Communicating today's news through biblical lenses,
Files From Toni is very grateful for your interest and for visiting this website. We endeavor to put together a variety of topics in the headline news today that line up with prophetic happenings that the Word of God tells us about. Be sure and check the right side bar for more hot topics and popular articles. Thank you for making this site the very successful site it has become. Blessings to all who visit here.
Last weekend, Robert Spencer, who diligently keeps us informed of muslim atrocities around the world, from Jihad Watch, participated in a conference on the plight of Christians under Islam sponsored by CAMERA held at the Sheraton hotel in Framingham, Massachusetts. Titled "The Persecuted Church: Christian Believers in Peril in the Middle East."
Raymond Ibrahim, author of The Al Qaeda Reader, discussed his research on Islamic primary sources and the emergence of the same patterns of behavior among Muslims who forcibly have demanded that non-Muslims submit to Islam for the past 1,400 years. He said the same acts, the same accusations, the same flattery, and, eventually, the same violence that modern day Muslims have carried out against non-Muslims is documented by Muslim clerics through history. Ibrahim pointed out that Muslim attacks against churches all over the world are not an aberration. He cited a Koranic verse that instructs Muslims to “fight the people of the book” [Christians and Jews] until they pay jizya and feel themselves subdued.
Ibrahim argued that the word "until" reveals that such a verse is prescriptive and perpetual in meaning. He also cited the eighth century Pact of Umar and its provisions that prohibited Christians from building churches. He introduced the term “Islamicate” to describe a prevailing cultural attitude among Muslims that non-Muslims are beneath Muslims, which has seeped into the collective conscience of devout and non-practicing Muslims alike.
Ibrahim argued that the media are all too willing to undermine the realities of the Islamic faith, utilizing code terms such as “sectarian strife” to describe atrocities committed by Muslims without having to actually identify the religious affiliation of the perpetrators. He also denounced as “stupidity” the U.S. government’s prohibition against using qualifiers to describe Muslim violence against non-Muslims, which he argued erases a wealth of knowledge and pattern development.. Watch this very informative short video presentation from Raymond Ibrahim, and then go to Jihad Watch to see part 2 and part 3.
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws; and they shall be given unto his hand until a time, and times and the dividing of time. Daniel 7:25
Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse from once respectable Bible translators, such as Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics and Frontiers, these Bible translators have come up with a muslim friendly Bible that dramatically changes the Hebrew God inspired Holy Scriptures, which toss out ’Father and ’The Son’ or leave out or change terms and words that are deemed offensive to muslims.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8
One of the big changes includes the removal of any reference to God as Father, to Jesus, as the Son, or the Son of God.
One example of such a change can be seen in an Arabic version of the Gospel of Matthew produced and promoted by Frontiers and SIL. It changes Matthew 28:19 from this:
‘baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit’
to this:
‘cleanse them by water in the name of Allah, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit.’ More here
It appears that the Bible translators have bought into the big lie.
“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” 1 John 2:18
“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” 1 John 2:22
“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is in the world.” 1 John 4:3
He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God had made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. 1 John 5:10
Muslim religious writings deny the Holy Trinity of God, and teach that God has no Son. Muslim religious writings deny that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, shed his blood for the atonement of sins and rose from the dead on the third day as prophesied. Sura 19:88-89 "The say (Allah) Most gracious has begotton a son!" "Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous!
Surah 4.157- That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.: but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.
Without the Son of God, the shedding of Jesus blood on the cross, His death and resurrection, there can be no salvation.
Jesus said “For this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins Matthew 26:28. And, almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. Hebrews 9:22
Through the muslim friendly Bible that deny the Father and the Son, and changes the true name of God from “I AM “and “YHVH”, to a false god, Allah, who is not the Christian God, these Bible translators are leading muslims straight to the path of a false, apostate Christianity that leads to death. How pathetic.
There is a price to pay for changing the divinely transpired Holy Scriptures:
If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Revelation 22:18-19
Justice was served in Canada when the verdict came it. Canada does not have the death penalty. The jurors didn’t see any honor in the honor killing of four innocent family members of this Canadian muslim family. Mohammad Shafia, 58, his second wife Tooba Mohammad Yahya, 42, and their son Hamed, 21, were each found guilty of four counts of first-degree murder after a jury deliberated for 15 hours.
Listen to this excellent commentary - interview with Michael Coren on ‘Honor Killing’ on FOX
“The apparent reason behind these cold-blooded, shameless murders was that the four completely innocent victims offended your twisted notion of honour, a notion of honour that is founded upon the domination and control of women, a sick notion of honour that has absolutely no place in any civilized society.” Read about this heinous crime here.
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And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred and threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18
A former member of an Islamic extremist group in Uganda who converted to Christianity after claiming to see visions of Jesus Joel 2:28, is hiding in Kenya, his movements severely restricted following threats to kill him.
Hassan Sharif Lubenga, 54, was a sheikh and said to be member of Buk Haram, a violent group of Islamists whose name suggests the Bible is corrupt and therefore forbidden (not to be confused with the more well-known Boko Haram extremist group). Originally from Chengera, seven kilometers from Kampala, the husband to four wives began his conversion process four years ago; in June 2011, he said, after various dreams and visions in which Jesus appeared to him, he made a full commitment to follow Christ. Read the full story here.
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:2-3
What a heartbreaking, and heartwarming story at the same time.. Ugandan Pastor Attacked By Muslims Heals In Israel !!
Mulinde explained that as a Muslim, he and his friends were taught to hate Israel and the Jews, even though they could not find Israel on a map. Even as a young Christian convert, he was hesitant about loving Israel. But as he studied the Bible, he read much about the wonderful God of Israel.
You won’t hear about this in the anti-Christian, anti Israel propaganda media, so I thought I would place it here. A convert from Islam, and winning muslim souls for Christ, and teaching love for Israel, the Ugandan pastor was brutally attacked by a muslim(s) when the muslim through acid in his face, shouting “Allahu akbar!” (Allah is greater!), and is now healing in Israel. The pastor was taken to Israel and is being treated by top notch physcians at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv, Israel. Read this wonderful story here.
The Islamic religius writings teach muslims not to take Christians and Jews for their friends:
Surah 5:51- O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongs you that turns to them is one of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.
It should be obvious to all muslims and the falling away in the Christian Church that Allah, and the God of Israel, whose name is YHVH, I AM, and Yeshua are not the same because Israel's God is a God of peace and love, not hate and war. Israel's God and the Christian God does not teach hate.
By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another. John 13:35
Six hundred and three score and six Revelation 13:18
With each passing day, I am becoming more and more aware of the idea that the mark of the beast we read about in Revelation 13: 16-18 is being exposed to us right before our very eyes. I am not alone in this thinking, but am among the growing list of those who believe this. Recently, the Lord has been drawing me to the idea that the mark of the beast, or 666, is not only a figurative description, but even a spiritual connotation with a set of attributes that give meaning to the passage from Revelation 13:16-18 to determine what the scripture may be applied to; thus giving it a spiritual meaning. I could say it is becoming so obvious, that one may not see it unless it has been pointed out.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred and threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18.
Notice that in the above scripture there are 3 distinct nouns mentioned, all different from each other: mark, name or number. It is very plausible that John, when writing the above passage, wrote down what he saw, six hundred years before Islam ever came into being. And what John saw may not be what many Christians have interpreted to be a "literal" number, six hundred and sixty-six, and may not be a number at all, but rather symbols and characters for a man’s name, or the name of the beast, or a (kingdom) it represents.
Strongs intepretation for the word “beast” is a wild animal.
From Daniel’s dream in Daniel 7:3-6, Daniel describes three kingdoms which he saw, figuratively, as a lion, a bear and a leopard. Further on, in Daniel 7:23, Daniel writes that the fourth “beast”shall be the fourth “kingdom”. So we can conclude that the word “beast” denotes a “kingdom.” Further, there is no dispute among those biblical historians who have studied these three beasts or kingdoms who they represent, with the leopard being the ancient Greek empire or kingdom, which includes modern day Syria, the lion being ancient Babylon,which today includes modern day Iraq, and the bear the Medo-Persia beast (kingdom,) which includes modern day Iran. The fourth beast (kingdom) in Daniel 7:7 is described as being dreadful and terrible and is known to be the ancient Roman Empire.
From Revelation 13:2, John writes “And the "beast" which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. In this scripture, John mentions "beast" in the singular form, which includes parts of all the other three "beasts." All of the above ancient empires, or beasts, today are all Islamic kingdoms and the ancient enemies of Israel. John further writes that the dragon, which we know is satan, gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. From these scriptures, it’s not too difficult today to see the mark of the beast and what it represents today.
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
The muslim army suffered a deadly wound in its attempts to conquer Europe at the Battle of Tours in 732.
The first jihad of muslim conquest and atrocities ended at the Battle of Tours, causing a literal head wound when the leader of the muslim army, Emir Abd er Raham, was killed. With no leader, the muslim army was forced to turn around. Had Rahman prevailed at the Battle of Tours, he would probably have conquered and taken all of Christian Europe at the time, but his death saved Europe from the muslim conquest and islamization, which undoubtedly would have changed the course of history.
But, as history has proven the Islamic head wound has been healed, only to carry out jihad somewhere else and or to return to a former location where Islam was defeated to try again.
And they worshipped the dragon (satan) which gave power unto the beast: (Islamic kingdom). And they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? Revelation 13: 3-4
We know from scripture that the dragon is satan, from which the beast (kingdom) gets his power. Revelation 20:2
We read daily that all across Islamic or muslim countries how Christians are severely persecuted, tortured, imprisoned and beheaded for denouncing Islam and its prophet and converting to Christianity. And even in Europe and America, Christians are being discriminated against more and more. Non muslim people in predominantly muslim countries in the Middle East and Asia are not free to buy or sell without proclaiming to be muslim because they cannot get employment due to the fact they are persecuted and discriminated against, live underground or on the run. In fact, in Egypt, beginning in 1990, all citizens are required to carry a national ID card identifying oneself as Muslim, Christian, Jewish, etc. This is true not only in Egypt, but also Iran and other muslim countries.
As I was reading an article from WND, Iran Preparing Now For Armageddon, my attention was focused upon a statement where in a book "A Time To Betray," it is documented when Khomeini announced the campaign, he said,
“If the person at any stage or at any time maintains his (or her) support for the opposing groups, the sentence is execution. "Annihilate the enemies of Islam immediately."
The list of actions by Khamenei includes investigation of private business owners.
If records show that at any time in the past they have not supported the Islamic regime, their businesses and belongings could be confiscated. Please refer to the WND link to read the article. Here we have again where an Islamic religious regime tyrant is calling for the annihilation of the enemies of Islam and or the confiscation of the belongings of private business owners if the Islamic regime is not supported.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast (kingdom),or the number of his name
Today, in Egypt, a Middle East journalist has reported that Christian minors are being kidnapped by Islamics and the court ordered the minor to be held in a state run home to be indoctrinated back into Islam until the minor reaches age 18.
From Behold The Beast, Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist, now Christian evangelist, said that when he saw the Greek symbol that is translated in the Bible as 666, he immediately read it as the Arabic character “Bismillah”. (Some spell Bismilla) which means “in the name of Allah.” )Though it looks more like the character for “Allah”)
I put up “Mark Of The Beast Interpreted By Walid Shoebat Video” in February 2009. For the purposes of this writing, I am including it below and I urge all to watch this seven minute interpretation.
Here is another excellent illustration that demonstrates the mark of the beast!
Islam denies that Jesus, the Son of God shed his blood, was crucified for the sins of humanity and was resurrected on the third day by God the Father. Further, the writings of Islam denies that God has a Son.
Sura 19:88-89 "The say (Allah) Most gracious has begotton a son!" "Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous!
Surah 4.157- That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.: but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.
Jesus said “For this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins Matthew 26:28. And, almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. Hebrews 9:22
And lo a voice from heaven saying, “this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22, 2 Peter 1:17.
In the Revelation of John, Revelation 14:1, John writes: “And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand having his Father’s name written in their foreheads”.
And, in Revelation 22:3-4 “And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.”
Knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ has all of his people sealed with the Holy Spirit, and marked with Christ‘s name written on their foreheads, which is a "spiritual mark", that is, he knows who belongs to Him and who doesn’t, it is very reasonable to say that those who worship the beast are also marked and follow the religion of the founder of Islam, and their foreheads are marked with the name of Allah, a "spiritual mark", which is not the name of or same as the Christian God.
The name of the Christian God in the Hebrew Scriptures is from Exodus 3:14 I AM, and YHVH - the special name of God was combined with "The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations." See Exodus 3:15-16.
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. Revelation 13:6.
The muslim Dome of the Rock was built in 688 AD, (AD means the number of years since the time of Christ) 300 feet from the actual Temple Mount site in Jerusalem, Israel where King Solomon's Temple to God was built. It was built over a solid rock formation named "as-Sakhra". According to muslim tradition, this is the rock that supposedly Muhammad ascended into heaven, and sets in the center of the Court of the Gentiles. Ezekiel 42:20. Contrary to what Christians have been taught to believe, the Dome of the Rock is the Abomination of Desolation that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:15. See also Daniel 12:11, Revelation 11:2.
"Then Solomon built the house of the Lord at Jerusalem in Mount Moriah. It was on the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite, the place provided by David, his father."- 2 Chronicles 3:1
Solomon's Temple to God on Mount Moriah was built over three thousand years ago in 966 BC,( or the number of years Before Christ) long before Islam was founded by its prophet Muhammad. During the centuries the muslims controlled 'Palestine', two muslim mosques were built on the Jewish Temple site to prevent the Jews from rebuilding a Temple to God. Doing so would cause an international jihad by muslims against Israel.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred and threescore and six
Another very significant aspect to consider is the word “number” in the passage of Revelation 13:18.
In the Greek, from Thayers Greek Lexicon the word number is defined as a “multitude” or indefinite number. Insert the word “multitude” where the word number is and you have the multitude or indefinite number of the (followers of ) Allah. This could, perhaps, also be any false god as in any false religion that has compromised the Gospel of Christ that is taking place in the ecumenical movement today that combines Christianity with Islam.
As I pointed out earlier, in Middle East and Asian muslim countries, you cannot buy or sell except for the mark of Islam. Sharia law is rapidly being pushed through in many countries around the world. Libya and Egypt being the most recent. How long before it will come to America is anyone’s guess with the corrupt lawmakers running the American government. If you want to buy, or sell, you will have to prove who you belong to, Christ or Allah. You will have to prove you are a muslim first, and if not convert.
Who do you belong to? Christians all over America and in western countries must boldly proclaim the Gospel of Christ, while there is still time because from all appearances, time is swiftly running out. We must reach as many people as we possibly can. Pray for the good people and our brothers and sisters in the Middle East caught up in the torture and persecution in muslim countries. And pray that muslims all over the Middle East will continue to embrace the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
After quoting from the hadith, the muslim religious writings, a well known verse against the Jews at a political gathering of supporters of 'palestinian' president Mahmoud Abbas, the 'palestinian's' top muslim cleric, Mufti Mohammed Hussein is now trying to say his comments were taken out of context, saying he was speaking about "the final signs of the day of resurrection". Story here
Inciting hatred against the Jewish people in East Jerusalem January 7, 2012, it appears quite clear what the antisemitic Mufti cleric said and meant. Here is what he said:
"The hour of resurrection will not come until you fight the Jews," Hussein told the gathering, citing a hadith, or saying attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. "The Jews will hide behind stones and trees. But the trees and the stones will call: oh Muslim, oh servant of God, there is aJew hiding behind me so come and kill him."
The only possible context to take these genocidal statements against the Jews are two-fold, and the internaational leadership and media should jump on these hateful statements against the Jews and condemn them, not attempt to justify them (as in the linked to article) by a muslim cleric, yet the media and international community's silence is deafening, making them an accomplice to these criminal statements.
He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God, hath not life. 1 John 5:1
Either the Mufti is saying that the killing of the Jews by muslims will occur sometime in the future and it is only a sign of the end times or the resurrection to muslims; and because the Mufti didn't condemn the killing of Jews, it is ok to kill Jews now and in the future because it is a sign of the resurrection which comes at the end of days.
May our Lord and Saviour, God's only begotton Son, who died for the sins of all humanity, take the blinders off the Mufti's eyes while there is still time.
The Netanyahu government of Israel has ordered an investigation.
Many of us can relate to the fella in the video “Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus." It is so heartwarming to learn that some people, maybe more than we realize, are coming to know the difference between a relationship with Jesus and religion. It is my prayer today that this video will touch the hearts of those who need to be touched, and those that need to hear this message. It’s not about the established church and religion, my friends, it’s about the love, grace and mercy God has for you, and your relationship with Jesus, God's Son.
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Birds dropping dead all over the world, mass fish die offs all over the world, and now strange noises and sounds are being heard world wide. What’s that strange rumbling and vibration sound being heard in nations world wide? According to the following video from dutchsinse, the strange rumbling and vibrations occurred during the second week of January, 2012. God’s prophet Jeremiah, known as "the prophet of doom", gives us a warning in Jeremiah 25:30-32:
In a stunning announcement today from DebkaFile, it was reported that the biggest joint war games drill scheduled for the spring in the Persian Gulf with Israel and America were called off by PM Netanyahu, and not Obama.
Debkafile's sources disclose exclusively that, contrary to recent reports published in Washington, Jerusalem - and this site too - it was Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, not the Obama administration, who decided to call off the biggest ever joint US-Israeli military exercise Austere Challenge 12 scheduled for April 2012.
The reasons being as disclosed in the article are:
Netanyahu decided on this extreme course after careful consideration when he judged the Obama administration's resolve to preempt a nuclear Iran to be flagging, as indicated by four omissions:
1. Washington has taken no action against Iran's capture of the RQ-170 stealth drone on Dec. 4 more than a month after the event, and not even pressed President Obama's demand of Dec. 12 for the drone's return.
Tehran, for its part, continues to make hay from the event: This week, our Iranian sources report, the Islamic Republic circulated a new computer game called "Down the RQ-170." Players assemble the drone from the components shown on their screens and then launch it for attacks on America.
2. Silence from Washington also greeted the start of 20-percent grade uranium enrichment at the underground Fordo facility near Qom when it was announced Jan. 9. Last November, Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned in two US TV interviews (Nov. 17 and 22) that as soon as the Fordo facility went on stream, Iran would start whisking the rest of its nuclear facilities into underground bunkers, out of reach and sight of US and Israeli surveillance.
Barak made it clear at the time that Israel could not live with this development; therefore, the Netanyahu government believes Israel's credibility is now at stake.
3. Exactly three weeks ago, on Jan. 3 Lt. Gen. Ataollah Salehi, Iran's Army chief, announced that the aircraft carrier USS Stennis and other "enemy ships" would henceforth be barred from entering the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz . Yet since then, no US carrier has put this threat to the test by attempting a crossing. Tehran has been left to crow.
4. Even after approving sanctions on Iran's central bank and energy industry, the White House announced they would be introduced in stages in the course of the year. According to Israeli's calculus, another six months free of stiff penalties will give Iran respite for bringing its nuclear weapon program to a dangerous and irreversible level.
I stumbled upon this amazing teaching video wherein the commentator from Israel In Bible Prophecy explained the meaning of Daniel 12:7 that I doubt many Bible believing Christians have heard before so I thought I would share it with all of my viewers.
After watching this short video, I am sure you will come to the same conclusion that I have considering what is going on in the Middle East today as it concerns Israel in Bible prophecy, we are much farther into the end times than most realize. After listening to the commentator, I am convinced that the times of the Gentiles that Jesus spoke about in Luke 21:24 has been fulfilled in 1967 when the Jewish people took back God's Holy City of Jerusalem during the Six Day War. Enjoy!
And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth forever that it whall be for a time, times, and an half, and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, (the Jews) all these things shall be accomplished.
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Could the reason for the Obama Administration opting out of the biggest American-Israeli war game drills in the Persian Gulf that I reported about here be because the Israelis may be planning a unilateral strike on Iran, one that is imminent without the U. S. involvement?
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8 It’s now out in the open that the Obama Administration has opted out of the biggest joint American-Israeli war games drill that was scheduled to be held in the Persian Gulf this spring. This latest appeasement by the Obama Administration must have the Iranian mullahs laughing because this is clearly another slap in the face by Obama to PM Netanyahu of Israel and his government and the State of Israel, which the Iranians have threatened to wipe off the map. More at above link.
The newest rift between Obama and PM Netanyahu began over a bombing attack in Iran which killed another Iranian nuclear scientist January 11 when Netanyahu received an angry phone call from Obama ….. Read more here
But my friends, this is yet another clear sign that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. Israel will be forced to defend itself in these last days without the help of the Americans and the globalist governments around the world as Israel becomes more isolated; and will have to look to the God of Israel to help them as He did in all of their previous wars with Israel’s surrounding arab enemies, which is all a part of God’s grand scheme to save His beloved Israel, His future earthly home where He will rule and reign from.
The scientists and media haven't a clue as to why dead fish keep washing up on shorelines in America and around the world.... the latest being scores of dead fish of all varieties washing ashore on the Bahama shoreline. One commentator in the video suggests the fish showed signs of a toxic or poison substance by the way the fish were acting.
Prolific singer and song writer Barry McGuire is one of the "Jesus People" who came out of the 60's protest movement and embraced Christ. I was quite young at the time, but I remember hearing Barry McGuire's song "Eve Of Destruction" from 1965, but couldn't really relate to the prophetic song and what was happening at the time. Perhaps Barry McGuire is one of those folks that was way ahead of his time. Much of what Barry seems to be so frustrated over and sings about was taking place at the time in the Sixty's Protest Movement, but we can all relate to what Barry was telling us in his song back then, now.
This Kuwaiti prince announced, "First of all, I totally agree with the distribution of this audio file and I now declare that if they kill me because of this audio file, then I'll go into the presence of Jesus Christ and be with him for all eternity."
Iranian Christian News Agency Mohabat News– Al-haqiqa, a Christian Arabic satellite T.V., which broadcasts Christian programs, played an audio file which it attributed to a Kuwaiti prince called "Abdollah Al-sabah".
The T.V. channel claimed that Prince Abdollah Al-sabah comes from a Kuwaiti royal family which currently governs the country. The channel also said that the prince recently denounced his Islamic faith and became a Christian.
The voice in the audio file introduced himself as Abdollah Al-sabah and stated, "First of all, I totally agree with the distribution of this audio file and I now declare that if they kill me because of this audio file, then I'll go into the presence of Jesus Christ and be with him for all eternity."
"I'm satisfied with whatever they do to me, because the truth in the Bible has guided me to the right way. Read more from above link.
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The sport’s and America’s atheist mocking media has had fun belittling Tim Tebow and his Christian God, Jesus Christ these days.
An estimated forty five million viewers, Bible believing Christians and non believers all over America watched in awe Sunday as the humble Tim Tebow, dubbed God’s quarterback, confounded his mass audience and sport’s announcers as he stunned the Pittsburgh Steelers with his electrifying overtime victory when Tebow passed to Demaryius Thomas at midfield which led to an 80 yard touchdown giving the grand victory to the Denver Broncos, 29-23, making the game the fastest overtime win in NFL history.
After tallying up the game’s statistics, Tim Tebow’s college football days scripture, John 3:16 came into play again, which Tebow often wore under his eyes, a practice that was looked down upon by some commentators. As a result, the NCAA rules panel voted to disallow this practice by Tebow. Nevertheless, Google had millions of hits for John 3:16 after the game, giving the Lord the victory, and I might add, the last laugh at his foolish worldly wise people.
But that’s not all. It just so happened at Sunday’s game that Tim Tebow had a total of 316 passing yards and averaged 31.6 yards per pass. Defying all odds, the final quarter hour TV rating for Sunday’s game was 31.6.
True to His Word, its amazing how God will use a humble servant, Tim Tebow, who has given his life to Jesus Christ, and football, an object of idolatry in America, and a foolish thing in His eyes, to confound his foolish worldly wise people to bring glory to Him.
God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 1 Corinthians 1:27
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Iranian Navy boats take part in maneuvers during the "Velayat-90" navy exercises in the Strait of Hormuz in southern Iran, Jan. 3, 2012, at the end day of ten-day war games. (Getty)
What started out as a war drill by the Iranians a few days ago in the Persian Gulf to practice its ability to close the Persian Gulf to shipping at the Strait Of Hormuz and the Iranians warning the United States to stay out of the Persian Gulf looks to be escalating over the strategic water ways for oil transit, and sounds like a confrontation is brewing between Iran, the United States, Israel and who ever else decides to join in.
While the globalist controlled media in America is preoccupied with the 2012 election rhetoric and is not saying much about the build up of foreign ships in the Persian Gulf, and American troops deployed to Israel, you only have to read the handwriting on the wall to see something is about to blow. What we don’t know is when. This being an election year in America, what better opportunity than for Obama, who is a very unpopular President, to start a war in the Gulf to keep himself in office. It's being reported that even a short closure of the Strait of Hormuz, which Iran has the ability to do, will cause oil prices to skyrocket and could send the world economy in another tailspin. This of course, would facilitate the globalist's plans to push forth even further their dominance for a world government, of which the American Administration is a part of.
If you can believe the American globalist controlled media….
Also, today it was announced from The Telegraph out of the UK that The Royal Navy's most formidable warship is being sent to the Gulf for its first mission as tensions rise in the strategically vital region. The ship is expected to arrive in the Gulf later this monthb. The £1 billion destroyer carries the world's most sophisticated naval radar, capable of tracking multiple incoming threats from missiles to fighter jets Photo: PA
DebkaFile is reporting that the first of 9,000 American troops have arrived in Israel.not just for the joint Austere Challenge 12 exercise but for a longer stay. This also was reported in
The Financial Times reported today that Iran, Israel and the United States plan “Gulf exercises.”
Something tells me that more than a war drill is going on. Is the Aircraft carrier USS Stennis about to enter the Persian Gulf again after the Iranians warned the United States to stay out of the Persian Gulf to test and provoke the Iranians?
We can only pray now that the Lord will bring down the evil Iranian regime if war is about to take place, and it certainly does look like it. Pray for all the people in the Middle East that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will go forth as a result and the masses will come to salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Here's another great find on "The Truth About "The Rapture" that's on video that puts the Scripture in context. Be forewarned, this is Biblical teaching and not man's false teachings for a pre-tribulation rapture. Also, another great video "The Book Of Revelatin Is Happening Now" follows.
We have in today’s news a story where a California Catholic bishop has voluntarily resigned, and turned his resignation into the pope of Rome because he has fathered two children, making him unfit for office. Since its beginning centuries ago, when it sabotaged Biblical Christianity, Roman Catholicism has been brainwashing untold masses of people around the world and promoting the big lie that Peter was never married and was the head of “the church”, or it's first pope. By the time Emperor Constantine came around at about 313 AD, most of the professing Christians who had endured severe persecution from the Roman government, had already departed from New Testament Biblical Christianity because of this persecution. They were by this time involved in paganism and other rituals. This "pagan Christianity," under Constantine, become the official religion of the Roman Empire and ushered in the dark ages and Europe was ruled by satanic forces through popes and priests, and true Biblical Christianity was outlawed.
Because of these two lies, the popes and Roman Catholicism has ruined millions upon millions of lives by not allowing priests to marry because of Roman catholic law that says priests must remain celibate. I am here to tell every catholic that visits this site, especially my friends from Europe, that the Roman catholic organization that portrays itself as a church is a fraud and has no authority to dictate such an unbiblical law that forbids a priest to marry and have children when it is a God -given gift and blessing according to the sacred Scriptures; furthermore, Peter indeed was married and had a wife. Matthew 8:14 clearly confirms this:
And when Jesus come into Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother laid, and sick of a fever.
The Apostle Paul addressed this very issue when writing to the Corinthian Church in 1 Corinthians 7:2
"to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife."
Moreover, Peter is not the head of “the church” as Roman Catholicism promotes. Peter was mere human, a sinner like you and me who needed a saviour. To think Peter could save himself as the Roman Catholic Organization has been promoting is pure rubbish. Jesus Christ is the Rock (Greek-Petra), not Peter, upon which the New Testament church is built. 1 Peter 2:7 clarifies this fact:
Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the cornerstone.
Jesus Christ is the cornerstone upon which all of Christianity is built. It is pure blasphemy to teach and promote otherwise. The name “Peter” in Greek is “petros”, meaning a "small stone or small rock." In Matthew 16:18, Jesus is the “rock” upon which His church is built, meaning a "large rock or “Petra”. In Matthew 16:18, it is plain to see that Jesus clearly was not speaking of Peter who is the smaller stone or a small piece of a rock.
Catholicism is not biblical Christianity- It goes against everything the Hebrew Scriptures teach. Jesus Christ was a practicing Jew who taught from the Old Testament prophets of God, and fulfilled the law. Biblical Christianity was founded by this Jew, and His twelve Jewish apostles, not the Roman Catholic Organization that passes itself off as a "Christian" church. Anyone who has read the Bible that is being honest and objedtive can easily see that the foundation of the Roman church is copied after the pagan mystery religion of ancient Babylon, which Jesus has warned his people to come out of.
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4
It looks as if Obama and his Israel hating globalist associates have accomplished their mission in the Middle East in a short period of time, for the time being. Ultimately, the God of the Jew and Christian will have the final say and the ending does not look too good for the enemies of Israel. Ezekiel 39:4, 2 Chronicles 6:6. Zechariah 8:3
By promoting and encouraging the downfall of former President Mubarak of Egypt, the only leader who kept the radical Muslim Brotherhood in check and keeping the peace between the Arabs and the Jews,Obama and his globalist associates now have a worse enemy of Israel, a united Muslim Brotherhood throughout the Middle East and North Africa announcing through its deputy leader vowing not to recognize Israel under any circumstances and will seek to cancel the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. To us who have been paying attention, this is no surprise.
Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, in like manner, must now take back the Sinai Peninsula which Israel captured in the 1967 Six Day War when Israel wiped out the Egyptian Air Force in just one day after several arab armies threatened to wipe Israel off the map if this is what the MB insists upon if the treaty becomes invalid as the return of the Sinai to Egypt was a part of the peace treaty at that time.
The Brotherhood respects international conventions, but we will take legal action against the peace treaty with the Zionist entity,” he told the paper. More here
The handwriting has been on the wall since the start of the well planned muslim uprisings last year under the facade of democracy, and as I said when these muslim uprisings first started, Israel has always been their target. If the Islamic enemy recognizes Israel, then they are admitting the Hebrew Scriptures are indeed true, which they will never do. Nevertheless, somewhere in Egypt there are those who appreciate and love Israel and fear God, and we must pray for their safety. Not until the Lord returns will there be true peace between Egypt and the Jew. Isaiah 19:19-25
Norway greeted the New Year with a massive fish kill when twenty tons of dead fish washed up on Norway's beaches.
January 2, 2012 – NORWAY – The inhabitants of Troms could hardly believe their eyes on the morning of New Year’s Eve, a very large amount, an estimated 10 to 20 tons of dead herring washed up on the beach, writes Northern Lights. Tromsø city is the ninth largest urban area in Norway by population. The city is warmer than most other places located on the same latitude, due to the warming effect of the Gulf Stream which originates at the tip of Florida. Various theories abound for the incident but no one knows for sure what’s happened in the popular hiking area in Nordreisa municipality. However, various theories have been tossed around, explains Jan-Petter Jorgensen (44), who stumbled upon the mass death in sight on the beach with his dog Molly. People say that something similar happened in the 80′s, and there is speculation among others on the river which flows into the ocean behind a promontory on the site, may have had something to do with it. Maybe the fish have been caught in a deprived oxygen environment, and then died of fresh water? Jorgensen estimates each individual fish to be of 100-150 grams, and that the total might be about up to 20 tons. Now he’s worried about what might happen if no one comes and removing carcasses.
One of my readers sent me this short video and if you haven't seen it, be sure to watch it.
What was predicted three years ago is now here and coming to pass! It is amazing watching the prophetic Hebrew Scriptures come to pass. While we know God is lining up all of the end time prophetic events prophesied to happen just before the Lord returns and to bring salvation to His beloved Israel, (such as the Islamic uprisings- Arab Spring and rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East-Daniel 11:40-43) what was predicted three years ago and known about BHO to some within the Israeli intellegence community is now here and happening before our very eyes.
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In the below video, Representative Louie Gohmert is being interviewed by Ginni Thomas, Judge Clarence Thomas’ wife, of the Daily Caller.
After listening to Louie Gohmert, a former Judge and now a member of the United States House of Representatives from Texas, I can now say that all is not completely lost. There still are some Christian people left in American politics that have a heart for the Lord that God has placed to serve and shine light and be salt in a dying America, even if it is one man, that can and do make a difference in people’s lives.
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The time was last New Year’s Eve, 2010; the place a small town in Arkansas. Fast forward to New Year’s Eve 2011, same time, same place… Beebe, Arkansas… thousands of birds are reportedly going berserk and dropping (dead) from the sky. Even though a USDA representative admits to mass poisoning of birds in the above article from Natural News, with videos, Diane Sawyer is quick to tell us "they don't think the birds were poisoned."
The globalist controlled world media are telling us it’s a mystery, some even think the ancient satanic mayan’s are the cause of birds dropping dead and mass fish die offs all around the world.
But the Bible tells us that satan is the master of deception, and is even called an angel of light in 2 Corinthians 11:14. Jesus said satan is a liar and the father of lies in John 8:44. Satan means adversary; he is God’s enemy and wants to destroy everything that God has created, and is called the prince of this world in John 14:30 and the god of this age in 2 Corinthians 4:4. 1 John 5:19 tells us the whole world lies in wickedness.
Not surprisingly, then, is it that Jesus told us that in the last days before His coming again there would be distress of nations with perplexityy. Luke 21:25.
Perplexity G639ἀπορέωaporeōap-or-eh'-oG1 (as a negative particle) and the base of G4198; to have no way out, that is, be at a loss (mentally): - (stand in) doubt, be perplexed
But, according to an article that was not widely circulated in the globalist world media,which is under the control of the father of lies, that appeared in Natural News January 21, 2011, not all the mysterious bird die-offs that have been witnessed around the globe recently are due to unexplained causes as the globalist world media would have us believe. A recent mass die-off event witnessed in Yankton, South Dakota was traced back to the USDA which admitted to carrying out a mass poisoning of the birds. Learn more from Natural News