Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Biblical Sodom Found by Alburquerque Archeologist?

At a time whem radical homosexuals are demanding homosexual marriage in the United States of America, and the entire world is becoming more accepting to the sin of homosexuality, a sin that God calls an abomination in the Bible, an Albuquerque archeologist thinks he has found the lost city of Biblical Sodom, and his team have returned with artifacts from a dig site near the Dead Sea which they believe reveals the lost city of Sodom.

  • "The prescribed profile from Bible is that we would have a Middle Bronze Age city that was destroyed and not reoccupied for some time," Collins said. "That's exactly what we've got
    According to the writings in the Bible the holy cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were so filled with sinners "the Lord rained down burning sulfur" on them.
    Collins and his team have brought in two scholars who they hope will help them determine if these pieces really are from the lost city of Sodom.
    A leading Jordanian scholar is lending his expertise as is Dr. Bob Mullins from Azusa Pacific University in California.
    "It's the location, based on the biblical text, where Sodom and Gomorrah should be," Mullins said. "I do agree with Steve on that. Full story here

    Tag: Sodom and Gomorrah

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