  the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights on Israel's border with Lebanon),  Israel “border uprising” followed by a flotilla of several ships from around the world sometime in June,  one of which is from America and has the same name as Obama’s book “Audacity of Hope”, supposedly carrying supplies. It's deja vu all over again with the same enemy arab  states,only this time  using their terror proxies, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hizballah, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Abu Musa's Fatah-the-Intifada, George Habash's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and many others   to start another war with Israel.

Interesting, Obama has not publically condemned an American ship which bears the name of his book out to create havoc and harm to America’s only loyal ally in the Middle East, Israel.

What really is troublesome is that Egypt, a former peace partner with Israel, has now broken the blockade on the border with Gaza and is opening its only crossing with the Gaza Strip this coming weekend so if these ships were really interested in bringing “humanitarian aid” into Gaza, they could do this by easily going by way of Egypt. The whole point of the blockade to begin with was to keep weapons smuggling out.

The ploy of another major terrorist mob rushing to breach Israel’s borders is to cause another provacation with Israel, cause Israel to defend itself against an uncontrolled mob, and make Israel to look to be “the bad guy”in the eyes of the world, and gain more support for a “Palestinian state” inside of Israel without negotiations with Israel.

 Eventually, and probably very soon, the anger of the world will come against Israel because Israel will not heed to the demands of its neighboring  enemies that want Israel gone.

Jerusalem will become more of a “burdensome stone” in the days ahead fulfilling Zechariah 12:3, as the conditions for a peaceful solution will never be met; even though we may see Prime Minister Netanyahu agree to a two state solution, and land concessions publically, I think the Prime Minister is doing so to get the United States off of his back. We all know there will be conditions that will have to be agreed to by both sides before a two state solution can be implemented, and these conditions will never be met by either party

Related Story: Global March To Jerusalem To Bring One Million Arabs To Israel's Border March 30, 2012
Related Story: Radical Rock Throwing Thugs Atteempt To Breach Israel's Border From Syria On Naksa Day
Related Story: Muslim Terrorists Attempt To Breach Israel Borders On Three Fronts
Related Story: The 'Audacity Of Hope' Intends To Break Israeli Blockade Of Gaza To Set Sail This Fall
Related Story: Israel's Six Day War

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

MATTHEW 24 "The Beginning Of Sorrows" PROPHECY Has Now Begun-2011-Video

The "Beginning Of Sorrows" Prophecy" spoken of  by Jesus in Matthew 24:8 has  begun.  In fact its been with us for hundreds  of years, but  is now accelerating at a very rapid pace in our time.  The kingdom of God is at  hand.  Repent of your sinning  and turn your life over to Jesus  if you haven't already done so.

 As Jesus sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, "Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and the end of the world?"  A must see video.

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Joplin Tornado Survivors Hole Up In A Cooler As Massive Tornado Passes Through-Video


Here’s the audio video where Joplin, Missouri tornado survivors holed up in a cooler at a gas station convenience store Sunday, May 22, 2011 and miraculously survived the massive tornado as it passed through Joplin, Missouri. You can hear the screams of the living nightmare these people endured as some called out to Jesus in the video.

Here’s the video of the same gas station convenience store after the tornado showing the incredible destruction.

232 People Still Missing/Unaccounted For After Joplin Tornado

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Netanyahu Speaks Before Congress Video "Jerusalem Must Never Again Be Divided", Jordan Is Palestine Video

The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu received several standing ovations in the following video; I counted 29, speaking before the United States Congress, on May 24, 2011, telling the Congress “Jerusalem must never again be divided", and the Palestinian refugee problem will be resolved outside the borders of Israel. The Prime Minister's complete address can be heard in the below video.

While it is true Mr. Netanyahu is under pressure from the United States of America to make land concessions for peace, the Prime Minister should not concede 1 inch of the Land of Israel to the arab enemies. There has never been a history of a "Palestinian" people. Palestine is a fictitious name for the Land of Israel that the Romans gave to it by the Emperor Hadrian after the second Jewish revolt in 135 AD in an attempt to wipe out everything Jewish, and mock the Jews. Land for peace amounts to nothing less than a bribe and the Lord has forbidden this land to be traded, swaped, sold or whatever you want to call it in Leviticus 25:23. In the case of the Land of Israel, the word sold in the above verse infers to surrender:

A primitive root; to sell, literally (as merchandise, a daughter in marriage, into slavery), or figuratively (to surrender): - X at all, sell (away, -er, self).

In dealing with the refugee problem, I understand this to mean to include a proposal that the "Palestinian" refugee problem would be resolved by sending these "Palestinian" Arabs back to Jordan, where they originally came from. Jordan is Arab "Palestine," and the refugee problem is King Abdullah’s problem.

It's about time. What took them so long? You can count on the arabs to refuse this proposal and use it as an excuse to continue to attack Israel and the Jews of Israel until another major Middle East Arab-Israeli war breaks out.  The complete speech can be read here.

Petition To 10 Jordianian Embassies: Jordan Is Palestine

The petitions also were presented to the Jordanian embassies Washington and Moscow, among other world capitals. They call on King Abdullah to declare that Jordan is the home of Palestinian Arabs. More

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Prime Minister Of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Speaking Before AIPAC Video

For those of you who missed his address, here are the videos of the man whom the Lord has raised up for such a time as this to be a watchman over His Holy City of Jerusalem, the Honorable Prime Minister of Israel, Statesman, and very popular in the United States of America, Benjamin Netanyahu speaking before the AIPAC Conference 2011.
"I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night; ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence." Isaiah 62:6

Part I

Part II

Related Story:Obama Speaks To AIPAC: Israel Will Be Cut In Half
Related Story: Netanyahu To Obama: "It's Not Gunna Happen"!! Video
Related Story:
Netanyahu To Obama: No Deal On 1967 Borders
Related Story:
How Much Land Did God Give Israel In The Abraham Land Covenant?

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Incredible Video Of Massive Tornado -Joplin, Missouri

A storm chaser captures this incredible video of a massive tornado that ripped through Joplin, Missouri Sunday night.

The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters; but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.  Isaiah 17:13

Related Story: Obama Calls For Division Of Israel-Destructive Tornadoes Rip Through Missouri

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Obama Calls For Division Of Israel, Destructive Tornadoes Rip Through Missouri

A destroyed helicopter lies on its side in the parking lot of the Joplin Regional Medical Center in Joplin, Mo., Snday, May 22, 2011.  AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

Of the tornado, Fire chief Mitch Randles said

"It cut the city in half."

The Lord means what He says.  As Obama called for the division of Israel back to pre-1967 lines, another outbreak of deadly, destructive tornados ripped through Missouri, with reports of 50 tornadoes and over 24 people killed in Joplin, Missouri alone.

A massive multi vortex tornado rips Joplin, Missouri Sunday evening

According to one  report, a Wal- Mart store was destroyed with several people trapped inside the debri. St. John’s Hospital also incurred major damage after taking a direct hit from the tornado, with chunks of the building being ripped away.

Update from CNN
89 People dead in Joplin, Missouri from tornado

I recently read Jeremiah Chapter 1 where the Lord speaks about judgments  He intended to bring  about upon the Israelites and they still did not turn away from their idols. Is the church of America any different? America has had everything but an earthquake and a volcano eruption in the way of disasters and destruction upon its land in very recent times and especially this year.

This past week while I was sleeping, I saw the continent of America being rushed with a huge gush of water, as if a tsunami was coming from the west coast toward the east. As the water came, I saw the continent of America being pushed up into Canada, with sections of the center of America being parted.

Now more than ever we need to be humble before the Lord and seek His face and intercede for the lost.

Related Story: Today Is Jerusalem Day
Related Story:Obama Speaks To AIPAC: Israel Will Be Cut In Half
Related Story: Judah And Jerusalem Under Siege
Related Story: Netanyahu To Obama: "It's Not Gunna Happen"!! Video
Related Story:
Netanyahu To Obama: No Deal On 1967 Borders
Related Story:
How Much Land Did God Give Israel In The Abraham Land Covenant?

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Obama Speaks To AIPAC: Israel Will Be Cut In Half -Video

A contiguous Palestinian State that connects Gaza with Judea and Samaria, where Israel will be cut in half

Looking for the Jewish vote and financial support, Obama, in speaking to the influential Israeli lobby  AIPAC leaders Sunday, tells them “the plan” for Israel… Connect Gaza with Judea and Samaria(dubbed the West Bank) in a contiguous state, so that Israel will be cut in half, turning the Holy Land of Israel over to a Hamas- Fatah run terrorist state.  Obama neglected to proclaim that Jerusalem must remain Israel's undivided capital, as he committed to in 2008 before AIPAC.

Contiguous is the key word here. The key to Israel’s destruction. Yet, you can hear applause from the crowd in the video. Joel 3:1-2

“The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states. The Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state.”

Today Obama says US Support Of Israel Is Ironclad

Obama Lies: In 2008, looking for the Jewish vote, Obama told American AIPAC leaders that he would not divide Jerusalem

Obama: Jerusalem Must Remain Undivided, Israeli Capital


Related Story: Judah And Jerusalem Under Siege
Related Story: Netanyahu To Obama: "It's Not Gunna Happen"!! Video
Related Story:
Netanyahu To Obama: No Deal On 1967 Borders
Related Story:
How Much Land Did God Give Israel In The Abraham Land Covenant?
Related Story:
Muslim Terrorists Attempt To Breach Israel Borders On Three Fronts
Related Story:
Israel Occupies No Arab Territory

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Netanyahu To Obama: “It’s Not Gunna Happen”!! Video

Photo: Reuters- This close up photo of PM Netanyahu and Obama at the White House shows the scornful look on Obama's face at hearing  the news from the Prime Minister "It's Not Gunna Happen."

Light rebuking spiritual  darkness, as the Spirit of God works through the Prime Minister of Israel telling Obama "It's not gunna happen." You can see the gentle Spirit of God working through the Prime Minister in his words, correcting and exposing Obama’s true radical islamic and  anti-Israel nature. Ephesians 5:6-13

The Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Netanyahu meets with Obama at the White House, tutors Obama in less than 8 minutes in this video, bringing Obama up-to-date on the 63 year old Middle East conflict between the Israelis and the Arabs and tells Obama “It’s Not Gunna Happen” referring to the arab refugee problem, ripping apart Obama’s anti-christ “land for peace” ploy, back to Israel’s pre 1967 borders . 

Absolutely, it's not gunna happen!! Zechariah 12:3

Related Story: Netanyahu To Obama: No Deal On 1967 Borders
Related Story: How Much Land Did God Give Israel In The Abraham Land Covenant?
Related Story: Muslim Terrorists Attempt To Breach Israel Borders On Three Fronts
Related Story: Israel Occupies No Arab Territory

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Corrie Ten Boom: A "Tramp For The Lord"

Even in death, this godly saint, Corrie Ten Boom is a “Tramp For The Lord”.

Corrie, who wrote a letter in 1974 warning Christ’s Church against the Pre-Tribulation Rapture False Doctrine, which I placed on my blog in July of 2010, has been viewed  and read by over 10,000 people in less than a year.

I want to thank all the people and bloggers who have linked to and are still linking to this letter from Corrie Ten Boom, spreading the truth of  God’s Word and exposing the Pre-Tribulation Rapture False Doctrine.

So we, [being] many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.Romans 12:5

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Netanyahu To Obama: No Deal On 1967 Borders

Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu made it clear prior to his meeting with Obama in Washington Friday that Israel has no intention of going back to it’s pre 1967 borders. Demanding Israel give up the biblical heartland of  Judea and Samaria, which has historically and biblically always been the land of Israel, re- acquired in the 1967 Six Day War that the Arabs started against Israel, and lost, Obama   is asking Israel to commit suicide.  We can be most thankful that Obama does not speak for the American people and the American Congress, of which the majority are against the Obama policies when it comes to Israel.  Obama knows full well that the Islamic charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the muslims will not cease at this endeavor until they have their way, no matter how long it takes.
Israel's tiny size is emphasized in this map, showing why security is such an important factor in this area. The arrows indicate the width of the northern part of the country as well as the relatively small distances involved.

Knowing full well that PM Netanyahu would not agree to such self destructive  terms of giving land for peace back to the pre 1967 borders, when Israel liberated Jerusalem  placing  it under Israel's sovereignty,  and reunited God's Holy City,  Obama’s ploy has now put Israel in a box and will inflame the Arab world even more, and now has laid  the ground work for a massive war against Israel.  This amounts to nothing less than betrayal of America's only true ally in the Middle East, Israel.

This map shows how narrow Israel was in its pre-1967 armistice lines. At some points Israel was only 9 miles wide. The main airport in Israel, as well as shipping ports and key civilian population areas, are concentrated in the narrow area you see.

Incidentally, there is no such thing as "1967 Borders" as it relates to Judea and Samaria, dubbed the West Bank.  There are "pre-1967 lines", which are armistice lines that were established in 1949 after Israel's War of Independence  There are no borders right now because the arabs refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist.  Once borders are recognized, the Arabs must recognize Israel's right to exist, which they have sworn never to do.

Obama lies: In 2008, looking for the Jewish vote, Obama told American AIPAC leaders that he would not divide Jerusalem

Obama: Jerusalem Must Remain Undivided, Israeli Capital


Let's pray that Prime Minister Netanyahu  stands his ground as it is clear that Obama and the arabs, inspired by their satanic false god,  are out to steal Israel's land, piece by piece and get rid of the Jews from the Middle East one Jew at a time. If Israel gave Judea and Samaria to the muslims, this will not stop these islamic fanatics from murdering innocent Jews in Israel until the last Jew in Israel is gone.

In recent times and just this past spring, America has been cursed with  islam,  with fires, unprecedent disasters of floods that have destroyed a combined  3 million acres of farm land,  and catastrophic tornadoes.  God's Word tells us precisely what will happen to any one who meddles in the dividing up of the land of Israel and Jerusalem.  Zechariah 12:3.  Pray for the people of  America. Pray for the people of Israel.  It is clear that Obama is not on Israel's side, meaning Obama is in rebellion with the God of Israel, whom we as Bible believing Christians know to be Jesus Christ, and as such,  he has placed a curse upon himself, as well as America.   Now, more than ever, the American people need to stand united together and stand in support of Israel and the Israeli people, and pray without ceasing.

1 Thessalonians 5:3

Related Story: Netanyahu To Obama: "It's Not Gunna Happen"!! Video
Related Story: How Much Land Did God Give Israel In The Abraham Land Covenant?
Related Story: Muslim Terrorists Attempt To Breach Israel Borders On Three Fronts
Related Story: Israel Occupies No Arab Territory
Related Story: Israel's Six Day War

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak To Plead For Mercy, Pardon

Whatever his sins, the man who kept the long standing peace  between Israel and the Arab nations since the assassination of President Anwar El Sadat in 1981 and now ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is to plead for mercy and a pardon in a speech for his sins against the Egyptian people.

1 John 1:9

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Israel Border Invasion: Where Is The Outrage From World Media?

The silence is deafening.  Israel had three of its borders invaded Sunday with hostile neighboring muslim Arabs. Where is the outrage from the world's media  that witnessed the organized attack and  chaos  caused inside of Israel by the terrorist “Palestinian protestors" who attacked Israel this past  Sunday from the Syrian, Lebanon and Gaza borders with Israel and the disputed West Bank (Judea and Samaria) inside of Israel?  Israel is concerned, and rightly so.  These muslim terrorists did not come in peace; thus the invasion on four of Israel's borders was indeed an act of war against Israel.

No, these thousands of arab invaders were not the military as in 1948, 1967 and 1973; nevertheless, the invaders instead were muslim jihad terrorists who were attempting to invade Israel by way of violently breaching Israel’s sovereign borders on four fronts, whose actions and intentions toward Israel were harmful as previously noted on Facebook where its intentions were posted “Third Palestinian Intifada” with over 350,000 members before it was taken down.

As we see more and more, according to the arab and media world, they don’t see these “Palestinians”, a term coined by the Egyptian terrorist Yasser Arafat in the 1960’s as invaders; they believe that the state of Israel is illegitimate and the land of Israel belongs to them, a lie that has been perpetrated by the nations of the world, starting with the British and its corrupt application of the Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate since the founding of the state of Israel 63 years ago.

This dry run Sunday was small potatoes compared to what will be coming in the near future in September just before the Arabs declare a “Palestinian State” with help from Obama and the United Nations inside the heartland of Israel.

On Sunday, it was 1,000 Syrians who breached the border and invaded Israel. Next week, perhaps it will be 10,000 Palestinian terrorists from the Gaza Strip who will march toward and invade the Negev, or Palestinian “refugees” from Jordan who will march toward the Jordan Valley. But be assured, they will march as promised. They will come from all directions. They are organizing. They are ready to die for Jerusalem. 

We need to remember to  pray for the people and leaders of Israel like never before in these very perilous times.

Related Story: Muslim Terrorists Attempt To Breach Israel Borders On Three Fronts

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Muslim Terrorists Attempt To Breach Israel Borders On Three Fronts

Masses Gather At Border

It was just a matter of time. I knew it wouldn't be long before radical Islam dominating the Middle East, in a highly pre-organized event,  would draw the one true democracy, the Jewish State of  Israel,  into their "democracy" protest movement sweeping muslim Middle East.

 Afterall, Israel has been their target since the "democracy" protests in northern Africa and the Middle East Islamic  enemy nations  surrounding Israel began with the fall of Egyptian President Mubarak.  If you know anything about Islam, you know that Islam is completely incompatible with democracy.

Deadly clashes broke out in Israel Sunday as muslim terrorists attempted to breach Israel's borders on three fronts from Gaza, Syria and Lebanon. These so called "palestinian" protesters need to go back to Jordan and Syria where they came from, where their ancestors and people are.  They should be told by the world's leaders, the EU, the UN and the US that they lost the war that these very arab states started against Israel in 1948, and the land that they lost was never theirs to begin with according to God's Holy Word, Amos 9:15 and the British Mandate.  Israel exists today by a miracle of God, Isaiah 66:8,  proving His Word to the world  to be true.
 Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Luke 21:24
Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli security forces in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem on Sunday on the anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, a day many Palestinians call "nabka," meaning "catastrophe." More

Deadly Clashes On Israel's Borders With Syria, Lebanon

Bloody Sunday: IDF forces fire at Syrian 'Nakba Day' protestors who breach border fence; four people reportedly killed, up to 20 hurt as dozens of infiltrators enter Israel. Meanwhile, 10 people killed, scores reportedly wounded in Lebanon border clash; IDF: They were hit by Lebanese army

Meanwhile, a sudden Jihad attack by an arab motorist, who purposly rammed his truck into several cars in Tel Aviv, Israel, killed one person and injured at least 17 others on Sunday morning, "Nakba Day".

Video and Photos of Nakba Day Riots and ‘Terror Truck’Attack

Related Story: Radical Rock Throwing Thugs Atteempt To Breach Israel's Border From Syria On Naksa Day
Related Story: The 'Audacity Of Hope' Intends To Break Israeli Blockade Of Gaza To Set Sail This Fall
Related Story: Israel Border Invasion: Where Is The Outrage From The World Media?

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kamal Saleem: A Muslim Who Cries Out To Jesus

This short video is about a muslim named Kamal Saleen, a muslim who was taught from youth that Christians and Jews were the enemy, who cried out to Jesus, and his miraculous healing from a broken neck and conversion from Islam to Christianity.

I would like to invite and challenge all those muslims from the Middle East, America and around the world who visit my blog to look at this short video and learn about the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who answered Kamal Saleem when he called upon Him. He has found the one true God and he is not allah, but Jesus Christ. You can find Him too.   Take a look and see.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

The Royal Wedding Of Prince William Of England And Kate Middleton

I know some who visit here will think the royal wedding of Prince William of England and Kate Middleton is not the most important thing to know about, but I do think it is important enough to bring some aspects of the royal wedding  I noticed,   from a biblical perspective that many may not be aware of, into a proper focus.

I have read so many rave reviews proclaiming it was such a beautiful “Christian ceremony,” that I decided to watch the entire wedding which is still being hyped about on the internet, to see for myself.

After watching the ceremony, I can understand how it is so easy to be caught up in the moment of “what appeared" to be a beautiful “Christian ceremony;” after all, the people of Britain love William and Kate, (as one Brit put it), ranting and raving how the people of Britain look to the couple for truth and of course love, something that is so badly needed in the world today. 

And the prayer that the couple wrote, which I found on the Royal Wedding Website certainly seemed “Christian enough” to pass off as Christian. After all, the prayer was concluded in the “Spirit of Jesus Christ”.

And the bride's brother, James Middleton even read from the Bible scriptures Romans 12:1-2, 9-18.  Pretty impressive, at first glance. But let's look further and deeper.

Indeed, after watching the royal wedding in its entirety, I must say that the couple make a beautiful couple.

With that said, I must confess,  that I am convinced without a doubt this royal wedding of Prince William and Kate can not  be considered a “Christian ceremony” from a biblical perspective. As one royal watcher put it, the couple have been dating for at least eight years before their engagement, and even shared a house together , and were living together before their wedding.  This, of course is not an unforgiveable sin, if the couple have repented.  This arrangement is very typical of secular young people, but this is not the biblical way and cannot be considered Christian. Hebrews 13:4, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
The Archbishop of York backed Prince William and Kate Middleton’s decision to live together before marriage, saying that many modern couples want to “test the milk before they buy the cow”.
Now about that prayer that Prince William and Kate composed for their wedding, you cannot help but notice it’s ending, “In the Spirit of Jesus Christ” which is a significant deviation from praying in “the name of Jesus Christ.” This too may seem insignificant and innocent some may say, but Jesus specifically told us to pray in his name. Jesus told us this for a reason. Jesus’ name and Jesus’Word has the power of the one true God, and the Holy Spirit of course  does also, but this power doesn’t come until and unless you first publically acknowledge the name of Jesus Christ. So it really is a significant deviation from the teaching of Jesus.

And of course, we must not forget the strong influence that Prince William had from his father, Prince Charles growing up,  whose Islamic and new age beliefs are well documented and available for anyone to see.

Finally, how many are aware that the archbishop that married the royal couple April 29, 2011 is a druid? A druid is pagan. Yet the archbishop invoked the name of Christ during the ceremony.  Most definitely, a true Christian couple would insist upon a true Bible believing Christian, committed only  to the worship of  the Lord Jesus Christ, to officiate at their wedding.

Druids Now Recognized As Religion In UK

The Associated Press
October 3, 2010
LONDON - Druids have been worshipping the sun and earth for thousands of years in Europe, but now they can say they're practicing an officially recognized religion.
The ancient pagan tradition best known for gatherings at Stonehenge every summer solstice has been formally classed as a religion under charity law for the first time in Britain, the national charity regulator said Saturday. That means Druids can receive exemptions from taxes on donations - and now have the same status as such mainstream religions as the Church of England.  More at above link.
Friends, this couple desparately needs our prayers because there is a lot more to this royal wedding than most know, and what meeds the eye.

Also check out the history of Druids from Wikipedia.  From its cultic and human sacrifice history, and with the name of Christ invoked during the ceremony, we have a pagan Masonic, emergent church that is returning to darkness  ceremony along with a New Age ceremony mixture, which is everything but Christian.
Take heed that no man deceive you. Matthew 24:4
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6
Related Story: Witchcraft Event At Church Of England

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spain Rocked By Deadly 5.3 Magnitude Earthquake, Killing At Least Seven

A very eerie event happened today. Spain was rocked by a deadly 5.3 magnitude earthquake, killing at least seven people. The quake is being described as the most destructive to strike the area in over 50 years. The thing that makes it so eerie is that just a little over a month ago on April 8, 2011, a freak sudden sandstorm struck in Germany reducing visibility to zero in a matter of seconds, causing the worse traffic accident the area has ever seen, killing at least 8 people and injuring at least 60.

It just so happens that the day before, on April 7, 2011, PM Netanyahu was visiting in Berlin, Germany with German Chancellor Angela Merkel who stressed her support for a two-state solution in resolving the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

As I wrote in my blog on April 8, 2011, PM Netanyahu told visiting Chilean President Setastian Pinera in March of this year that
"There is an earthquake and a sandstorm seizing the entire area from Afghanistan to Gibralter."
It seems that now that the dust has settled from the freak German sandstorm, the earthquake has now struck within the broad definition that Netanyahu has described.

According to Wikipedia, Gibralter is a penisula and has it's norther border with Spain.

As I said, I know that PM Netanyahu isn't a prophet, but two out of two isn't bad.

I doubt that the Europeans or the muslims of Afghanistan will get the message, or connect the dots,  though, that those nations who insist upon dividing God's Holy City of Jerusalem will be cut in pieces. Zechariah 12:3.  But those who visit here, I am sure, will.

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Witchcraft Event At Church of England

What a blessing it is to see faithful watchmen in England, which has been taken over by apostacy and witchcraft show up to oppose the recent New Age 'Spirit of Life' and Witchcraft Event May 2, 2011 at the Church of England. This 14 minute video gives one a glimpse of just how far away from the Gospel of Christ the Church of England has travelled. People going into 'church' are being deceived by a grand deception that has been sweeping the UK for over 50 years.

The UK is being destroyed from within because false religions such as Islam, New Age Spirituality and the unbiblical Roman Catholic Ecumenism have taken over.

BLESSED is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

The ungodly are not so; but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. Psalm 1:1-5

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Monday, May 09, 2011

Obama: U. S. Intelligence Not Sure Osama Bin Laden In Compound

I have lost track of the number of times the make believe Osama Bin Laden story has changed. Although in the video below you can hear Obama cast doubt on the entire staged Bin Laden raid, in the latest stunt from the irresponsible, incompetent, corrupt politicians running America, you can hear Obama at about the 10:20 mark tell 60 Minutes Steve Kroft Sunday night that U. S. intelligence is not even sure Osama Bin Laden was in the compound raided.... further saying that the occupant could actually have been a "prince from Dubai."

All this deception and hype in the news about Osama Bin Laden does serve a good purpose, though... It takes all the focus and attention off Obama's second fake birth certificate that he was forced to present by Donald Trump.

One thing we can be sure of is evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived in these very last days. II Timothy 3:13

Related Story: Osama Bin Laden Dead
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Sunday, May 08, 2011

Kyle Petty Annual Charity Ride Rolls Through Corning

Kyle Petty

Kyle Petty, the famous NASCAR driver and announcer was in my hometown, Corning NY,  today, along with about close to 175 other bikers making their way down the east coast in the annual Kyle Petty Charity Ride Across America that kicked off yesterday.  Kyle Petty is leading the pack of bikers down the East Coast to a destination of Amelia Island, Florida. This makes the charity ride by motorcycle  a total of about 2,500 miles from the beginning to end.

As I strolled up Market Street to take a look at what was going on and wondered what the attraction was, I spotted the Radisson Inn parking lot jammed packed with motorcycles as I watched the bikers leaving the inn, getting ready to head out, and it was then  I discovered what the big occasion was.  The woman standing next to me was all excited, telling me she got a picture of Kyle Petty.  Not being a NASCAR racing fan, I matter of factly said to her "I don't know who Kyle Petty is, but I know Jesus Christ".  She just looked at me in a strange sort of way.

I found out that Kyle Petty started the annual   charity cause back in 1993 which kicked off this year  at Lake Placid, NY on May 7, 2011, to raise funds  for chronically ill children in honor of his late son Adam.  Last year's charity ride raised enough money to send 180 children to Victory Junction, a children's charity for chronically ill children  free of charge for five days, which Kyle and his wife started free of charge for  chronically ill children.

There is something very special about Kyle Petty and the bikers that join in the ride with him, who obviously have a passion for helping others.   Minutes before they headed out of the Radisson Inn parking lot on their motorcycles, in single file,  onto their next "pit stop", a prayer was said by some one in the pack of close to 175 bikers,  thanking our heavenly Father for  blessing the day, for the blessings bestowed upon us, and for a safe journey, in Jesus name, to the listening crowd whose hearts are  known only to God  standing there to see them off.  Now that's my kind of a person.  And what a great charity helping chronically sick kids. 

I can't help but think that this must put a smile of our Lord's face, who has a special place in his heart for the children.  Mark 10:14

Kyle Petty Annual Charity Ride Rolls Down Market Street, Corning, NY

Kyle Petty-Corning, NY May 7, 2011

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Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Rejoicing Over The Enemy's Demise

Rejoicing Over The Enemy's Demise

It really saddens me when I see and read about the multitudes of Americans, rejoicing over the enemy's demise of the elusive terrorist Osama Bin Laden, even though there is no evidence of this.

But what really bothers me the most, and the real question and concern we need to ask ourselves, before we stoop to the low level of Middle East muslims who celebrate the demise and deaths of innocent Americans and Jews by passing out candy, as was done with the slaughter of the Fogel Family, is to ask ourselves how does the Lord see this? Is He not willing that any should perish? 2 Peter 3:9. What makes us any different than the enemy who murdered over 3,000 people on September 11, 2001 and then held celebrations around the world when hearing of the news, as innocent people were  jumping from sky scrapers to avoid being burned alive, met their deaths?

The enemy must be having a good laugh.

In typical muslim fashion, Obama said, in the exploitation of Bin Laden's "alleged" death; I say "alleged death" because there is no body,  for political gain, "His demise (death) should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity." (Incidently, the latest count for Osama Bin Laden being pronounced deaded is  now  nine times).

The Bible tells us that you who love the Lord  to hate evil in Psalm 97:10, but there is a stern warning from God to not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when your enemy stumbles, lest the Lord see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him. Proverbs 24:17-18.

We need to remember that there is a very fine line in rejoincing when the enemy falls because it is the Lord himself who executes revenge, and then gloating over that vengence by celebrating in the streets and throwing it in the enemy's face.

Certainly we need to be glad and happy whenever good triumphs over evil, but we should not be rejoicing when the enemy falls, and especially when there is no proof of it and especially knowing that the enemy believes in a false god.

Americans Celebrating Osama Bin Laden's Demise

I remember all too well when Islamic nations were celebrating in the streets after the 9-11 tragedy and it made me sick. Cheering and dancing over killing somebody is just plain wrong from a Christian viewpoint. Have Americans learned nothing from this tragedy?

Related Story: Osama Bin Laden Dead

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Monday, May 02, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Dead

Bin Laden in 1998 (top) and, allegedly, in 2002: Skeptics have pointed to a thicker nose and the ring on his right hand (bottom) as proof it is an imposter. Mail Online Story photos

The bogey-man, Osama Bin Laden is now dead, the Obama Administration and left media is now reporting. Call me skeptic if you want… but don‘t get me wrong, I believe the bogey-man Bin Laden is dead, but I also believe Bin Laden has been dead for a long time, and Obama had nothing to do with the kill.

No one stands to gain more than Obama at a time when the American election is right around the corner and the polls show Obama to be at an all time low for job performance and popularity among the American people, and Obama has been forced to release his birth certificate, (which is way overdue ) which raises more questions than answers as to Obama’s eligibility to be President under the American Constitution “natural born citizen” requirements.

 Obama, who is taking credit (in muslim fashion) for the Bin Laden kill, stands to gain the most from this calculated, timely world-wide announcement  at a time when Obama needs it the most.

There is for sure one thing, and one thing only the public can believe and count on  from the Obama Administration and that one thing is its deception. Remember, the first thing Jesus warned his disciples of that would signify His soon  return was near was deception. Matthew 24:4.

The sensational reports of Osama Bin Laden, the notorious, terrorist who has reportedly managed to escape capture from the allied troops for years has now been killed is just too much for me to swallow.

The same left media is now reporting that the elusive terrorist has been shot in the head, by the United States elite Navy Seals in a raid in a Pakistan government military compound, identified by the CIA, hiding in plain sight, is just too outrageous. Especially when they say Bin Laden’s body was quickly buried at sea, hiding the evidence in typical Obama fashion and  according to ‘muslim tradition’

 Since when is buried at sea a ‘muslim tradition?’ As with everything else Obama has pulled off, “in secret,” this just smells too fishy to me. Another glitch to the truthfulness of this entire story which I just discovered answers my question "Since when is buried at sea a 'muslim tradition?'  Answer: It isn't, according to an expert in Islamic law:

Dumping Osama Bin Laden's body in a watery grave is not the typical way most Muslims are buried, but it's in accordance with Islamic law, an expert said Monday. More
Finally, even if the story had any credence at all to it, it will only add more fuel to the fire from Islamic extremists against America, American interests, and American citizens all around the world, endangering all.  Which tells me even more about the man living in the White House.

Related Story: Obama: U. S. Intelligence Not Sure Osama Bin Laden In Compound
Related Story: Rejoicing Over the Enemy's Demise

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Sunday, May 01, 2011

Beautification of Pope John Paul II

The beautification ceremony of of Pope John Paul II at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney on May 1. Photo: Dean Sewell 

The world’s news media has been extremely busy this week, first with covering the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate of Britain and  another fake birth certificate issued by Obama and friends, and now the Beautification of Pope John Paul  II, who has been dead since April 2, 2005, but now, the Roman Catholic Church, in all of its paganism, has had Pope John Paul II’s coffin exhumed for what the Roman Catholic Church calls ‘Beautification’.

I looked up 'Beautification' on Wikipedia, and the definition given is
Beatification (from Latin beatus, blessed, via Greek μακάριος, makarios and Latin facere, make) is a recognition accorded by the Catholic Church of a dead person's entrance into Heaven and capacity to intercede on behalf of individuals who pray in his or her name (intercession of saints). Beatification is the third of the four steps in the canonization process. A person who is beatified is given the title "Blessed"
The Roman Catholic Church has no authority to formally accord anyone's entrance into heaven.  Hebrews 9:27.  Only Jesus Christ has authority to judge the soul of the dead and determine its eternal destiny.  II Timothy 4:1. That, my friends, is why it is absolutely imperative that you repent of your sins and trust the Lord Jesus Christ for your eternal salvation. No church or pope, living or dead,  can save you.  You must believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ and His atonement for the sins of humanity with His blood, and His Resurrection from the dead.

Cardinals kiss the casket of late Pope John Paul II at the Altar of the Confession inside St. Peter's Basilica

As millions of followers in the catholic cult around the world who have been deceived by satan and his minions and earthly agents of the Roman Catholic Church focus on this pagan, ritualistic ceremony, we who follow God’s Word, the Bible, have the assurance from God Himself and  know that all who have died in Christ are saints and blessed  already according to  Revelation 14:12-13, Matthew 27:52-53, Jude 1:14-15, Romans 8:27 and many, many more Scripture promises.

 And we also know that God’s Word tells us that there is only one mediator  between God and man who brings salvation to the lost- the man Jesus Christ, I Timothy 2:3-5 (not a dead pope). In James 5:16, we are told that we, as living human beings,  can pray for one another. The Apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 3:8-13 that through Christ, we can approach God in freedom and confidence. Likewise, Paul writes in  Romans 8:26 and  tells us it is the Holy Spirit's job to intercede to for us. In John 14:13, Jesus specifically instructs His followers to pray in His name only.  There is a reason for this.  Number one, praying to anyone but Jesus  is idolatry. "And here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." Revelation 14:12-13.  What is the first commandment of God? Exodus 20:3.  Number two, Christ himself never prayed to anyone but the Father.  Number three,  praying to a dead pope is a pagan  ritual that God has declared an abominatioin before his eyes.  Deuteronomy 18:10-12
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
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